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Everything posted by rbig1

  1. back in the day it was called a western union splice used on telegraph wires. that's the one venturous posted. it had seven wraps per side dang tough. if you take apart a splice on wiring ground on bike they used small copper Ferrell. no solder, as that makes wire stiff and brakes easer.
  2. your lucky he didn't jump on and take off. He is known for jumping on unguarded bikes
  3. ill take you up on the offer. do I need to change throttle cables and lines. pm me price
  4. Have any of you changed your bars to 650-08763 and is there a bar that comes in closer and farther back. Having shoulder problems again and have to do something. Don't want to quit riding. Cant afford to buy wrong bars either. I get one shot at this. Don't want to gamble. Shoot wanted to put this in second gen forum how do I do that.
  5. lol about time you woke up.........
  6. wow hate that. had to replace my service on house twice. trees took it out. watch that tree may be in stress and whip back at you.
  7. nothing to worry about they called me to come help. loading up saws and drills. goodluck
  8. there welded better than they were. But those little bearings are really spinning. I felt the hubs at fuel stops and no heat produced. And was up there in speed. so I think its for there protection I bet
  9. I think it sounded like loose rockers or bad timing chain like on a chevy.
  10. Well pulled mine the first time to maint day. Had to keep up with a couple of rockets. Didn't even know it was behind me. I put box on backwards it put the lock on same side of bike that you dismount from. And almost matches bags and trunks. You will like it.
  11. Almost behind ya now. Stay strong. Will check chat to keep time moving for you. Hope others will too, makes time go faster. thinking about your recovery and snow storms lol
  12. congratulations two both of you. Like riding with ya and being around both of ya. hope all goes perfect for your day your good friend rod.
  13. Well changed out my clutch the fiber disc were at min thickness. I bought a kit from @Skydoc and new wave washer. Half of the sound I was worried about is gone and the friction point is at a better place. thanks to all that listened to it at maint day. Now if I can ride again will test it.
  14. keep it on the ground. or you will have to number it.
  15. lets see hook two v4s together put in trike. there is a double wammy super fast
  16. dang that's not supposed to happen. Hope they are wrong. I feel for ya. would not put much stock in what there saying till the surgeon says it.
  17. Kevin I think I've been to enough witch doctor's. I should of just went to a healer. lol gull lee don't miss nuttin... teach don't miss nary a ting.
  18. that's never fun. Hope all goes well. Now there saying its not my gull bladder. Its a pulled muscle in arm. That's what I told them when I went in. They have no idea whats wrong with people.
  19. make sure and clean out the reservoir of all the crud. I just hooked a hose up had glass jar with fluid in it. run fluid through till it comes out clean then bleed it. don't be surprised when friction spot moves on lever. hope the piston isn't sticking
  20. nice ride. Gad to have met you. and all others
  21. wow great run you guys got around. hopefully dri.
  22. well been in pain since trip to maint day. I broke down and went to er last night couldn't take it any more. They thought it was heart at first. Well gal bladder is acting up and infected go in Monday to see if I have to loose it. So may be down for a week or so.
  23. cool that's nice riding that far. hope weather hold out for you.
  24. It looks like it was around 1149 miles round trip. Who rode and how far. Who was closest and farthest not it.
  25. I am glad I came over and meet with you all. I made a lot of true friends. Hope next year is dry and warmer. ps thanks for all. Words cant say enough
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