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Little Bob

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Everything posted by Little Bob

  1. I have a 8000 HId from them in my 07 RSM and it is bright. Remember it is low beam only! What kind of led driving lights do you have as one of mine has burned out.
  2. Looking at adding new floor boards to my 07 RSM. Does anyone have any they what to sell? And are there any after markets that are made?Looking for drivers and passenger boards. The stock dull ones have to go!!!!
  3. I can get my hands on one from my local dealer in Wi Rapids Wi. Let me know if you want me to pick one up. Pretty sure I saw one last week when I was in there.
  4. No, They have gone out of business. I would put bubs on. I run them on my 07 midnight RSV. Sound great. They are now making new tips that do not flake. They are $110 includes new baffles as these attach differently than the old ones. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Just noticed I have a burned out driving light. I have a 07 midnight with factory driving lights. They say they a sealed beam. How would I go about fixing this? Sorry for the dumb ?
  6. Got 5 yrs out of my oem. Still was working so I put it my riding lawn mower and still going strong.
  7. What kind of lights are they? And where did you purchase them?
  8. Did some checking they are samsons!
  9. Nothing is going to happen.Looking very hard at the victory cross country. My 07 midnight is the best bike I `ve ever owned. But they need to get with the times. I understand if its not broken don't fix it. But!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. They maybe Roadhouse or Samsons. Leaning toward samsons thou.
  11. Orlin, Where in colma do you live? I am in Stevens Point Wi.
  12. These given to me for free. Buddy found them in his garage. Still in the package. Will try the hardware store in the morning.
  13. I just scored a set of Ball milled motor mounts. Sounds great right! They don't have the collars with the set screw. Can I:confused24: use one from the hardware store or is this something special?
  14. Can some stuff called tarpper. We use it at work. Spray it on but only for a few seconds then wipe off. Left on to long it will start eating the paint.
  15. Bubs only way to go! Sound great!
  16. We have installed a complete system from extreme cycle sounds. They make there systems in deciblss not watt. Its is 120. we have to turn it down on my daughters bike and she is running Kromeworks long shots on her v star 650.
  17. Pretty nice lookin there Little Brother!!!!!!!!! :cool10::cool10:
  18. How are the pipes holding out?
  19. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/accessories/100/01SAAC50-01-100.jpg The ones on the left.
  20. Looking for the ball milled covers. Just found the ball milled backing plates. Brand new in swainsboro ga. On his self since 2000. Gave me nice discount!
  21. Looking for stabilzing jack for the front of my motorcyle trailor. Anyone know where I can get one?
  22. How much for the black ones? Any pics?
  23. More like 6-7 mph off.
  24. I am buying a Deka battery this week. I have a optmate 3 battery charger. Will that work on my new battery.
  25. Hey freebird, 45 minutes for me no site. Then saying membership expired! Just renewed week ago. Seems to be working fine now. Just a heads up. Take care.
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