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Personal Information

  • Name
    Robert Clubb


  • Location
    West Plains MO, United States


  • City
    West Plains MO


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale
  1. For all you men that have purchased that plastex..... Ask your wife to look at it.... You will be lucky that she does not slap you.... It is the same stuff she has put on her fingers if she gets her nails done.... It is a acrylic powder with a glue compound.... I guess my wife is lucky I pay attention to her.... You can purchase the whole kit from Sallys Beauty Supply for around 15 dollars.....
  2. use acrylic nail 20 dollars and a gaurantee fix.... same thing that plastex or who ever is selling for twice as much.... Sorry I watched my wife get her nails done and watched the video of the powder stuff and realized it was the same at half or less the cost.....Been working great on my 86 VR and will coninue to use it.... Feels funny going into sallys to get the stuff but if it works for my ride why not....
  3. Question what is wrong with velcro to the tank lid? It is stream lined and not in the way of the gauges....
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