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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. well if he don't then ..............
  2. thank you, yes it is special this was my bay girl, I gave her sister in marriage 5 yrs ago.. i have a PRECIOUS grand daughter
  3. me walking my daughter down to give her hand in marriage.. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_menem.jpg
  4. I"ve hit a ground hog with my ole honda shadow & i was 2 up running 55mph, almost like going over a speed bump. my wife didn't even know i hit it till I asked her if she had seen the ground hog, she didn't... all i did was hold on didn't even try to brake...
  5. I love MC-Superstore I buy my tires they ship them to my preferred installer I can order today and will in most cases be delivered by the next day 2 days max...I have checked all web stores for my tires and MCS has been great, NOW i have found some tires cheaper BUT they didn't have free shipping...Now 1 would presume price match comes with stipulations just the way it is...
  6. A 60 year old man from Louisiana on a Honda ran off a right turn and plunged to his death. Thats all the info I could find besides his name. Fatal accidents on the road are surprisingly rare, here a map that shows the history of fatalities http://www.tailofthedragon.com/maps/...ths.pdf:frown:
  7. I wouldn't post it IF i haven't tried it on traffic lights that i know I have never been able to trip on my bike. What did i do? I went to HOBBY LOBBY and bought a pack of magnets 30 for $6.99 about the size of your thumbnail & placed them all under the frame. I placed them on any flat surface 4 or 5 in a row from the bottom foot boards , frame, hitch all under the bike...So today i ride to town and hit the traffic lights that I have run in past after having to sit there for 3-5 minutes. Today all 3 changed with in 2 minutes...All I know is lights that didn't b4 did today....
  8. here ya go try this ... less than $20.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chrome-Motorcycle-Cycle-Bike-Water-Bottle-Cup-Drink-Beverage-Holder-Accessories-/370610518067?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564a1bb833
  9. i just had mine done Friday * pd $92.00 to have tire changed, balanced, nitrogen added, NEW rear break pads ($33.00) + put on...BUT my local dealer wants $65.00 and a Trike shop wants $55.00 if it's on the bike...
  10. Me & my BETTER half is planning on being there....I only live about 155 miles east if u take the new I 22...
  11. I had to look... now i will have nightmares ...
  12. Kinda what i thought, BUT i wanted to make sure...
  13. thanks, i appreciate every1's input. It's always better to learn from ppl who have experience & who have been there done that..
  14. thanks.. well where i'm looking dosen't say...I guess I'll have 2 call them and ask. Dan what kind do u prefer?
  15. my 05 RMV NEEDS break pads on the front, my question is when I order do I have to order 2 sets or do u get the pads for both sides in a set when u order for the model? i know this may sound dumb but i really have no clue...
  16. that's just not fair......
  17. b4 i did away with my land line i use to have credit card ppl call all the time, I got feed up with it and decided the next 1 that called would get a surprise. well sure enuff 1 called I answered the phone and said who is this and why are u calling, then I hollered HEY don't move that body yet, then asked the rep how do u know the deceased? I'm Sargent Able with the ABI instigating a homicide ... the rep goes to studdering and says i'm with visa credit card, I said sure you are now how do u know the victim and did u kill him to collect the insurance on his visa? i ask her name and said did u have an intimate relations with the victim? she said no I'm just a visa rep i don't know the guy. I said well u have his home phone number and are calling HIS house..I need your full name & address...she hangs up... another day 1 called and I told the lady, OMG i'm so glad u called u are an answer to prayer, i lost my job, my wife left with my best friend, I just got off suicide watch and they are foreclosing on my house, how quick can u get me a card? silence then the rep said I'm sorry i have the wrong number... I miss messing with those ppl...
  18. yea having a trailer w/o bearing buddies is like have having a fishing rod w/o a real ...those are the best things since MtDew lol
  19. Well to be honest YEARS ago had bad experience with a boat trailer with 8'' rims...blow outs and couldn't keep bearings in it, switched to 12'' and it solved the problem ...the 12'' tire doesn't have to turn as much as the 8'' ... BUT from what I see posted I will stay with the 8'' when I get it.. Thanks for your input...
  20. Squidley, Thanks I appreciate that offer... It's always best to ask & get views from people aho have been there done that...
  21. Sorry, about that.. it's bout 8 miles from my house, u have to hike about 1/2 mile all down hill...beautiful scenery, BUT i had to ride about 2 miles down a gravel road ..
  22. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6952.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6951.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6944.jpg
  23. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6961.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6958.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_106_6952.jpg
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