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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6965.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6964.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6963.jpg
  2. it is nice to see people go out of their way to offer a great service...will have to make note if I'm every up that I will stay there...
  3. rain X is for glass, and from reports and others ic can ruin the film on your MC windshield...get a wax mad for plastic or use a good car wax that is made for clear coat...seems most here prefer pledge..
  4. i cut their solicitations up and add more crap and mail it back in the postage paid envelope. they have to pay for the weight of the envelope.. I don't get that crap any more after doing that for about a year...
  5. morning and the shop owner came out & asked me to step in the shop to look at something, rear breaks were gone, caught just in time ... so I got a new tire and breaks... still wasn't to bad $90 to have the tire mounted ( i bought the tire online), balanced , used nitrogen, new rear breaks put on....
  6. Enjoy the trip and take lots of pictures 4 us to see
  7. I use Rotella 15w 40 a friend of mine road to & thru Arizona a few yrs back & he said that he hadn't changed his break fluid in a cple yrs and it was so hot his fluid boiled, said they had to change it on the fly..he said if any1 travels there they need to make sure u have fresh fluid in everything...I don't know personally but the guy is reliable...and has bout 90k on his 2nd generation RV..
  8. can bigger wheels and tires be put on this w/o a lot of trouble?
  9. I assume that all the new generation bikes & maybe the old ones run a MT 150-90-15 so what CT is equivalent to the MT .... Also what are some of the problems of mounting the CT on a MC rim? yea yea I know there are threads but hard to wade thru all the info lol
  10. well i've got about 10k on my E3 BUT it was on the bike when i got it... the bike had 11k miles on it, I have no IDEA how long the E3 was on the bike or actual miles... I'm just saying if i can get 6k out of the tire i ordered then I will be ok ... E3 mounted & balanced would cost me $213 MT66 mounted & balanced would cost me $151, so I'm saying that the difference in the cost vs mileage it would be close...I think that is what i'm saying lol
  11. leveling links? what are they ? & what is the gain in using them? I'm sure there is thread about them
  12. IF i can get 6k out of it I will be ok...that would be about 2/3 of the miles I got out of the E3 and about 1/3 less than the E3...
  13. if so, what kind of tire & what was/is your thoughts?
  14. Oh I agree & have told her as much, BUT when you go in a store and clerks/store workers follow u and it's obvious u know they think you are thugs & shoplifter because of leather and a do rag then that is a little much...course we will NEVER go back to that store...
  15. I just hope he had on pants under those PINK chaps...
  16. well I hope u are wrong... BUT i wont be surprised if you are right...if i can get over 6k miles on it i'll be ok with it..
  17. Pirelli - MT66 Route Cruiser rear tire.... I hope I didn't make a mistake.... a friend on another board highly recommended the tire...if I can get 2/3 of the wear I did out of the Elite 3 I will be happy it was $52.00 cheaper so this means I can buy the tire, have it mounted for what I would have given 4 the E3...
  18. I would have stared too... lol and would have taken a PICTURE...
  19. What I tell my wife, but she is closed minded on somethings lol (dang i hope she don't see this )
  20. thanks ladies... I think if we rode with other cples she wouldn't be as bad....
  21. Joe, my wife agrees with you she thinks they think we are scum/trouble makers..
  22. lol it's almost to the point of her giving the middle finger wave..and then say bless your heart..
  23. Mike there is a lot of truth in "something about those 'Bama gals":cool10:...
  24. Well I have to agree with her, we do get a lot of stares...I do have a lot of ppl that will say something but it's always nice..
  25. the key is to hydrate before...I coached Cross Country & LD for track runners and we always wanted our kids to start hydrating before the race starting 2 to 3 days ahead with LOTS of water...power aide & Gatorade during & after to replenish lost minerals ...to know IF you are hydrated your urine should be almost to clear, if not then you need more water... Symptoms of Dehydration in Adults The signs and symptoms of dehydration range from minor to severe and include: Increased thirst Dry mouth and swollen tongue Weakness Dizziness Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding) Confusion Sluggishness fainting Fainting Inability to sweat Decreased urine output
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