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Everything posted by rbig1

  1. nice... looks super clean. Should be a sweet ride with out having to work on it. Other than putting on bling
  2. Yamaha seem to be tanking us. If they don't do something soon they will be forgotten. Tape decks in the 2000's what a joke. They need to step up to the plate.
  3. well when you buy this trailer. There not supposed to charge you tax. You pay the tax when you get the plates. Didn't go that way with me. so just a heads up for next guy. Also if you don't show them the discount price they will try to charge you full price. So be ready or they will try and jip ya. Was going to buy a lift from them but don't know now. Don't like that stuff from stores I'm the customer not the victim.
  4. camping
  5. I rode in the winter. Because that was the only thing that would start. Had to get to work. would have to slide your hands off side way because you couldn't open them back up. did that a month straight that year. through snow and ice. Broke down and bought a different truck.
  6. if they all back out will take it off your hands.
  7. rules
  8. your lucky your young. Us old farts take longer to heal, then arther attacks us. Do every thing that they tell you to do. It will pay you back ten fold. It only hurts for a while then its strength building time. I would hate to say how many times I have been through pt. Make sure to have fun while there tease them. Make them happy and it will go better.
  9. there is a star pick up on the dist shaft it has a point for every cylinder to change it you have to pull the dist knock the roll pin off the gear pull the shaft off change it and put it all back together. there is a oams test u can do to test it but cant remember how. Ps I bought a high performance dist off flea bay for 90.00 that may be the easiest way.
  10. rbig1


    before I rode it.
  11. rbig1

    my 2001 venture

    my newest toy
  12. if you replace the module make sure and use the jelly on it or you will be doing it again
  13. wow had to take my mom in for shortness in breath. the rooms were full of same problems. they kept her. be carefull take no chances
  14. rbig1


    why cant we have some warmth. Why is the bushes on fire. lol
  15. picked it up yesterday worst day I could have picked. lol should still be covered when it thaws will probably turn white from salt will have to give it a oil bath after cleaning then wipe down to kill salt. yep she is ice
  16. I'm in the market also soon. Want to get a good set. I don't care about the phone though people can wait. Kind of hard of hearing so will have to have clear sound.
  17. ill be a dog that's in iowa. that's about five hours from me. my 83 had 23000 miles on it when I got it. they sit a little taller than the new ones but they will go. hope its a good one
  18. I didn't think to take any. Will see if its still covered in morning if it is will snap a picture. lol Made me sad to see it that dirty. Going to take me a long time to clean up.
  19. yep antenna are on backwards will change that when warmer out. and see if the cb still works
  20. we landed on the moon. Everyone stopped what we were doing and watched as the astronauts walked on the moon. When ever they had it on tv well all stopped and watched it. black and white and fuzzy reception.
  21. Went down to festis mo and picked up my bike. Test rode it before buying. It was 40 out got back from ride it was 30. by the time got done with paper work and loading it up on trailer. The weather went bad freezing rain. Went down the highway and had to stop at next exit to retie the bike. We got back on interstate went about a mile cars in ditch ass of truck slipping. we were going about 30 mph then hit saint lewis rush hour traffic we moved around 15 mph for the next 40 miles. roads were super slick. Never got above 50 mph all the way out of mo. Quite a few cars and big trucks in ditch. Got about 50 miles into iowa before roads straightened out. We pulled into Muscatine at 11 pm. I was so tired from ride the bike is still on the trailer have to unload it this morning. Hope I can get it loose with all the ice on it. Think i'll name it ice.
  22. look there fool looks like horns on there.
  23. well the boy and I are going to pick it up tomorrow. Rented a trailer down there to haul it back. That way wont be beat on way down. Cant wait. Have to take pics down there as snow everywhere here. hope I can get in garage shoveled off all the snow behind it and used way to much salt. Will have all day to melt.
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