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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. darnit... i'm regulated to Sundays & Mondays as I work the other days ..... but Dec can be good
  2. U got off way to early...really it gets better about fall hollow.......now mind you it's NOT the dragon tail... u have to STOP along the way and check out the views...
  3. Leipers Fork is where a lot of the stars are moving to... BEAUTIFUL area... IF I were to live in the Nashville area I know that is where I'd want to live....
  4. Eck, ScaryLarry & any1 else that wants to we'll meet and will ride up the trace , and make a day of it.....
  5. From Nashville home... GORGEOUS ride, colors were beautiful, perfect day to ride. We started out eating at the Loveless Cafe and then hitting the road.we had a heavy coat then went light jacket, then Short sleeve. It was so NICE!!! Kinda funny I've ridden the trace many times both ways, but saw things I've never seen . I told my wife it was almost like riding it for the 1st time.
  6. well if it's private property then they shouldn't be able to carry me to jail when i kick some1 a$$, BUT THEY WOULD...THAT IS A COP OUT... Oh I saw the jerk coming from 100yrds , I knew when i saw him he was going to cut in front of me... I always watch. The reason I go the way I do is because i only have to watch to the left, to right is curb & grass... the IDIOT saw me, he had no intentions of stopping. then the chicken chit wouldn't even park where he was headed & made his kid go inside, dang MORON !!!
  7. guys/gals if you can make this ride it's a great ride for a GREAT cause!!! they come from 4 directions that join in at the children's home....lots of fun and lots of bikers.. Staging Places with Kickstands Up If you do not want to ride in a group just Join us at the home at NOON Amory, Mississippi--Wal-Mart--10:00 am Hamilton, Alabama --Exit 14 River Road Citgo--10:00 am Jasper, Alabama--Berean Christian Book Store--10:30 am Russellville, Tuscumbia and Florence Area Meet at Customized Cyclez 1110 Hwy 72 west Tuscumbia AL 8 am. Leave at 9 am Hwy 72 east to Hwy 43 turn right on Hwy 43 to Russellville. Arrive in Russellville AL. at 9:30 am Fred's,Old Food World parking lot 13150 Hwy 43 s Leave Russellville at 10:00 am for Haleyville AL. Hwy 43 s to Hwy 5. Be in Haleyville AL.10:30 am No stops. Natural Bridge at 10:40 am No stops turn right Hwy 278 go about 500 yds turn left on Hwy 13 to Eldridge Children`s Home by 11:30 am. Sulligent, Alabama--Piggly Wiggly Parking Lot--10:15 am Sumiton, Alabama--Alfa Ins./Wal-Mart--10:00 am Tuscaloosa, Alabama--Northport Civic Center--10:00 am Winfield/Guin, Alabama--Plaza BBQ Parking Lot--10:30 am http://www.alchaptertgwrra.org/page.asp?tab=19&category=66&page=175 http://www.echbenefit.com/
  8. Went to walmart today on the bike. I go in the same way every time I go to walmart, I'm going down my side of the road & see a pickup CUTTING across the parking lot heading toward me, I'm thinking yea he is going to cut me off he keeps coming i sit down on the horn and almost have to stop I continue to blow the horn all the way down to where he parks. I stop & stare at him and move to my parking spot in front of the IDIOT. I get off the bike and sit there waiting on the idiot to get out and come by me to get in the store ( only 1 entrance in our store) ... he sits in the truck & sends his small child in the store. I wanted to go to his truck but figured I'd end up in jail...he saw me I know he did cause his small son screamed at him and then when he got in front of me he looked in his mirror... I guess i should have gone ahead & stomped his ass to keep him from running over some1 else...IDIOTS ... I swear if u ever hear of a road rage in a small town Alabama then u can say yeap ole midnight lost his cool.....
  9. Ditto brake pad...
  10. my only regret is that i didn't ride back around the canyon road.... I want to go back soon,,,
  11. I don't carry a gun & I see no need in carrying a gun... If you read my threads I don't lock doors or take my keys out of vehicles..and if I started across country I'd feel safe...
  12. Had our shop check all this... I stood and watched... everything checked out... couldn't find the least bit of draw in no form or fashion... Battery was good, charging.... I do need to check it when it doesn't crank tho to see what the reading is.... It is a mystery and down right aggravating.... trouble shooting can be a pain in the backside... lol ... thing is with the jump box it will fire right up so seems like that would indicate bad battery and not a connection... BUT the battery checks out to be good...2 batteries a year is getting OLD!!!!
  13. I don't care, it's insured..if some1 wants it they are gonna get it 1 way or another
  14. honest I never take a key out of anything i own.... my bike is in the carport, keys in it ... I go to town I leave keys in bike, helmet on my seat & my MP3 player in plain sight...I don't lock doors when I'm gone...living in a small town has it's perks...
  15. well maybe i need to put a gun boot on the bike like they have for 4wheelers lol damn ole S&W shot gun with 26'' improved cylinder can scatter a lot of lead lol
  16. it had crossed my mind to put LARGER wire to the battery if that is doable
  17. don't own a hand gun.... hard to carry a shotgun or a 260 Remington rifle on the bike .... lol
  18. not a loose wire on battery ... put new bolts & star washers and tightened them as tight as can be ....now it could be a lose wire somewhere else.....
  19. they checked at the shop and it showed 2b charging like it is suppose to... so I don't know... I just know it's a pain in the BUTT
  20. Hmmm I was told by another member to add another ground...????? No I didn't check it... no way to check it....
  21. Yea from now on I will do both..... I guess I think every place is like home....
  22. Ok I have BATTERY /charging or lack of it on my bike.. I've checked the battery it's good, I've checked and there is NOTHING drawing...& 13.5 -14.2 charging.. Well wife & I went a cple day ride & sure enough we go out Sunday morning & the bike wont crank....135 miles from home and NO1 round I do what any man would do.... I walk acoss to KMART and by a 500 cold cranking jump box...and hope n pray it is charged enough to JUMP the bike off...well it does...we ride almost 130 miles & i stop for gas kill the bike fill it up & it wont start... i was like WTH... jump it off.... well we stop several times after and bike cranks.. I go out this morning NOTHING....now my battery isn't 6 months old... matter of fact it's the 2nd battery i've bought in a yr .....now I'm looking at a HIGH output stator or open to suggestions.... uggggg don't know what or where to turn....
  23. I pick the phone up & some1 from the desk says " sir I was wondering if you had went out to your bike to get your GPS?" I said NO why ? "well a guest reported some1 was getting it... So i slam the phone down and run out the door, ooops back in put pants on & then out the door. Sure enough some Son of a *itch" had tried to get my NEW 7'' screen Zumo GPS...they had it unplugged and out of the case BUT couldn't get the cord.. then some1 i guess scared them off... Needless to say I didn't sleep. I guess i went out to see if I could catch some1 messing with the bike 25 times.....I told my wife I guess it was good I didn't catch some1 cause I would have confronted them & my luck the SOB would had a gun & killed my AS$..
  24. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_539489_359328230819461_1294982702_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_543290_359327580819526_277251164_n.jpghttp://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/Facebook/Untitled%20Album-1/th_383386_359326977486253_646287360_n.jpg
  25. Don't mind the DATE... some1 forgot to st the date...
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