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Everything posted by cmiles3

  1. One high test doesn't mean anything. What your Doc did is just a screening test; he'll probably ask you to come back for another test. You need to follow his instructions; generally you fast for 12 hours before a screening test, but he may have different instructions for you. Most of the time, they ask when they take the sample, and will mark it on the test results. Fasting tests are more accurate, because your body will spike your blood sugar when you eat; that's how it works. Some foods will really spike you; sugar, beer, and some other things. Ask before you go back and avoid those things.
  2. Good points, all... but... With the housing market down, lots of local governments are hurting. Homes that sit vacant tend to be owned by homeowners not paying taxes. So, they are scrambling too, and will resist lowering the values to match fair market prices. Most local governments are funded primarily with property taxes, with some ad valorem taxes (sales taxes) thrown in. Your tax assessor has a process to revalue your home. Don't know how yours works, but in Oklahoma it's something like this. You ask for a reassessment- they look up how big your house is, where it is, and the then multiply by the "average" value per square foot for your neighborhood. Don't like that method? You file an appeal. You can submit fair market value (sales or assessments) for your area to support your claim for a lower value. Typically this will work in a down market, here. The state forced all the counties to use fair market value here several years ago, along with periodic reassessments (3 years?) Of course, if tax revenue drops, they can increase the rate (within limits) to maintain tax base. But they have to apply the same rate to everyone, not just you. Check out your process; probably a local realtor will know the basics of how it works. If not, your assessor can explain it.
  3. All financial institutions make their money by "loaning" your deposits to other businesses; corporations, businessmen, governments... They earn a lot more in interest & dividends than they pay depositors interest- what is it these days, 1% or 2%? If they're not earning 10% or better, they won't stay in business long. As a startup, they need big money to make big money. So, they get investors to front some money for the startup, to pay depositors bonuses, until their brand catches on and they don't have to pay bonuses. With any startup business, there's risk. With a bank, you could lose the money you have deposited. Some banks are insured, some aren't. Is yours? If you don't want to risk much, don't deposit much. Your SS# is a requirement for all bank accounts. If you don't want to use it online, stick with the brick & mortar banks, but don't think they haven't posted your SS# digitally for all "businesses" to access for a fee. Several big banks have been scammed recently; they didn't do anything wrong, but the system is pretty weak & doesn't protect your identity the way it should. They sell lists of depositors & their financial information to other businesses; it's another way they make money. Credit cards, other banks, investment companies, credit bureaus, debt collectors... your ID is floating around out there for everyone to see, digitally. Yeah, they use "secure" systems, and require "confidentiality" agreements, but it's only as good as the intentions of both parties. I'll give it a try.
  4. Prices will settle down in a few weeks. The refineries have started shifting from winter blend fuels to summer blend fuels. This is a local government response to EPA air quality requirements, and happens every year when it starts to get warmer. There aren't enough refineries to produce enough of both kinds of gas, and each community sets their own standards, so there's a lot of refineries switching to meet the demand. That said, when did we consider gasoline at 2.75 a gallon a bargain?
  5. It's forecast to be 102 here Tuesday through the end of the week. Perfect riding weather.
  6. I've got some vents, and a panel that's been repaired. Can't get to them until the end of June. Send me a PM if you're still interested then.
  7. Doggone, missed another meet because of work. Sounds like you had a good time anyway. Somebody put names on the photos, please. I recognize a few (very few). Anybody need a Baghdad Harley patch? There's more here than any other kind of patch.
  8. Me, too. I want one.
  9. Way to go Gary. Someone told me once, no one gets out of this world alive. Says me, sitting in Iraq- rocket hit near here night before last. Not too close, but if you can hear it... My '87 Venture is beginning to sound safe enough.
  10. Mean Dog's beyond our prayers; he's home now. I'll pray for his family & friends.
  11. Anyone want to hire an electrical engineer? Robotics/ paint systems experience? My cousin's looking for work.
  12. There are other Ventures to be had. And plenty of duct tape to keep you riding if you want to fix yours. Take time to heal; it will take longer than you think. Good time to review; don't go into a curve any faster than you can see to stop. You don't know what's in the road around the curve. If you don't practice this on good weather days, you won't do it on the bad weather days. They were showing a riding safety video on the TV here the other day; a squid on a sport bike, passing cages & bikes on curves; took his eyes off the road (near miss on a bike in the opposite lane) and took out the second bike coming in the other lane. They cut off the video before the collision, but I flinched anyway.
  13. Weird experience I've had twice, but not on a bike- driving down the road, close to the river, but in the city, heard a buzz growing louder. Next moment, sounds like a rock slams into my windshield. It was a bullet, nearly spent from being fired at least half a mile away (across the river?) Left a small but nasty star on the windshield. Had an identical experience years later, driving down the highway through a public hunting area. Loud buzz, followed by the sound of the bullet hitting the windshield. This one cracked the windshield but didn't leave a star. Just sold the Explorer last year. Twice, almost struck by lightning. You don't hear the bullet that hits you, as the saying goes. I heard both of those. Then there's the neighbor who thought it was a good idea for some target practice with his .357 in the back yard. The bullets were ricocheting off his dirt bullet trap, up into the trees in my back yard. The only sounds I heard from those bullets was the shot, followed by the bullets as they passed through the leaves over my head. I walked around the long way and discussed it with him, gently, as he was armed & drunk. Seen a lot of things fly out of the back of pickups. Another problem is the spare tires under the bed, supported by a cable. After a few years of driving in bad weather the cable breaks, dropping the tire, which then bounces pretty high. A friend totaled his dad's car when one nearly struck his windshield on the expressway. I lost one years ago on a different expressway. Saw it bounce in the rear view mirror, fortunately onto the shoulder.
  14. Won't be available, but check out Pig Trail from Eureka Springs to Ozark. Also, the route south of I40 across Magazine Mountain is great.
  15. cmiles3


