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Everything posted by rbig1

  1. merry Christmas to you and yours:173: miss you on chat
  2. You know you keep this up and your going to pass my 7 surgery's in five years. That is not a good thing. You get to the point that you don't care. I was lucky to find this group of crazy fun people. We may have to put your bike on a trailer and throw you on there and let puc pull you all over. Man the stories you two could come up with.
  3. well it was at the end of 1974. I drove my parents nuts till they let me buy a basket case bsa 250. I ended up hiring it put together. Then had to fix it to get it to run.lol I rode that bike way to hard. Before I got my license rode up the high way as fast as it would run. it was at about 120 when the valves hit the piston. Had to push that sucker a long ways to get it home. I think it was about 15 miles uphill. had to rebuild it myself that time. I was 15 years old. Every time I rode long distance I would get to where I was going to turn around. That sucker would die, had to reset the valves and points to get back home every time....
  4. well I found this site right after I bought my first gen. Dingy helped me a lot on igntec settings. That would be hard to replace that kind of help. Have had a lot of help from a lot of members. Besides they all like to get lost during the group rides. I have made so many new friends its unbelievable. We have lost a few members yes but some of use are as old as the bikes lol. I wouldn't want to loose what I have gained. Besides I like to ride in the rain. Any one else lol.
  5. I have the torch loaded. lol
  6. I like muff out. Did you notice your wheel is green?? lol:nanner:
  7. Try a different oil. Made a difference on mine. But had to put fiber discs and main spring. It still has a whirring sound but that is normal as far as I'm concerned. Sound a lot like tweeks. Its a lot like the old 13 speed roadrangers in big trucks. Sound of a steady heart beat. lol almost forgot puc I have two viragos that sound like loose marbles when starting. I just put up with it as it still turns over. Gives ya a sense of is it going to work. Or puke parts
  8. rbig1


    well im not a vet. But nothing was going on at the time. So I have no idea what kind of experience I missed. But I do know to respect all that served and sacrificed. They never did it for the pay.
  9. lol I store this trailer inside. Went to move it today. Right wheel wont hardly move. Don't know if plastic cone broke on bearing or what. I might have about 1300 miles on it and I did grease it. Just through the grease fitting though. Just thought it was funny { locked up in a garage out of weather. } will have to fix as its in the way. Thought I would use it more but that never happened. Also the little black latches fall off when released. turd
  10. We had these for truck training. Would make about a 1/4 of us motion sick. Still a long way from being real. The trucker jamboree has these for truck at Walcott on 80. Once a year. Worth doing.
  11. After I tighten the filter I put a nail in it so it cant come loose. Keeps the bike well lubed. Snug to a half a turn is plenty. You may want it back off...
  12. Your having to much fun. Makes me regret not buying one. But the bags sure come in handy running around. Have a blast. lol:thumbsup2:
  13. @usa1 has them with diamond cuts classy
  14. take the pump off and disassemble then have dealer drive in new seal. take impeller and stuff with you they charged me 10.00 took about five min to do. Most of that time was finding the driver
  15. Fixed my spark problem tci worked good. Plenty of spark now. Ordered a color tune as think it needs more fuel to back cylinders. If I pull plug and put gas in cylinder warms up faster. So want to set combustion close to correct. Then will know where I stand. Set the rev limit to 7250, and advance to three.
  16. lol I thought I was still young last year when I retired. Broke out the old cement patio then pored a bigger new one. It not real smooth I wore out. But I got it done. Took a week to recover. Rented a cement grinder and smoothed it with the help of boys. Love it being retired and not having to put up with public.
  17. Well you never saw any fluid leaking, did a hose let go. Squirt oil out when clutch pulled other wise would think you would see oil. Factory lines on it?
  18. Well good advice I've read. That's no little thing. Prayers out for you and family.
  19. I tested out the wires from the computer for the pickup and to the coils. All was good so ordered a new computer. Thanks for all the help.
  20. Well on a second gen there sealed. Tested pickup lead and have a good reading. So I bought a dynatek 3000 series ignition wont be here for a week. $215.00 dollars.
  21. Ok I think these are the connectors. If they are the black one has no reading anymore. The white one is in upper spec. Any one confirm I'm correct? And this is a picture of bottom of coils wires on correct? I hope I'm correct but you never know till you ask. Hands shake so bad had a rough time with pictures. I want to thank you @dingy for the good wiring info the Clymers manual don't show ohms and connector colors that I could find
  22. I have a 01 venture. First question is, are there two pick-ups for firing ignition. Second question how and where do you test. The reason I ask is number 1 and number 3 are not firing. I cleaned and replaced coils cleaned plug cap they were both not working. Checked to see if I had twelve volts to rear coil. The ground on the coil bracket was broke off. So the coils test out good now have power going to them. going to look in manual at wire pics. It don't tell which wire goes into which plug at the igniter.
  23. Well I cleaned the sparkplug boots. Now I can get a reading through them. And got the coils to test out correct. Cleaned terminals at coil and next plug. Have 12 volts to coils. Cleaned the computer plugs they were not really dirty though. Any one have a computer for a 01 venture I could borrow to test it before I think about buying one. Or something else to check, Bike runs on two cylinders. Couldn't find my compression tester but with plugs pulled plenty of air. Also was looking at after market computers with 6 or 8 different settings cant remember which there almost 250 bucks. Want to make sure that's the problem before buying. All ready bought two coils I didn't need but that was my fault for taking a short cut.
  24. IN the site venders. There is a ign bypass relay. Its a plug and play.. takes the load off the switch. I added one to mine and bought one for a friend. Had one relay fail but you can buy them about anywhere. Carry a spare there cheep.
  25. well checked spark with a extra plug. I broke my tester. Little bitty blue spark hardly able to see it. So I pulled rear coils. Primary tests out good. Cant get any reading out of secondary at all. Not through any terminal or ground. Don't know if wire is shot or coil. Who glues wire to coil. Read a couple of posts saying test is wrong in manual. So which way is correct wire to igniter terminal.
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