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Everything posted by cmiles3

  1. It's a sick feeling, when you first see it and realize somebody did that to your bike. I lost a Suzuki back in the 80's; walked out after work and spent 45 minutes trying to remember where I parked it. Then you get mad. Eventually you realize that there's always going to be someone who is mad at you or the world and will take it out on you if they get a chance. I've not had problems with my Venture, yet. I expect I will some day, but I'm not going to worry about it. Bikes can be fixed or replaced.
  2. Watch out, she wants your life insurance! Sounds like she's a keeper. Amy asked me when I was getting a new bike after my accident. Now she rides her own. Glad you're coming around, and sounds like you made a smart decision to wait until replacing your bike. Depending on several of several possible outcomes, you may want to consider starting on a smaller bike until your strength comes back, or just waiting until you're 100% and jump back on a Venture.
  3. If you haven't ridden the Natchez Trace, consider it. You could pick up the Trace west of Jackson, MS and ride it south to Natchez, cross the Mississippi and head west to Alexandria, then back north to I-20. Google Maps shows it only adds 20 minutes to the trip, but I expect it should take a couple of hours longer.
  4. No passport required for flights within the US, only for entering the US. You will need a government issued ID; airlines may enforce stricter safety regulations. Ask them for what they'll accept; usually the preferred identification is a state issued drivers license. Not sure if they'll know what to do with a Canadian license. http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html Sorry; edited the sentence to make more sense. I cut & pasted then realized later I had cut too much.
  5. Did you stutter, Dan?
  6. I'm running Avast antivirus (free) and Ad Aware Personal antispyware (also free) on my machines at home. Both seem to work well. If I suspect a problem, I'll run a scan on both and the problem seems to disappear. I've used AVG (free) but had problems with the startup times; I run older machines and I cant reschedule the scan on bootup with the free version. I ran Trend antivirus on my ancient Win95/DOS machines, and it worked well, so I'll say they probably are better now. Amy got an early Christmas present of a Sony laptop (Black Friday, daughter went last night) and it runs Trend. If you don't know what you're running, it's probably Microsoft's stuff, which is better than nothing. You really need a firewall, an antivirus, and a spyware detection/removal tool. Some companies offer an all in one package. If you can't install it, your local neighborhood geek store will put it on for a nominal charge. It's worth the frustration of not losing everything once, and it will save you many times over.
  7. I paid $120 for a pair of Chippewa steel toe engineer boots 20 years ago. Today, they'd be $320 if they weren't made in China. Usually, my boots are US military desert boots, or the old black GI boots; when I'm in the office I have two pairs of high top cowboy style boots, black & brown. Also have a pair of steel toes for construction site work, and a pair of hiking boots for colder weather. I've been know to wear my steel toe rubber boots riding in the rain.
  8. Daughter is in line with her boyfriend & his family. They came over for supper then went back & got in line. They are 1, 2, & 3 in line.
  9. In my college days, I rode an Suzuki enduro bike. It was our second vehicle for several years. Commuted to college, work, and visiting friends & family. On occasion, I had to transport my cocker spaniel when the Suzuki was my only means of transportation. I used a standard backpack, with her head sticking out of the top, zipped up tight around her neck. I put her in front of me, so she got the wind in her face. We never rode more than 30 miles one way, but she really enjoyed it. Caution: you'll need a faceshield if you try this; dogs drool a lot, and you're downwind. At a scooter rally this summer, a couple of riders had their yorkies along the ride. They used a custom backpack similar to what I used, but it resembled a baby carrier. Seemed to work for them.
  10. I changed tires last month with my HF ATV jack (twice, I pulled new tires off my '83 parts bike, and put them on my '87). I think I centered the jack on the engine crankcase. Of course, I didn't have it strapped down- be careful when you tugging on the wrenches. When I took the front wheel off, it was heavy on the rear maybe 20 pounds, so I stuck a jack stand under the rear tire. Didn't have any problems when I pulled the rear wheel. If you don't want to use a jack stand, you'll have to move the ATV jack to the rear when you pull the front wheel, and to the front when you pull the rear. I have extra wheels, so I didn't have to pull both wheels at the same time. Somehow, I ended up with 2 spare front wheels. Anyone need one, reasonable price? PM me.
  11. Your browser may be set to require you to click in the white box to activate the Java application. Try it and see if it works.
  12. Sounds like the "Peter Principle" is in operation at your company. Once you demonstrate that you can do a good job, they promote you, etc. until they find a job you can't do. She's reached the top. Maybe she's trainable; help her when you can, but watch out that you don't end up doing her job & yours. She's getting paid to do a job, and if she can't, her boss needs to know it. But not from you.
  13. I've looked at the online quotes that Progressive & other sites provide. They don't come close to what my agent finds; usually they don't come within the best 5 quotes she'll uncover. I have Progressive on my bikes right now, but not at the quote I got online; she got me a better deal. The online process isn't very friendly, for some reason. And the details you need to complete the application take me a lot of time to dig up and type in. Don't get me started about NetQuote, either. The credit reporting industry doesn't really care if you're going to be a good insurance risk; they want to know if you'll make money for the loan industry. So, no credit is a poor credit risk, as is bad credit, paying off your debts, no debts, etc. The best credit score means you have "Sucker" tattooed on your forehead; you have a track record of making money for the lenders.
  14. Are all the coils the same? I bought a set off ebay a while back for spares- I could send you one. PM me if you're interested.
  15. Insurance companies are scammin' again. But they're right, a little. People in hock up to their ears scam them more often. But credit scores are black magic; they change even when you don't do anything. You score better when you carry a balance than when you pay it off.
  16. cmiles3