    Thanks, guys. I've got more than I need here, and not enough hours to do much more than work. A private room with a bathroom would help, but that's not going to happen. I share a trailer with a roommate I've never seen. There's Walmart a couple of miles from the office (a big PX), and the DFAC (mess) is pretty good, with a lot of choices. They don't even complain when you load up with goodies to take back to the office. If you want to help some of the troops, I'll get some addresses for you- a lot of the camps are primitive compared to this one. I've paid more and stayed in worse hotels at home.
  16. cmiles3


    Here's the team on the way to Baghdad. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=1561
  17. in Iraq. Sorry I left a few parts unsold, but I'll be back in June if you still need something. Working to keep the US & the soldiers safe. I'll post a few photos and check in from time to time. Looks like I'll miss the rides this spring.
  18. You blew it. You could have gotten by with half the flowers and presents if you'd gotten married 3 days earlier. Congratulations. You're already ahead of most married couples. In a few years, Amy & I will get there.
  19. Hemp wasn't used for smoking, back then. It was imported to the colonies, for use in making ropes. Tribes used tobacco for ceremonies. Smoking hemp was a European/African thing.
  20. You have another option. File a mechanic's lien in the state the vehicle's titled; with the judgement against him it should be pretty simple. I'm sure there's a fee involved, but he can't transfer the title without removing the lien. Won't stop him from salvaging (maybe in an honest junk yard) but if it's worth anything, he'll pay.
  21. cmiles3

    The Biker

    OK passed a law to allow city/state/county police to check immigration status of drivers and others when they violate a law. So far, only one city has provided the training to the officers required to let them access the records. And they've detained a boatload of illegals; true, mostly Latino, but quite a few you wouldn't think about. So there are a few less homicidal maniacs driving the streets of Tulsa these days. Still no shortage of maniacs, of all ethnicities. So far, the ACLU hasn't found a court that will accept their lawsuit against the state. A few illegals have gone home, to wait and see the impacts; they'll be back before the year's end. A few employers are currently trying to bring suit against the state; the Chamber of Commerce is the lead on this. Come on, guys. There's more to life than cheap labor. What a world this is. Citizens suing the government, to stop peace officers from enforcing the law. Makes me proud to be a US citizen. Try that in Mexico.
  22. H20, or water. Inject a small amount of water vapor with the air into your carb, it flashes to steam in the combustion chamber, and the volume expansion is supposed to add significant power to your stroke. Works well in theory, usually lacks performance in most systems. In fuel injected systems it's not supposed to have any effect due to the mass air flow sensor adjusting for the water in the air stream. I don't know anyone who's tried it on their system. Supposed to be some benefit from decarbonizing your combustion chamber.
  23. I've got the vent. Which side do you need? I have a fairing, but it needs some repair. Let me know; I'm leaving town til June, so I need to ship by Saturday or wait until I get back.
  24. Softer rubber allows more penetration from stones and other road hazards. The stone sticks to the rubber better, penetrates quicker. But if it's pointed in the right direction, it will penetrate any tire. If the stone's big enough, it will penetrate a little farther with each revolution. The wide base will cause it to back out a little, but the damage is done, and gets worse with each rev. Should have stopped and bought a lottey ticket; just your luck that day. Even with 8,000 miles, you have half the rubber left. All my tire issues happened in the last half of the tire wear, with more happening in the last 1/4 of the wear.
  25. If it's a California model, it will have a C at the end of the model number. My '87 is an XVZ1300T, if it was a CA model it would be a XVZ1300TC. May not help if you can't find the label.
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