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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. I'm sorry ...Loveless is a CAFE NOT a town ...http://www.lovelesscafe.com/ ..... McCrackens is a Family Cafe...
  2. In Ecks defense he rode a LONG way to get here & he was the 1st rider here....I think he said he left at 4:30 am and I'm telling you it was CHILLY like 41 that morning ...
  3. we ride the trace to Nashville a cple times a year... it is my wife favorite ride...
  4. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/McCracken%27s,+2126+Bexar+Ave+W,+Hamilton,+AL+35570/Red+Bay,+AL/Loveless+Cafe,+8400+Tennessee+100,+Nashville,+TN+37221/@35.1405686,-86.9003314,10z/data=!4m30!4m29!1m5!1m1!1s0x88879815c2318dab:0xd04835863276812e!2m2!1d-88.018697!2d34.156388!1m15!1m1!1s0x888781a45524f447:0x19bdab329aeaa6cd!2m2!1d-88.1408747!2d34.4398202!3m4!1m2!1d-88.100298!2d34.5379149!3s0x887d7e7cd9453101:0x64a8e5d8f7bd5c2!3m4!1m2!1d-87.8433152!2d34.9249002!3s0x887d3e054bd56075:0xdb4663814f4e6d88!1m5!1m1!1s0x88648611e39c5b19:0x954eaa8c1336f2ed!2m2!1d-86.972009!2d36.035156!3e0 going to leave McCrackens at 8:30 am hope to be at loveless no later than 1:00 after we eat we are headed back or you can go on your on.... McCrackens is in Hamilton, Al great family restaurant...
  5. [ame] [/ame]
  6. Eck came over and rode with us... So there was 2 from VR on this ride...1st time I've meet Eck, I hope it's not the last time as he is a HOOT and has a world of knowledge about Venture and GW bikes ....
  7. [ame]http://youtu.be/kWCZf646_Es[/ame]
  8. saw this one day Eck... "if your words aren't as precious as silence than keep them to yourself"
  9. Beliver --- Three Doors Down Black Betty----RamJam Saturday Nights All Right for Fighting---- Nickel Back & Kid Rock... (bad ass cover not your elton john version lol ) Something in your Mouth----- Nickel Back Thunderstuck---- AC/DC Time of my Life & It's not my Time---- 3 Doors Down Bad Girlfriend & Low Life ---- Theory of a Deadman
  10. Since sending my seat to have Rick Butler do his magic on it, I finally got to ride over the last 3 days... did a little over 450 miles the last 3 days & my butt has never been so relaxed after a looong ride.. of the 450 miles 75 Saturday, 180 Sunday & 190 Monday best $$$$ I have spent on my bike....
  11. was 88 here in Alabama yesterday.... gotta love the sunny south.... except for the tornado's.... lo
  12. Best of luck with the NEW Spyder...I sell those bad boys, hope you enjoy....
  13. only got to ride a short ride due to RAIN.. but it is sooo different, can't wait to take a long ride...
  14. I'm so excited, I sent my seat to Rick Butler and had rick to Butlerize my seat... I can't wait to try it out!!!!
  15. missed me by mile.... Sheriff reported one on the ground a mile from my house, but Thank God no damage.....
  16. anyone that wants to come... Saturday morning 5/3/14 at 210 bexar Ave W, Hamilton, Al we are having open house, which we will have a ride at 9:00 am FREE, food FREE, live music and drawings throughout the day...See some great new & used bikes, Spyders, ATVs & sidexsides... Come join the fun......
  17. You sure you aint married to my EX?????
  18. thank you .... but hopefully I'll have mine back by the end of the week...I am going to San Antonio Wed- Sunday so I wont miss it too much...
  19. don't think I haven't thought of it....
  20. I sat here on one of my only off days, looking at threads. I wish I was out riding, since it's partly cloudy to sunny and 80 degrees.. BUT I have NO seat, I sent my seat to Rick Butler Friday....... oh well it will be worth it....
  21. well i'm sending my seats to Rick Butler Friday soooo I guess I can check that, BUT i suspect it's in the front, I can turn Handle bars all the way to the left and it will work.... go figure lol
  22. I was afraid that was the answer, I did that last summer and that helped a little , I think this time I'm going to use liquid tape to seal the connections. I don't like taking the fairing off, lol ....
  23. my radio has been acting crazy. the light blinks off and on..the settings automatically change, like from speakers to headset, the CB comes on by itself, I can't change from AUX to radio..so on and so on....... Any suggestions?
  24. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3738&title=butt-butler-seat-mod&cat=25
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