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Everything posted by flyingyaks

  1. Action Cycle in Alliance used to do mine...it's been a few years though...they were pretty avid VR guys too and always had used parts available
  2. Found the probem!!! saved the neutral indicator switch for last..the problem was the spring and brass pin....with gasket a $10 fix...the spring was pretty sacked out maybe 30% of the new one ,pin was fair but showed wear...I cleaned the switch as Mike B. suggested and put it all together....no more issues when hot....less than 2 hrs work,but I took my time and cleaned the area thoroughly so there was no grease or oil to mess up the connections........THANKS GUYS.....really not too bad of a job:322:
  3. lights are on...just dim when I hit the starter....don't remember trying the horn
  4. OK folks...I installed a new solenoid,cleaned every connection I could find,applied dialectric grease to all the connections...dicovered the clutch switch was sticking and resolved that issue...it will now start hot if I use the clutch... when hot the N disappears,a few minutes later, the green light will go off (until it cools down)...when then green indicator light goes off it will not start unless I pull in the clutch...something is getting hot and causing this problem(neutral indicator switch?) it seems I've ruled out the starter and solenoid...thanks for all the help
  5. Thank you for the replys...when hot the neutral light is off and it won't start...it's like there isn't a battery installed...as soon as it cools the neutral light comes on and it starts right up...pulling the clutch with the kickstand up does nothing either....starter seems ok...no clicking..possibly a little slow,but this bike starts immediately(maybe 1/2 -1 crank)...I did notice while waiting for it to cool,,the bike is on the sidestand and when the neutral light comes on if I straighten it up to go,the light goes out until I put it on the sidestand again,eventually (15-20 min.) it will stay on when the bike is vertical and I can drive away...seems to me there must be an expansion on something to ground out?
  6. OK...I will try cleaning the connections first....do I have to take the plastic cover off and clean behind it or just the outside (was fairly oily)...cleaned it this morning and will try it later today...but this time the bike will be home when hot!....I tried the clutch lever idea but forgot to raise the kickstand too....Thanks guys......also if this needs changed,do I have to drain the oil first?
  7. When cold,everything works fine...stop for gas and the neutral light goes out and nothing at all completely dead....fifteen minutes later all is well...neutral light comes on and away I go....thinking the neutral sensor? ...is it located behindthe cover on left side with looks like 2 wires on plastic....pain to change?
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