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Everything posted by midnightrider1300

  1. Crimson & Clover, dragon the line, Tommy James... Gary Pucket & the union gap....Beatles, Stones, Doors, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Jimi Hendrex, CCR, The Byrds...
  2. buy an A/C outlet that you can mount on the handle bars or somewhere and run wires from battery, be sure and add a fuse to the line....
  3. good deal, now you can ride the RSS on july 13th
  4. but you posted the story for her to READ...
  5. In Alabama if I didn't ride when there was 20-30% chance of rain I wouldn't ever get to ride in the summer...
  6. and tooo think I sell URALS..
  7. I had a 2 stroke that run backwards, if it hit on the down stroke....long story how it got that way, but 1st time it happened i'd have won AFV if it had been captured on video......
  8. here's one more picture of me and my daughter after her maiden voyage... http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/100_0805.jpg
  9. I have a daughter 30 she wouldn't ride with me at all.... My other daughter 27 will ride with me... she rode with me Saturday before fathers day and she gave me my fathers day present early as she was headed home at 1st light the next day... I thanked her for the gift but told her the best gift she gave me was riding with me... this picture was her 1st ever ride on a motorcycle with me over 4 yrs ago... http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/100_0804.jpg
  10. I'll keep my winters... I wouldn't mind your summer.. As for tornado's I would only wish them on the taliban and our president.... ooops did i say that out loud....
  11. was in mid 90's here in Alabama...Also remember those who are hurting due to tornado outbreak ...think there are several from states effected..
  12. July & August too HOT ....September I have to go to Biloxi, MS where my son is stationed in Air Force to see him...the way I work I have to plan WAY ahead.... plan it around my Saturday off, then I'm off on Mondays, that way I don't burn up all my vacation days ...
  13. This could change...but last couple of years i went in latter part of October and missed the colors of fall, so I'm shooting for 11/01-03... still may be a week early, but that is when I'm off in November..I know that is a ways out but i have to plan way ahead....will keep every1 posted..I am flexible on route I can ride it backwards:whistling:
  14. been doing some planning and 1 of our delivery drivers told me about a road that I needed to ride...He said hwy 13 in TN from Colinwood to Waverly Tn was as good as any road in east Tn.... so this is what I've come up with... will take 2-3 days to enjoy the ride...will add more details as I get them.... has any1 ever rode any of this loop? http://binged.it/1iCHkxs
  15. The annual Cherohala Challenge Bicycle Ride is TODAY - Sat June 14. Watch for bicycles on the Dragon before noon and all day on the Cherohala Skyway.
  16. wrenchrob, that purdy red spyder is a RT S SM5 2013.... $19,599.00 just in case you wanted to know.... We are not a VICTORY dealer, boss got the Victory CCT as a demo somehow...
  17. wow aint no way I can do that, no vacation left... I work Tuesday - Saturday 8-6 so I'm thinking aint no way I could win that.... but I'd darn sure like to try IF I had the time off .....
  18. keep the pictures and videos coming... enjoying them... be safe....
  19. I can make you a good deal on the Spyder....we have the best prices in the southeast on Spyders...we were selling the 2013 RT LTD for $22,199.00 NO FEES + tax ....I'll have to check on the RED spyder that is a RT S SM5 ... I want to think it's below 20 ....
  20. Victory CCT has heated seats & grips to:whistling:
  21. here it is right in front of my desk uggggggggg... it has 5 miles on it... $17,000.00 http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc501/1hondaman1100/th_victory.jpg
  22. we got a 2014 Victory Cross tour in today' gosh I want that bike....it has 41 gallons of storages, sleek and sooooo pretty. and the seat height is the lowest in the touring class...needless to say I had to make sure it was on the opposite end of the building from me...I hope we sell it fast or I'll be trying to figure out how to put it in my budget...
  23. I work at a Yamaha dealer, a factory rep came the other day and promised we'd see MAJOR changes in the bike lineup over the next 5 years... but we have heard this before..I guess we still are the cubs of motorcycles... wait till next year
  24. when I was 13 I got a bluetick pup.... I had hunted since I was big enough to tag along, but didn't know a thing about coon hounds. that ole hound and I grew up together, he went own to be a dual grand night champion... but most of all he was my best friend, I cried for2 days when I had to put him down, and I was 26 ,,,,,I still have friends because of that ole coon hound....
  25. MOVE TO THE SOUTH>>>>>> lol
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