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Everything posted by cmiles3

  1. It matched me with Mitt & Fred. All the Pubs were on top, with Guliani & Ron Paul in the middle, followed by all the Rats. I'm not sure that the match is all that accurate, given that I fell between many of the choices given in the short poll. I guess I'll wait & see who shows up at the polls when it's time to vote. Usually it's all but a done deal by the time OK gets to vote. The primaries narrow your options, and I don't get a choice, since I'm registered Independent. Most of the last 3 decades, my first choice wasn't on the ballot. I vote against a candidate about as often as I vote for a candidate.
  2. 3.1 Mbps is pretty slow, if you hit the high graphic/music/video sites. My home wifi says it's connected at 36 Mbps right now, which rates it as a low/very low signal strength based on the MS Wireless Connection Status icon on the control bar. I've read review somewhere that rate USB wifi as slower than PCMCIA card wifi, or built in wifi. It will work better than a modem, but it won't ever be great.
  3. Good news, mixed with bad. Glad you're here to tell us about it. You're gonna owe Lonna big time for Valentine's day, bro. Take your time, healing. You'll find things sore that never hurt before; for a long time, too. Soft tissue injuries heal slower than broken bones; things like muscles, tendons, cartilage. Get Lonna's shoulder checked out by a good specialist; shoulders take an especially long time to heal, and sometimes surgery is the fastest way to healing. Best pain reliever I found after my accident was Advil. Beat the prescription medz Doc handed me as I left the hospital. After the first night at home, sleepless, I took the over the counter recommended dose and slept like a baby.
  4. Just back from a short ride. Had to meet my daughter to give her the new sticker for her tags. Only 10 miles; 27 degrees here tonight. Rode yesterday, in the 30's. Been riding on and off the whole month, except when the ice & snow were on the ground.
  5. Thanks, Brad. They arrived today and look great. I'll try to install them next week.
  6. Good work, Don. It won't bring back the payments Tim scammed, but it will give us some satisfaction. Don't know Tim/Dakotasport, haven't done business with him, and probably won't. I'd just like to offer a counterpoint. The members I've dealt with on this site have been great. I've sold a few items, and payment has always been prompt, and a few times, more than I requested. A time or two, I've had to refund payments when an item was sold quickly, before I could edit the ad, and someone sent payment before I could respond. I wouldn't hesitate to buy or sell to any member on this forum (well, except Tim). I'd also like to remind those members who've purchased something from me that my original offer stands; if the item they received wasn't satisfactory for any reason, return it and I'll send you a refund. There's no time limit on this offer. I'm not in the business of selling parts for my livelihood, but when I do sell spare parts, it should be a good deal for buyer & seller.
  7. With the inch of ice, inch of rain, and inch of snow I had last week, it's riding weather again. I missed a few days of riding this past week; the streets were littered with trees, then snow. Then, I was moving fallen limbs from around the house. Yesterday & today I got the 1st Gen out, road to Mom's house, to move fallen limbs from her back yard. Then I got Amy's Genuine Buddy out to gas it up, add SeaFoam, and make it ready to store. We missed the big toy run; it was cancelled due to the weather. Need another excuse to get her to ride.
  8. http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?tg=dl-20&qt=fix%20broken%20links&tag=srch Search Download.com- there seems to be a few tools for this. I've used something like this, but it was back in Win95 days, so I don't have it anymore.
  9. Your engine and gear box are vented. The air in them expands & contracts as the air temp changes. So you're sucking in moist air, where some of it condenses inside the block or case, adding a few micro drops of water to your oil. If you drive them daily, no problem. If you let them sit for weeks, these microdrops add up- you might notice the water if you change the oil. Yeah, the oil should protect the case, but it's not perfect. Over time, you'll see some rust where it shouldn't be. The longer the oil sits, the less it protects the engine. And if you get sludge (oil, water & dirt mixed) it can be really bad. A vapor barrier on the floor would help by stopping the humidity coming from the ground, but wouldn't dry the air. If you have heat, or the sun warms your shed, this will help dry it. Enclosing the shed would also help. Best is to park it in your bedroom. Your wife won't mind; really, she won't.
