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Everything posted by rbig1

  1. I know wrong bike. but tried its form could not even get in. had to replace the wire harness as burned in the head light bucket there is a light green wire solid color only one terminal no match any where. what terminal tool removes the bigger plugs[ bullet style]
  2. ill take the second place toy:whistling:
  3. I don't care who ya are that's funny. Lol. Ah very funny
  4. rbig1

    HOA venting

    should have parked bike in back of truck. that why I don't live where there is a hoa. my property not there's. if we have problems have to talk to each other.lol
  5. hope thing go well. there is quite a few people on here that I have not meet. but feel like I relate to. and want to meet. and need some wisdom weather actual or fun. both work for me. so you and the snow god have my full wishes and others. get well keep riding:rain2: be safe
  6. rbig1

    gunboat info

    are you here tom
  7. tom mcnat want to know about gunboat and 3 sisters ride. was in chat
  8. log out then look. only time i see it.
  9. the top screen with all tabs has went black. from pics up
  10. rbig1


    not here iowa
  11. glad things went ok for ya. there is no place like your own. don't over do
  12. add your bike to it I did. or fav beverage:beer:
  13. rbig1

    New Site

    wow a lot easer to upload pictures. but you have to resize them yourself. most pic I could add. wonderful
  14. rbig1

    IMG 2124 (Small)

    From the album: my bike

  15. rbig1

    IMG 2125 (Small)

    From the album: my bike

  16. rbig1

    IMG 2144

    From the album: my bike

  17. rbig1

    IMG 2129

    From the album: my bike

  18. rbig1

    IMG 2130

    From the album: my bike

  19. rbig1

    IMG 2146

    From the album: my bike

  20. rbig1

    IMG 2128 (WinCE)

    From the album: my bike

  21. rbig1

    IMG 2131

    From the album: my bike

  22. rbig1

    IMG 2144

    From the album: my bike

  23. rbig1

    IMG 2145

    From the album: my bike

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