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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. I wont get to make the meet in june, BUT if the good Lord willing I hope to be in Columbia, Mo Oct 13th to watch my Crimson Tide take on the Tigers of MO... ) that is IF I can find a cple of tickets...
  2. Sounds like a good plan... we'll have to plan that later
  3. if any of you are ever traveling through NW Alabama, or NE Mississippi and need any assistance or a stop over you have an open invitation. I live In Hamilton, Al which is 45 miles east of Tupelo, MS, 90 miles west of Birmingham, AL and 50 miles south of Florence Alabama ( trail of tears goes through Florence).... Just let me know and we'd welcome you ...got 2 spare BR and a large carport for the bikes... oh yea did I mention I'm a great cook I'm not much on fixing bikes, But I have 2 trailers and a pickup IF u are ever in the area and need HELP....
  4. thanks, If I were coming through your area I sure would stop in & sit a spell, maybe one day I'll get to ride to Savannah and we can get together...
  5. I will be sure and let ya know... ) I had others on another forum that couldn't view the ridersgroup map , i hadn't heard if the new google one will work..just about every1 googles lol
  6. try this http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=205287296646013199533.0004c089ff8a843837cf0&msa=0
  7. lol when i click it shows a map
  8. thats funny, i don't care who it is..... :rotf:
  9. u know we aint but 80 miles apart.... holler sometime and we'll meet up n ride...
  10. Yea we might do the dragon, but the skyway & blue ridge should do nicely....
  11. longest 1 day ride I've done was 457...i did it twice lol in the middle of july ,wouldn't have been bad at all if I'd had the bike i have now... that was on a 1100 honda shadow..
  12. I"ll sure let ya know... here's the route I'll be taking http://grouprider.com/view_route.php?user=midnightrider1300&road_id=4981
  13. Oh I will take LOTS of pictures and stop a gillion times... it's not but about 215 miles a day...i'll be sore from getting off & on the bike lol we have no real agenda & we r going to take in all the sights we can..
  14. 862 miles & yes it will be a bun burner
  15. http://grouprider.com/view_route.php?user=midnightrider1300&road_id=4981
  16. be mid to late june we hope... daughter is getting married june 9th so we need a break after that.... lol /// IF I fiigure out how i'll post the route or a link to it ...
  17. will get in about 200 miles today....so all in all will be a pretty good weekend... but DANG it has been HOT riding lately.... was drained yesterday on 120 mile ride & that is unusual...rode 110 miles Friday and didn't go nowhere just puttering around ....have fun and keep the rubber side down.....
  18. I like the HD because I can sync it with my gps and it will save stops to my favorites ) i'm sure others do that also.. the one at GR looks like it would be good also..I may give it a try.. by the way we have the same initials
  19. Cold weather, below 40 I wear leather coat, thermals,and snow bibs, boots & 1/2 helmet this time of year I wear jeans , tshirt, my boots and 1/2 helmet I ride for comfort, I hope that 1 day this doesn't bite me on the A$$..
  20. yea that one is like the honda rider.... thanx I had forgotten bout it, so I am using the HD one thanks, now if i can figure out how to share...
  21. is there one on the web that will let u save & SHARE with other riders?
  22. 64 is YOUNG... trike it when the time comes and keep on keeping on....
  23. well dang, no wonder I feel right at home
  24. it will be sometime in late june..I have to survive my daughters wedding june 9th... if you come through Alabama and are on the west side I have 2 spare BR's would put up a fellow rider and feed him/her good ...and then ride along for a spell ....HOPEFULLY I can make Freebirds maintenance day next yr, looks like about 700 miles from here but should be a lot of fun and learning experience ...
  25. lol just remember ppl with loose connections are the 1's u have to be careful of... just saying
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