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Everything posted by woody071585

  1. No!!!!!!!! Not that i don't trust it I don't have sunscreen lol
  2. That's a cool ass deal
  3. My 650 has a hard128,000 on and other then grinding up 2 sets of pegs haven't really had anybig problems my rsv has 66,897 on it and I really don't travel that much but I drive 2 hours to milwaukee to work and unless its going to snow I ride I filled my pick up in Feb it still has over 3/4 of a tank When my grandpa and parents rode it wasnt in heard of for them to do 90,000 a year but they traded there wings in every year that I can remember anyways its been atleast 10 years since they rode
  4. With age comes wisdom and grandpas ride what they ride for a reason lol
  5. So I was wrong I'm not the only 20 something year old that learned at a early age why grandpa rides with a full fearing radio and a seat more then a inch thick lol I also have a 01 650 with a 128,000 miles on thought that was the greatest bike in the world till my grandpa talked me in to riding is Gl1800 went down the following day and bought a used 1800 I must say its a wonderful ride but at 6'6" its not comfortable having your feet under you and I decided the way I ride I didn't need bike that would keep up to a cbr "before I chipped it" sold it and went and picked up another star fig my first one was a loyal ride and so far this one is too and its Soo nice not getting soaked in the rain now my 650 goes to walmart and thats about it lol
  6. I've got a 09 rsv that i bought brand new I'm now closing in on 65,000 miles mostly highway miles with a few floor board dragging racing down the back road miles what should I expect out of this bike as far as a clutch life? I bought this bike because my other one has a ton of miles on it and its not the most comfortable with plans of getting the gen 3 when they "or if" come out really don't want to rack up the miles just to stick a clutch in and sell it P.s clutch works fine at this point
  7. I got a feeling I'm the only venture owner here that's 26 years old lol is anyone close to my age? I know I ride a grandpa cruiser but still lol
  8. I'm guessing it is legal ......... And I dont like it
  9. no offence but I've been to California many times in the semi and bikes all day long there ride down the center lines I've even seen the police do it and I'm not just talking about when traffic is stopped either I'm taking when traffic is doing 60 mph and the bikes shoot the gap doing a 100+ mph I understand what your saying completely but some people just don't have common since if it wasn't for the cars and trucks that have to live with knowing they hit someone I'd say its natural selection only the smart survive I'm sure there is a lot of great drivers out there but I'm always busy getting cut off by the bad ones to ever see them
  10. Sounds good to me just let me know when
  11. Cool story
  12. Sounds good we'll be staying with the group road dogs on hogs this year again we're normally put right by the pavilion wither the food and stage hope to see ya there
  13. I'll be riding in from the green bay wi area staying at iron horse camp ground again ridin with the gf and another buddy planning to view the sights by day and party like rock stars on da bus by night
  14. Anyone headed to sturgis this year? Got any plans once you get there? Were you coming from? Ridin or trailering? Campsite?
  15. I call it luck but maybe these bells wo:fingers-crossed-emork I layer my little one down twice for deer and was ran off the road by a drunk easy rider leather in London ky gave me 2 bells a few years back I put one on each bike and haven't had even a close encounter since
  16. My dad has a Honda silverwing moped that blows blows Harleys out of the water keeps up nice to the Gl1500 lol
  17. Hid isn't even that much work the kit I have is basicly a standerd bulb bluff the ballast in to the bulb and stock wiring hide it all and run a hot wire to the battery the upgrade it self only takes 5 min its all the work to get at it
  18. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love ice cream lol its a cheese head thing lol
  19. I've got a garmin nuvi 205w that I absolutely love I use it in the 18 wheeler and when I'm 16 wheels short its got me down the road now for about 750,000 miles trouble free but......... It's not waterproof "its gotten rained on with no problems" and on a REALLY bright day its hard to see on the bike I did recently mount it on a R.A.M. mount and that helped gave me a few more ways to adjust it on sunny days
  20. O ok ya I got the tag along I'm going to guess my pole is 3 ft????
  21. What was the reason you extended the pole? Was it just for a cooler or does it ride better too?
  22. The guy I deal with can get them for my star headlights and light bar ill have to stop in and get more info on them due to price he hasn't sold one yet so no feed back either
  23. What I would like to know is how do the new L.E.D's compare to the H.I.D's on my V-star I would maybe like to change them to led "hid can't be done on it" since I have to re wire the light bar and change lens fig it be a good time to up grade
  24. I have the Silverstars in my V-star I do like them but on my venture I went with a 65 watt white head light with 55 watt amber in my light bar for the price hid is the way to go for a headlight but in the light bar it was a bit of a nightmare getting them to work I had to put the control box in my farring and basically re wire the light bar but now that its in I won't change it the yellow is nice in rain and fog the headlight it self you basically change the bulb and run a wire to the battery
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