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Everything posted by cmiles3

  1. Credit union here lists 5.25% interest rate on 72 month new car loans, dropping to 4.75% on 36 month loans. If there is a credit union near you, check it out. They generally accept members if you're not already a member somewhere else. Generally you have to set up a savings account, and maybe a share draft account (checking) to get the best rates. I know you can get pre-approved here. Watch out if you finance through a dealer expecting to pay it off early with a credit union loan. I don't know if Yamaha's plan includes it, but there can be penalties (up to the total interest you would have paid for the life of the loan) for early repayment. So you end up paying the same $. And you still paid the dealer's finance fees, the loan company's finance fees, Yamahas finance fees, etc. Some states make the seller list all the fees, but who says they don't make "mistakes?"
  2. Main reason for not greasing is the grease builds up in your coupler. It's easy to clean of the hitch ball, but when did you look inside your coupler last? Dirt, rust, old grease packed in there will keep it from latching and unlatching.
  3. '83? Fairings upper & lower? Color? Condition? engine guards?
  4. The rectangular vent by your knee? Same piece. I have a couple if your deal doesn't work out.
  5. I've wondered the same thing, when some of the last minute snipers pumped up the price past my limit. No proof, just doubts. Had Rocket's experience once; a prior deal fell through 'cause the vendor wouldn't accept payments from international buyers (Canada?) so I put in a limited bid for the buyer, and got it- for about 60% of the original BIN price. I paid, was repaid and it shipped without a hitch. Lots of good sellers on eBay. I've had a few deals I wasn't 100% satisfied, but I wrote it off as not asking the right questions. Most sales have been as advertised. I stopped buying from sellers where the shipping was 10x the sales price, and I'm a lot happier since.
  6. It didn't look like that last time I saw it. Looks good.
  7. A gator killed a woman passenger in a car here a year ago. I don't think it was the explosion that got her, but another vehicle that ran over it and threw it through the windshield of the cage she was riding.
  8. Makes my trip look short. I went to Sturgis from Oklahoma, then home via Montana- Missoula, at the western border. Toured the back side of the mountains coming back through Colorado. My trip was only 3800 miles or so, interrupted by a 2 week business trip. Longest day was 900+ miles, from Butte to Denver (had to catch a flight). 10 riding days, spread over 23 days. Here's a link to a video of one of the roads- well, almost. I took Phantom Canyon Road from Victor to Canon City, but the video shows it in winter, with snow. Since I was watching the road, I didn't see as much of the landscape this video shows. Awesome road, vertical cliffs, vertical drops, lots of twisties, tunnels, one lane part of the way- I'm glad I rode it, but it will take a while before I try it again. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxEXpaGW_Nk]YouTube - Phantom Canyon- Colorado[/ame][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS1Krc8YbpA][/ame]
  9. Just sit on a phone book. I had the same problem this morning, but my windshield is a standard. When I sit up straight, I can see over it. But it makes it tough to navigate potholes.
  10. I'll see you in Okmulgee. I met the ride at the last stop a few years ago. Nice place and a nice reception.
  11. Got back from Sturgis, a week ago. I know, it ended 3 weeks ago, but I had to fly to Mobile for 2 weeks of work, so I didn't finish my trip until later. Rode my Venture; only spent one day in Sturgis, and a couple of days in the Black Hills, riding. No problems, lots of bikes, watch out for the critters on the rode. Rode on to Missoula for a week before heading back. Missed a few phone calls there; cell phone reception is terrible.
  12. I usually head for the pawn shop to shop for single use sockets. I have quite a collection, since I figure I can pay a mechanic $100 to fix it, or buy $100 of tools and fix it myself. I drove a VW for years, and it has all kinds of bolts that don't come in the standard socket sets. Get a set of hex bit (allen) sockets- probably won't find them at the pawn shop. I use them a lot, and seldom need the allen wrenchs these days. It works for your brakes on your car (unless you have the kind with Torx bolts for your calipers). You need a set of torx bit sockets, too, but not for this job.
