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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. what ,time fram are you looking at,how meny days,how meny mls per day,did 9974mls in 4 weeks last year,solo,did over 8000 this yr in 4 weeks,how meny riders,sounds lake a do-able plan
  2. hay redneck,have you tried this in your trucks
  3. don't know,haven't keep up with i,so maybe 40,000,one front tire,third rear tire
  4. it don't work vary good in the bottle,soap and water clean up,maybe 100,000 mls,and no flats
  5. it's taken me over a year to renember,my handle,change it,and i :happy65:would never find myself
  6. hay tom,had a little bout with,the rest room,so i desided to go on home,took 3 or 4 of them to get me home,got home OK,thats the reason i didn't go with you on to dallas
  7. been there,reason i don't ride the ride the right lane,pumping water from the center,section,wide wett spot,big SUV,did same thing to me,if he had slowed down more,will you can make the call,new draws,in order,needed a can of whip a**
  8. hay if you come thru shreveport la,give me a call,will buy you a cup
  9. when the lite comes on,i have,about 50 mils left,at 55 to 60 mph,5.8 gal is the most ever,but i don't do that very often
  10. been there,done that,i use AIG,last 6 yrs,best i could find,besides now am,backing them with my taxes
  11. yes,yes,clean up with soap & water,other than me,has anyone else,found a nail in the tire,when it was changed,the ride-on was about the same as when i put it in,color and consistenetly,i put what ever they recemend in,MUST BALANCE THE TIRE,BEFORE YOU PUT THE RIDE-ON IN,i grevity blance mine,then put the ride-on in don't ask how i know ps when it drys it pretty hard to get off
  12. when i saw you last,you didn't have that smeling face,would ask for pictures now,but will wait till you get a new bike,man i'm sure thankful for all the prayer,that helped,and will contune to send them,keep us poster till we meet again wild hair
  13. looking to buy a colortune,two brands,GUNSON,MORGAN,witch one works the best:confused24:
  14. LOCATION: Houston, TX 2009 KAWASAKI Vulcan 1700 Voyager, Full-dress V-twin flagship with looks and performance! Designed for riders who set their sigh… DEALER: A J Foyt Cycles (866) 579-1725 Email Seller Updated Oct-10-2008 any one going to check this out cycle trader
  15. http://www.venturers.org/Forum/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.gifPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:10 am Post subject: http://www.venturers.org/Forum/templates/subSilver/images/lang_english/icon_quote.gif http://www.venturers.org/Forum/templates/subSilver/images/lang_english/icon_edit.gif http://www.venturers.org/Forum/templates/subSilver/images/icon_delete.gif i've been looking at these pictures for three weeks now,as sume thing,dosen't look right the position,of the driver,dose not look vary comferdent,he looks vary uncomforable,like the bike is not to stable that is kinda the way i ride when i thank sumething,is not right,road condition,deer or dog,ahead,brake lits going on ahead,gravle in the cruve ahead--wife just punched me in the ribbs what do you think,i also am a 4 cyclender old man
  16. 2 cants,is about all i have,after the gov,starting bailing us out
  17. that's:yikes: what i call a rock in the road
  18. had a oil seal leaking,final drive,BF GOODRICH 155-80-15,will put it back on the bike,while it's off will put new wheel bearring in also-
  19. this ct is on a 94 voyager,24500 ml
  20. i order a seal for the final drive from flatout,for the voyager,$12.50 + shipping,when i got the part,and env,the price $7.60,no shipping, 7 days to get the part,i order most all my parts from flatout if they made mistake---thank you flatout if not a mistake---a bigger thank you
  21. low water,will kill a mc battary about as quick as anything,distilled water only,i buy WW bat,can get 3 or 4 ,for the price of one odessy,the life is fair to good,the best i have ever got was about 1 1/2 yrs,maybe 80 to 100000 mls,use a tender,if bike sets for a week or more buy yourself cheep volt-ohm meter,check the voltage,i ckeck mine thru the bat tender leads the voy,will not start,below 11.6 volt,it will turn over,but wont start my ventues wouldn't start,below 12.2 volts,wouldn't even turn over for you guys[girls]for a 12 v outlet rig a outlet to plug in to the bat tender lead,thorw, it in the settle bag ,then you can forget to take with you:rasberry:
  22. are you going to take the tire off the bike,or will he do it on the bike,want to do that to my CT,24000,on it now,it is realy a flat tread now,what about blance
  23. did a couple of hrs vist with bobbie,yesterday at cracker barrel,[had to un load half the bike to find gaorge]but he was there to,every is good to go,couldn't put thE HONEY-DO'S AND ROUND-TO- ITS OFF so i didn't go with them gaorge check PM
  24. balance the tire first,then in with the ride-on,if tire is to far out of balance the ride-on can't balance it,you have to wipe it all out,balance the tire,then put it back i don'r ask me how i know
  25. wish i had time i would ride with you to west tx,stillplan to meet you in s'port,around 1 pm today lowell
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