    HELP !!!

    Mr. Bill? Dollar Bill? Hilly Bill? Duck Bill? Kill Bill? He's probably head them all... maybe you should go in a new direction.
  17. How's that knot on your head, Wiz?
  18. I'll help- contribute or work. What do you need? I guess I didn't see what we did last Christmas, so I'm working blind here.
  19. Don't use the cheap ratchet tie downs. I've had more than one of them let go when I tried to get one more ratchet in to tighten up on a load.
  20. Good stuff, and pretty much right on the money. It's a business, and they think in terms of income and expense. You're an expense; they only value your input when they pay for it. If they aren't paying you, they don't really want your input. I'll add, many "managers" are just like their employees; looking for the easy way. So, problems like schedules, covering no shows, and dealing with after hours problems are probably not going to be handled well. I'll ask you to answer your own question- do you like this job? Do you like working with the other employees & your boss? Is this the first time this year you've encountered trouble? If you answered yes, I'd do what it takes to settle the problem. If you answered no, I'd spend some time thinking about other options; but in my case, I wouldn't leave over one problem. Another point; most of our problems are not what other people are doing to us, but how we react to them doing it to us. You can't control their actions (well, maybe, but that's another topic), but you are in charge of how you react. If you're having problems with them, look at how you reacted. How can you get through this without losing sleep, money or respect? If you can't, then find another job- maybe in a different field with people or working conditions that you can adapt better. Most employers are looking for employees that do the work and don't "create" problems. They don't find many, and they'd like to keep the ones they have. Let them know you can't work unscheduled shifts on short notice, and accept whatever resolution they come up with. Next time, keep it simple; just say no.
  21. The water vapor & sulfur in the gas combine and form acid. If you run it till it heats up, the mufflers will vaporize the liquid and blow it out. If you just start it and run it for short times, the mufflers don't heat up enough and the acid just sits there, eating the exhaust system.
  22. Main problem with salvage titles is what you already discovered; insurance companies won't pay for it twice. It's probably uninsurable, except for liability. And some companies won't. The next problem is resale; most people won't go for a salvage title. If they do, they'll expect a big discount from what it's worth. Third problem, not yours, but the next owner's is financing. Not many banks will loan on a salvaged bike. So, if you're OK with riding an uninsured bike, go for it. Won't affect the way it rides, nor with how it looks after you fix it. Personally, I don't ride bikes with full coverage insurance. I don't buy bikes that I can't afford to replace if I wreck it. But that's me.
  23. So, are you coming to Tulsa for the Arabian show next year? Can't make it to OKC next week.
  24. Won't tell you how many times I've had to squint to read the laptop screen until someone showed me how to fix it. Used to happen every time I hooked up to an external monitor or screen projector. The laptop at work is smarter now; it ought to be since it's on it's 3rd motherboard and 2nd hard drive. I guess my 1st gen is just too rough on it.
  25. Sherry, Here's a web page that might give you some information you want. Another good source of info would be the local VFW group; call up or stop by and ask them for help. The first one you talk too might not know, but he'll know who to ask. http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/replacement-medals.html
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