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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. my 2010 was POPPING badly and I didn't know what to do...turns out I adjusted the IDLE UP, and no more popping.... Some may scoff at this, it has NOT popped 1 time since I upped the idle...
  2. Yamaha new release video hit all dealers today... NO NEW touring bikes this year...which is what I expected...oh well maybe next year...
  3. 1 of the best things i have found are the space savor bags.. (get the ones from harbor freight, cheaper and BETTER than walmart) put your gear in them use the vacuum to suck the air out , they are air tight & water proof takes up a lot less room....
  4. as for as I know we don't go to the Dealer Expo, unless 1 of the owners go...
  5. the picture of the SR400in front of the tent... that's who I work for
  6. thats the dealership I work for...
  7. this was a great route.... good roads, not a lot of traffic and only skirted a cple of small towns...great alternative to the normal routes...
  8. http://cyrilhuzeblog.com/2014/06/03/top-10-reasons-for-not-waving-to-other-bikers/#comments Top Ten Reasons Why Harley Riders Don’t Wave Back 10. Afraid it will invalidate warranty. 9. Leather and studs make it too heavy to raise arm. 8. Refuse to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for. 7. Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off. 6. Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos. 5. Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley. 4. Just discovered the fine print in owner’s manual and realized H-D is partially owned by Honda. 3. Can’t tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else. 2. Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back, he impaled his hand on spiked helmet. 1. They’re too tired from spending hours polishing all that chrome to lift their arms. Top Ten Reasons Why Gold Wing Riders Don’t Wave Back 10. Wasn’t sure whether other rider was waving or making an obscene gesture. 9. Afraid might get frostbite if hand is removed from heated grip. 8. Has arthritis and the past 400 miles have made it difficult to raise arm. 7. Reflection from etched windshield momentarily blinded him. 6. The espresso machine just finished. 5. Was actually asleep when other rider waved. 4. Was in a three-way conference call with stockbroker and accessories dealer. 3. Was distracted by odd shaped blip on radar screen. 2. Was simultaneously adjusting the air suspension, seat height, programmable CD player, seat temperature and satellite navigation system. 1. Couldn’t find the “auto wave back” button on dashboard. Top 10 Reasons Sport bikers Don’t Wave At All 10. They have not been riding long enough to know they’re supposed to. 9. They’re going too fast to have time enough to register the movement and respond. 8. You weren’t wearing bright enough gear. 7. If they stick their arm out going that fast they’ll rip it out of the socket. 6. They’re too occupied with trying to get rid of their chicken strips. 5. They look way too cool with both hands on the bars or they don’t want to unbalance themselves while standing on the tank. 4. Their skin tight-Kevlar-ballistic-nylon-kangaroo-leather suits prevent any position other than fetal. 3. Raising an arm allows bugs into the armholes of their tank tops. 2. It’s too hard to do one-handed stoppies. 1. They were too busy slipping their flip-flop back on. Top Ten Reasons Why BMW Riders Don’t Wave Back 10. New Aerostich suit too stiff to raise arm. 9. Removing a hand from the bars is considered “bad form.” 8. Your bike isn’t weird enough looking to justify acknowledgment. 7. Too sore from an 800-mile day on a stock “comfort” seat. 6. Too busy programming the GPS, monitoring radar, listening to ipod, XM, or talking on the cell phone. 5. He’s an Iron Butt rider and you’re not!. 4. Wires from Gerbings is too short. 3. You’re not riding the “right kind” of BMW. 2. You haven’t been properly introduced. 1. Afraid it will be misinterpreted as a friendly gesture - See more at: http://cyrilhuzeblog.com/2014/06/03/top-10-reasons-for-not-waving-to-other-bikers/#comments
  9. hey I can help you ... i work at a yamaha dealer.... there are several 2012 bikes in LA...if you want to call me I can tell you where they are.. I don't know their prices...message me & I'll give u my #...
  10. hey guys be sure to look for an RV that has URALS and some other vintage bikes... that's the owner of the dealership I work at... they would love to talk and meet any yamaha riders...tell John or Scott Donny said stop by...
  11. I have run all of the NORMAL routes.... and they all have 1 thing in common...BORING...i've done hwy 17 all the way, 45 all the way.... gone to Tuscaloosa then I59 to Meridian then 45 on in to Mobile.....no way will I go to B'ham dwn 65......we have a lot of time going down... so it's time to explore...
  12. loading up and going to Mobile for a few days then over to Biloxi, Ms for a couple days.. looked at a lot of different routes and none are very good but I have mapped a route I"m gonna try....if any1 knows of any good roads in the area please feel free to let me know ... https://goo.gl/maps/neudQ
  13. Tis the 1st draft.... i still have to ride it to finalize it.. https://goo.gl/maps/D2GkK
  14. usually every year a group of us rides up the trace. the date I'm looking at is October 26th ... don't have all the details worked out , but for northern riders we can meet y'all at the BP 6220 Highway 72 Cherokee, Al about .5 mile from the trace... right now I'm looking to ride the trace up to collinwood, tn... taking hwy 13 to hwy 48 over to Hohenwald, TN to eat at Junkyard dog steak house...then over thru lawrenceburg and back down to hwy 72... not official still playing with the route...Pipe in if interested
  15. I'm 53yrs old and on a ride today I saw something I had never seen in the wild... a momma bobcat and 4 kittens... they (kittens) were soooooo cute, they might have been 4 or 5 months old....Momma was HUGE for a female bobcat I think she'd have weighed around 40/50 lbs....when I first spotted her I thought she was a coyota because of her size...
  16. I have a set of these on my bike wife loves'em .....
  17. well I would follow them but darnit I couldn't find it o them...
  18. lol a clothes pin is all we cold afford....we sure could afford no gadget that cost $$$
  19. glad you are able to tell about it....prayers for your speedy recovery ...
  20. Glad you are back.... going to be in biloxi in a cple of weeks...maybe we can get together....
  21. I was thinking I had read on here to run MAX psi on the rear..... just didn't know about the front
  22. just put on 2... Avon venom X on the front and avon venom on the rear... what tire pressure do you run ?
  23. http://m.wtvm.com/wtvm/db_/contentdetail.htm?full=true&contentguid=kJIoKKgb&pn=&ps=#display Prayers for all involved
  24. I love the E3 but they are getting hard to find and when I do find one it's 20-$30 more than Avons....
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