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Little Bob

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Everything posted by Little Bob

  1. What year Ulta did your brother get? Newer ones have a cat in them. If you look in the mufflers it is a yellowish color. If it is 2004 or less just put them on and go. Good Luck.
  2. FreeBird, I would be interested in one. Let me know.
  3. I have one from the local harley dealer. Works great. Given it for my birthday from my daughter.
  4. Hello Everyone, This is going to be a dumb ?. I just rec`d my K&N Filters and chrome covers. Do the lowers have to come off? Also what holds the chrome piece on? The black cover does not go back on. Told you this was dumb. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance :confused24::confused24::confused24:
  5. Sierra has a set that can be used without a helment. About 76 ea. Going to order later Monday.
  6. My best average 0.2626.
  7. My wife and I are going. we also have other members from chapter 401 going. Anyone from Eau Clarie or Madison area going. maybe we can hookup and all ride togerher. Let me know. Our group plans leaving Saturday morning. Going down along the Mississippi.Our first star days can`t wait. :cool10::cool10::cool10:
  8. I am 6'7 and my lovely wife is 5'1 on a good hair day. We have no problems, And I am not a small person.So the 2nd gen is the most comfortable bike we have ever been on. Good Luck with your friend.
  9. You have peaked my interest!
  10. Good One, Anytime:dancefool::dancefool:
  11. Thanks for the great info buying one now.
  12. Hello Everyone, Thinking about buying a piggy back trailor. But have some questions. Here goes, does anyone have one? And how do you like it. also looked at the XL with the 12 inch chrome tires. The little trailor has a tongue length of only 33 inches and the xl is 45 inches. Which one would tow better? Theres a 200 hundered dollars difference in price. Any help would be great! :confused24::confused24:
  13. congrats on your new baby. Hope all goes well. Can`t wait until you teach the new how to ride. Congrats again. Take care and you will see time fly by now.
  14. Sorry to all. But the pack is going to roll. GO Pack !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Pilot You are correct my rear speakers on my 07 midnight are stereo. Asked this question at our clubs manitance day.
  16. Ibsaw, Is it the one with the large pocket? If so let me know as I may take it. Do you have a picture.
  17. Go check the ebay ads below. They have one from Hoppnel fro 50 bucks only one pocket.
  18. Has anyone used or using the Sierra helmentless headsets? If so how are they. Any input would be great. Looking at ordering this week. Thanks in advance for any help. :confused24:
  19. Zachtcb, Love to ice fish here. Have been to Red Lake a number of times. We stay at thomspon resort on winne. Going again this year second week of Feb. Do fish at night on Red Lake? We have our best luck from 7 pm until about 1 or 2 in the Morning. Good Luck this year. May be we will see you there. :080402gudl_prv:
  20. Sarge, Yamaha is coming out with a total new line of oil. Our local yamaha shop had a manitance day and we were told about it. I asked the same question and he said to wait because the new oil line will be real oil and syntheic together. Hope this helps. Also he said we should be using the new 20w50 that is coimg out. He said it will make them quiter.
  21. Nothing wrong with mine. Windshield sucks ,but put a medium clearview tinted and vented on and she is dailed in now. Great ride.
  22. Just rec`d my clearview sheild today. Ordered a medium one tinted and vented.Fits great looks great. Makes my 07 midnight look like a bike should IMO. I`m 6' 5" and the top of the sheild is in perfect line with my nose. Seems not as much nosie with this one. Only 4 miles with it so far but seems to be just what I wanted. Great product. :080402gudl_prv:
  23. Do you still have the harley lights? If so I will take them. Send me a pm and tell how you want the money.thanks
  24. Need some help. Thinking of putting a set of these on my 07. But am a little worried about the what eiddy was saying. Has anyone else had the same problem? I a big guy at 6`6 so raising it up is not the issue but ride 2up almost all the time. Also put a set of road king pipes on and now seem to be scraping on right hand corners. Any help would be greatful.
  25. I have them on my 07. Take a small flat blade screwdriver and work ththe rubber over the end of it. You should be able pull them off after that. A little prying from the screwdriver and you will be good to go.
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