  10. Not really the solution you asked for, but... If you open your Favorites folder in Windows Explorer (not IE) it will show your links as shortcuts. If Explorer is set to allow "active content" your links will show an image set by the URL- Netscape.com would show the Netscape icon, MS will show the MS icon, etc. Bad links will show the generic IE icon, as will the URL's that aren't smart enough to set a unique icon image.
  11. ...but I have a generator, thanks to my neighbor who scored 2 on Wednesday. Amy & I woke up Sunday morning in the dark, and have no power except generator this morning. School's out all week, and winter break starts Monday, so CJ is free (except for his job). Mom & Dad lost power and are still offline; my sister has to get her electric meter repaired (I already repaired mine). Trees are in sad shape; still a half inch of ice on most of them this morning. Some 60' trees are now 30'. I have a dozen trees down in the yard; anyone want free firewood? Photos posted on Webshots: http://community.webshots.com/album/561761701VtjbKH?vhost=community Things take a lot longer without power. I get home, service the generator, run to the gas station for fuel, help cook dinner, sit down to watch the news & weather & read the paper, and I'm asleep. Wake up in the middle of the night, service the generator, back to sleep for a few hours, wake up & service the generator, get dressed for work, repeat. Looks like we're in for another round; 3" of snow forecast for Saturday. Looks like the ABATE Toy Run will be postponed again.
  12. There are a lot of breed specific animal rescue groups around. Ask at your vet's office for some phone numbers. They usually are more private than the animal shelters, and a little less visible. Vet's offices also usually have several rescues ready to adopt. Start calling. Another option is to contact local breeders. Sometimes they have leftovers they can't sell. My daughter got a pug from a friend of a friend who breeds them. There are also a lot of "free" groups on Yahoogroups. I see a lot of dogs offered in the local groups I'm on. Look for the groups in your area on yahoogroups.com and start browsing. After Christmas, there will be a lot of Christmas puppies looking for homes.
  13. Real, from a local tree farm. Used to make the kids pick it out, then I'd cut it and we'd drag it home. Spend a day decorating the tree and house, usually a couple of weekends before Christmas. They'd get anxious about the 1st of December, asking when we'd put up the tree. This year, I don't know; my daughter's moved out; my son has a car, a job, a girlfriend, and other interests; Amy's nickname is the "The Grinch"... but she did hang the lights outside Thanksgiving.
  14. I might have the bags, and maybe a vent. Is the plastic frame of the vent intact, or broken? PM me if interested.
  15. Two young riders lost their lives emulating him this summer. The first ended up hanging out of the back of a truck he hit at 100+ mph. When interviewed on TV news, his buddy said there was nothing wrong with riding fast on crowded highways, bad things happen, and there was nothing we could do to him that would make him stop. A few days later, he died within a mile on the same road, pulling the same tricks. This is stuff that you do on a track, and not a public road. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it.
  16. What bike? What's an eyebrow?
  17. Sorry, I guess the "moan & groan" comment was misunderstood- maybe I should have inserted a smiley Better? We all moan & groan; we all have something to say or complain about or we wouldn't be here. If we didn't like what everyone else was saying, we'd stop showing up. Not being a moderator nor an event organizer, I've stumbled across these password protected messages a few times and wondered "what's up with that?" When I looked at the forums list, the light bulb went on. For the event organizers, they need a place to catch up quick when they've got a few minutes to spare, so the moderators set up the folders for them. This prevents the organizers from having to wade through lots of posts that don't have the info they need to find the few that do. Several of the members' forums pertaining to events generate dozens of posts; imagine trying to find the one post with the phone numbers you need when it's 5 minutes to closing and you have to contact a dozen vendors. That's why we can't intrude; we all have something to say and frequently do so.
