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Everything posted by rbig1

  1. that's all I have
  2. thanks jeff.. wow I shake a lot
  3. could not figure out how to post but its on youtube Rodney Swailes its rally line up
  4. rbig1 made it home... Glad I was able to make it. More great friends...... woo hooo
  5. lol got in house kid asked what happened to you. What... looked in mirror. Left side of stomach purple as hell. LOL I guess when I fell over fire pit in middle of nite it punched me. What a year.
  6. This place is great. I had another great meet. Made more friends fun to ride with. Thanks all for all the fun let's do it again
  7. rbig1

    more rain

    . Don your missing out still bath time. Lol going to be squire clean
  8. I'm hungry where is your fridge
  9. Tommy Kathy and me rod are here. Rbig1, turtle, just unloaded, camp ground 215 site
  10. some gaskets are not compatible with oat antifreeze. Don't know about Yamahas compatibleness.
  11. walmart sell a patch kit worked on the boys virago. they been riding it around and looks fine yet
  12. By the way check out member vendor eusa1 product. would look sick on yours painted or factory.
  13. lol nice clean bike there. We all have and had trouble posting pics. Once ya figure it out write it down or you will go through it again. Trust me haven't learned to write it down yet.
  14. I herd they were all recalled to factory for wrong placement of air bag.
  15. selected wrong side of equator lol
  16. Well went to another dr. He thinks I have a partial tear in tricep. So therapy and all that jazz. So should I behave like @yammerdan and @flyingfool. Do more than I should or burry my head in sand. Decided to go to rally. If you see me humped over tell me tuff get going. Need to put on at least 2000 more miles to make the upgraded bike worth it. Hopefully not 100 miles at a time. Does anyone know if there will be anyone doing leather work there. Maybe I can get a wrap for upper arm made.
  17. these bikes have a wurrring sound that is normal. and you can hear valve clearance. But you get used to it. You might as well sign up there is a wealth of info here. Put year and make on your signature. These puppys like rpms also.
  18. yes new fluid will make a big difference. The slave cyl may be hanging up or fluid is compressing. Easy to change just don't get it on bike. In tec there are some good write ups on how to do it. If other fluid is brown change them, after you correct this one probably same age.
  19. has your clutch fluid turned brown. Does it slip in high gear hard to shift. The stock spring is weak from factory. How many miles are on bike
  20. wait its not a toy hauler. or is it
  21. well when I pulled mine out there put 42psi in rear shock, driver 350lb, 22psi in tires on trailer. Followed two rockets over there never knew trailer was behind me. And that was the first time I ever pulled a trailer. Never weighed trailer but had it full.
  22. Just be careful my friend. I tried to ride last week end and now I'm back where I started. Get to see a surgeon next week now
  23. HAPPY fourth all. Tis great to have this many friends. And to go where we want
  24. rbig1


    well lets hope the nurses are cute. Keep ya distracted. But if this keeps up. Our pets heads will start falling off. prayers up blessing down my man. now lets meet up again
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