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  • Location
    Virginia Beach, VA, United States


  • City
    Virginia Beach


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSTD
  1. had the ignitor coils wired backwards. SMH. thanks for the help!
  2. ok, next issue, i now have all 4 cylinders firing after having to replace 2 ignition coils. now when i open the throttle up past 1/2, it sounds like machine gun going off and it refuses to accelerate any more. i've synced the carbs, and tried the idle mixing screw. tried at range of 1 1/2 turns out all the way to 3 at 1/4 turn increments. once again, all help is appreciated. one thing while i noticed was the main jets were not set up like i've read on here. the PO had 122.5's on the right side vs the left. so i switched them so 122.5 on the left, 120 front right, and 117.5 back right.
  3. Looks like I figured it out. Cylinder 3 had bad ignition coil. 1 and 3 had blown fuses in the spark plug wire. Ordered new coils, should be here wednesday.
  4. any thoughts on possible issue in the electrical system?
  5. even when I manually close it it still does it
  6. Ok so here’s where I’m at... Started it and felt the pipes... heated evenly. took off off the carbs and cleaned them up some more. Reinstalled them, bike eventually evened out, sounded normal, felt normal. Took it for a test ride... started acting up. Got home with it nice and warm... the back cylinders were lukewarm. Front were hotter than the dickens. Changed spark plugs in back, now the back jugs are hot but it still sounds terrible. Unfortunatly my homemade manometer needed new 1/4” tubing as the stuff I had from when I made it 2 years ago was too brittle. Bought new tubing... now the permatex is drying. One thing I forgot to mention, when I roll off the throttle, it doesn’t quickly go back to idle. It revs quite high for about 5 seconds before the engine SLOWLY returns to idle. Waiting for permatex to dry to dry so I can sync carbs. won’t be able to get at it again until Saturday.
  7. Nevermind. Answered my own question. Thanks tho
  8. Ok got what might be a stupid question... looking in through the carb joints one cylinder has the valves open. The other three are shut. Is that normal or should they all be shut?
  9. carbs were sync maybe early last year. i'll look in to that as well, thank you.
  10. The sound is also significantly different. MUCH more throaty.
  11. Spark plugs were changed out this summer. Yeah I don’t like to let it sit, but being on the navy sometimes it’s gotta happen. Luckily I’m about to go to shore duty where I won’t be gone for months at a time. Thanks for the input. Definitely going to check for firing on less than 4 tomorrow.
  12. i have emptied the tank, as i'm getting about 10-15 MPG, and poured plenty of seafoam. will check cylinders and spark tomorrow. thank you very much for the advice so far!
  13. ok, so i've been gone a lot lately, about a month at a time, sometimes a little more, and lately when i get back, my 07 RSTD has been taking longer and longer to start. finally got to the point where the battery was dying from too many attempts. it's a new battery. after this last one month away time, i got on the bike, and now it's extremely sluggish, won't get over 65 mph with the throttle wide open, and idles terribly. i thought it might be the fuel pump, changed that, and no difference, aside from it starting right up now. but i just test rode it (changed the fuel filter too) and it's still very slow to respond and maxing out at 65 mph. i've also taken off the carbs, and looked at them, nothing stood out and they were quite clean. the only change i've made to the bike was adding LED passing lamps, and headlight. now i will admit, i managed to pinch one of the wires installing the passing lamps, which shorted out and blew the fuse for the lamps/dash/turn signals. i replaced the fuse (not knowing about the shorted wire yet) and when i hit my signal, the passing lamps, and taillight would blink... i've since fixed the pinched wire, but now have this fuel problem. could i have managed to fry something that would affect fuel? any guidance would be greatly appreciated, as this is my daily driver (the wife is NOT happy about waking up at 4 am to take my to work) and i need it fixed ASAP. Thank you!
  14. i'm leaning more and moe towards that. another one they have is a 2002 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 fi, but i may have my mind made up already on the royal star. we'll see tomorrow morning when i sit on them both and go from there. thanks!
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