  18. That's 'cause we have to test things for all the smarter idiots you keep throwin' our way.
  19. I've ridden solo 400 miles one way in a day, several times. Usually my riding days are a lot shorter in distance, but may take more time. I ride when I work out of town, so short days give me time to get there and back. A couple of times I've ridden 200 miles, worked a few hours, and ridden back. I'm not worth much at home that evening; usually I'm out on the couch by the time the news starts. I'm planning to ride to Mobile, AL in March- 800 miles one way. I may try to make it an Iron Butt ride. If you see me riding through Mississippi, I'll be the one standing up on the blue 1st Gen. Haven't ridden 2 up any long distances, so I can't say what our limits would be. Rode to Eureka Springs on Labor Day, but Amy rode her scooter- 200 miles via the scenic route, 1 way. Not bad for a 125 cc machine, at 55 mph most of the way. Now she's talking about a bigger bike, but we'll see. After thinking about it, we rode 2 up to Fayetteville and back to visit friends; about 200 miles. Most rides are local, short hops (less than 100 miles round trip.)
  20. There's a section of the forum that is for ride in/event planners only. If you go to the forums tab, you'll see that group of forums at the bottom of the list. If you are looking at "New Posts" or "Active Threads" posts to these forums will show up on the list. Otherwise, if you navigate through the forums listed, you'll never see the links to these posts. Lets those members who wanna work do so without the noise from those of us who just wanna moan & groan.
  21. I have a left. Would 2 lefts make a right?
  22. Hey, it's the beer wagon! I can think of a few reasons to go this route, but they apply to trikes, too. You have a Goldwing rusting in the garage because you can't ride it anymore. This gets you out on the road. I know a few people that might fit this category. You have a passenger who wants to ride, or more passengers than you can carry on a bike. This gets them on their own ride. Looks like it would be slightly more stable than a trike. You just want a new toy.
  23. Say, "Thank you, Sooners." BOOMER! SOONER!
  24. Ditto on K&N's dealer reputation. I buy parts from them, but I do my own work. I'll use them for anything I can't do (well, I'll probably use Kool Rides for tires, they're closer to home.) Ken Johnson is the other half of K&N. http://www.knmotorcycles.com/pages/aboutus/aboutus/default.aspx Phil McDonald is the director for the local MSF training agency. He was an instructor when Amy, CJ & I took the Basic Rider course. If you've met Phil, you know he's passionate about safety. The other instructor was the ABATE state chapter safety director, Paul Brinker. We enjoyed the course.
  25. Small groups usually don't need as much planning. Doesn't take much to decide what the next stop will be. That said, a friend rode to Santa Fe with 2 other riders; by the time they got to the mountains he decided to leave the group. He's a photographer, and wanted to shoot photos around every corner. They were sporties, and wanted to run the curves as fast as possible. Large groups need a lot of planning; possibly a saggin' wagon, too. Someone's bike is going to stop running, or someone will get hurt or tired... As stated, fuel, potty, & food stops take a lot of time. Some like to run 80mph, others like to poke along. It's still fun, but it's a lot of work to make it fun. Some want to get an Iron Butt ride in, some want to quit after the first 100 miles. Does your group want to stop & smell the roses (or read the historical marker signs?) Or do you want to race to the hotel room, so you can all crack open a cold one? Do you want to eat economically, so you can spend all your cash shopping? Or go gourmet? Some want Super 8, others want the Hilton. If you're going to shop along the way, cut your distance to allow time. Asking the questions now may save a friendship later. Or, if you know them really well, you'll know the answers to the questions now. This past year, riding with Amy's scooter club, I found getting to know the other riders is most of the fun on a group ride. You can learn a little about them riding the twisties, but you learn a lot more at the stops. But the riding is much better when it's just a few of us.
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