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About TxGent

  • Birthday 01/29/1966

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jeff Gann


  • Location
    Riverview, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    Midnight Venture 2006
  1. I've had the GS-30 Antenna mounted under my fairing for going on over a year. The reception is fine, however when I was in the mountains in NC, I would occassionally loose signal, but not sure if that was because of the location of the antenna, or just the geography I was in. I used the 3M double sided tape, and positioned it as high as it would go inside the fairing, and still allow me to bolt the fairing cover back on. Hope this helps
  2. Ok thanks for your comment, I guess the only way to really go, is to install an amplifier, from what I have seen I don't think they make ones that really do the job, small enough to place in the fairing, so guess I am going to have to debate putting one into the trunk. Is there a particular one, that ppl have had the best luck with? Thanks!!
  3. Hi All, Trying to decide if this conversion really makes a big difference in the audio quality on the Venture. I am somewhat concerned for when I pull up the etronics site, the same model EQ that was used for the conversion is listed as 200 watts, but the conversion thread states it is 100 watt, so I suspect the manufacturer may be playing the number game. For those of you that have done this, was it worth the effort? For example, before you may have had to turn your volume to 25 to hear at highways speeds, but after this install, were you reaching the same point around 15 or so? Already upgrade my speakers on a 2006 Venture to Marine grade Polk Audio, but since I listen at high volume, I want to ensure I get enough power to the speakers to keep from harming them in the long run, so torn between the EQ install or an AMP, however I don't want to loose any truck space. Thanks for any help and advice!!!!! :confused24:
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