  13. I have one, but I'll be gone for 3 weeks. If you don't get one before I get back, send me a note- should be home about Aug 25.
  14. On my 1st Gen, it's always been difficult to check pressure in the front forks. I use a regular dial pressure gage and it works, but I lose pressure every time I check it. So it's a real balancing act to measure, add air, measure again until I'm satisfied. Today I bought a suspension pump at a bicycle shop. It is a low volume pump, with a dial pressure gage and a screw on inflating valve. Works well, and doesn't lose a lot of air when you disconnect. Mine was $35. You can find them on the internet.
  15. I've not experienced it. With good tread, and moderate speed, the tire shouldn't hydroplane. But if you see a puddle, it's best to slow before you hit it. I'm more worried about potholes hidden by puddles than hydroplaning. The grooves pump water away from the tire as it rolls across the puddle. If the grooves can't pump fast enough, the water pressure builds and lifts the tire from the pavement. That's hydroplaning. Speed increases the chances of hydroplaning, as does depth. Worn tread also increases your chances of hydroplaning.
  16. I'll be there, probably arrive on Aug 2, and have to leave Aug 3 or 4 for Montana. Don't have any plans except to ride and see what's happening. I'll leave Tulsa Aug 1, through Wichita, Grand Island, and ? May stay in the Badlands Friday night. Or not. Don't know where I'll be Saturday night or Sunday night. Give me a shout. Chuck (918)857-2843
  17. I usually engine brake, then switch to brakes as the engine speed drops below 2500 or so. This is for normal stops. I can roll on throttle at any time if I need to, to adjust my line or avoid something. At lights, I leave it in gear unless I need two hands to adjust something. In quick stops, I brake hard with the rear/front linked brakes, then add the front brakes. When I'm almost stopped, then I downshift. This lets me concentrate on braking, and monitor traffic in case I need to switch tactics- swerves, etc. Sometimes this last minute shifting leaves me in neutral instead of 1st gear, which is annoying when the light turns green. At railroad crossings, I usually leave it in gear but turn off the bike. In Claremore, there's about 60 trains a day. I try to stay on one side of the tracks, but I live on the wrong side...
  18. He really wanted that bearskin seat cover.
  19. Already been said, but you can get the real diaphragms for pretty close to the starting bid price, without installing them on old slides. I remember a thread where someone discussed ordering the mikuni carb parts in bulk, and rebuilding diaphragms. Probably another forum, probably not even Ventures being discussed. These parts may be the real thing, but installing them yourself is a risk.
  20. I put on new Dunlop Elite II's for my 2,500 mile trip. The front was still good, but the back was down to the wear bars. I keep my old tire mounted on spare wheels, and swap the new wheels with the old. Last 1,700 mile trip I started with worn tires, thinking they'd be done when I got back. When I rolled it into the shop for new tires, the cords were showing on the rear. That was too close, and could have been catastrophic.
  21. I pull out of Tulsa on Friday. Going up through Wichita, then ? I have to be in Montana on Monday, so I leave the Black Hills sometime on Sunday. Maybe next trip, Brian.
  22. It's supply & demand. Everyone's looking for a 40 mpg vehicle to commute; it's primo riding season, and the new bikes are tough to finance for a working guy. If you need to clean out your garage, now's the time. A couple of old Ventures for sale here, one for parts, the other? I'll swing by and look at them. Anyone need parts?
  23. My cousin played bass with BB King when he played Tulsa in the 80's. Didn't want to tour, though.
  24. I'm closing in on 82,000 miles. I'm the 3rd owner; put about 40,000 miles of my own on it. Had a little slipping in 4th revving up on the acceleration lane of the expressway, but it went away when I change the oil. Haven't had it come back. I don't pop the clutch, but I don't take it easy either. No red line starts, but a lot of acceleration after the clutch engages. I use the friction zone to manage low speeds in parking lots and such.
  25. Glad you're still here to tell us about it. Advil worked the best to relieve pain after my accident; better than the prescription meds from the doctor.
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