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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. Hamilton, Alabama Motor Sports Super Store Have you ever wanted to test ride a Can-Am Spyder? Well mark your calendar for January 17th. Can-Am is bringing 12 of the all-new 2015 F3 Spyder for test rides. So make plans to come join us at Motor Sports Super Store on January 17th at 10:00 am for a test ride. Riders must be 21 and have a motorcycle endorsement on their driver’s license.…For info call 205-921-7777 ask for DonnyHamilton, Alabama Motor Sports Super Store Check you LOCAL Can-Am dealer to see if the are hosting this event....
  2. Eck, don't let the yankess tell you 46 degrees is short sleeve weather, I've seen yankees freeze to death down here in 30 degree weather and they'd swear it was 10 below....
  3. Don & the other Mods do a great job here.... This is a PAY site....if others join a free site and get the same benefits as the pay site then the pay site would fail.... I promise for the a amount of time and effort put into VRO he is still in the hole......It's not about the $$$ I don't mean this ugly and I hope you don't take it that way, but you can always make your own FB page and run it how you see fit...
  4. firefox!!!!
  5. Dear Santa, I promise I've been good.........................................................................................while sleeping, unless naughty dreams count against me...
  6. This is the lyrics to a Kenny Chesney song and it describes how I feel today & most days .... We never know when our lives will change with a phone call that no one ever wants to get .....In rememberance of my son Garrett Heath Harden 8/4/89- 12/11/98 tho it has been 16 yrs I still wear the pain like a heavy coat...The only thing that gives me hope,is I know I'll see him again some day. "Who You'd Be Today" Sunny days seem to hurt the most. I wear the pain like a heavy coat. I feel you everywhere I go. I see your smile, I see your face, I hear you laughin' in the rain. I still can't believe you're gone. It ain't fair: you died too young, Like the story that had just begun, But death tore the pages all away. God knows how I miss you, All the hell that I've been through, Just knowin' no-one could take your place. An' sometimes I wonder, Who'd you be today?
  7. What kind of Harley is that? Does it have heat and air ? Wheres the wipers? I pull up at gas station radio blaring, cut the bike off and some1 will say That has a radio? you can hear that when you ride? How long you been riding?
  8. it's like most things thats new, takes a little time to know all the ins and outs.... but I like it so far...
  9. I have a gopro hero 3 BLACK with several xtra mounts .. I like it alright , editing takes too long..i don't use it near as much as I thought I would... just saying... and as some state, no ZOOM ...
  10. I will confess I'm a guy and I suffer from PMS...... Parked Motorcycle Syndrome ... it's always worse in the winter months I'll suffer thru it till spring and then it gets better....
  11. i had just got Rick to rework my seats on the 05 b4 I got the new bike with pillow top...Ricks BUTLERIZED seat sits better than my pillowtop....will have to get Rick to work his magic on them later...
  12. nice ride........
  13. here's what I've heard and I like this one best... coins are left on graves in remembrance of the deceased. Leaving a coin from your pocket is a way to leave a part of yourself at the burial site. The coin is a visual reminder that, even in death, the memory of the deceased lives on. It is also a sign of respect to the dead, as it shows that their memory has value to you and is something you want to commemorate. I heard in the US it started with Ben Franklin grave and to this day coins are still left.... military. As for meanings of different denominations of coins. A friend, or an acquaintance that visits may only leave a penny. A nickel would be left by someone that may have been through boot camp, or trained with them, while someone that served in another platoon in the same company may leave a dime. A quarter would be left by someone that served in the same outfit, or was with the soldier when they died. Read More: Tradition of Coins Left on the Gravestone of a Soldier | http://kygl.com/tradition-of-coins-left-on-the-gravestone-of-a-soldier/?trackback=tsmclip
  14. i looking for a thinner, smaller speaker...but let me know what u find out
  15. to answe my own question.........yea check these out...http://www.edsets.com/product_details.php?item_id=203 has any1 used these?
  16. is there any different headset speakers for the J&M headset? maybe a set with a soft side or thinner speakers for the helmet?
  17. why I live in the south.... i rode today ...... it was 65
  18. I know it's a GW... BUT 83k miles is still a lot of miles for that price tag....DO NOT GO BY BOOK VALUE...bikes are wholesaling 600-1000 under low book trade in..they know this and don't want to send it to NPA...At the end of the day it's your money & if you are happy with a deal that is all that matters...
  19. they ARE A LARGE VOLUME DEALER... they sell stuff cheap...and if I were a betting man you can negotiate a lower price on the bikes now...it's end of riding season and they don't want to store or wholesale it ....used bikes are CHEAP right now... our dealership has taken a beating on used bikes of late... Saturated market and low demand....I know the way we are right now if we can break even on a bike we are happy...good luck
  20. I know the feeling you have... recently we had a golden retriever of 14 yrs pass...I had a bluetick coon dog that i got when i was 13 and when he died i was 26 and I cried for 3 days ... http://youtu.be/5t2aL79_2e4
  21. riding north toward Nashville or south from Nashville look for the exit to Hohenwald, Tn.... go to 18 N Maple St, Hohenwald, TN 38462 Junkyard Dog Steakhouse,,,, they have more than steaks, BUT 1 of the best steaks you will find ...Great BURGERS !!... also after you leave look up hwy 99 South in Hohenwald one of the best roads in middle Tn...http://junkyarddogsteakhouse.com/
  22. we did... Eck if you haven't been to Hohenwald.Tn go.... Junkyard Dog Steakhouse is GREAT...then hwy 99 south of Hohenwald is a very very good road....
  23. it was up the Natchez Trace, to Collinwood, tn.... took hwy 13 N to Hwy 48 to Hohenwald, tn ...then we took 99 south... 99 is a GREAT road.. ....
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