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Everything posted by chukzelda

  1. 85 Venture and I'm getting 38 MPG for my last 2 tanks. Mostly commuter miles. I find this to be pretty good gas mileage considering modern tour bikes are not doing much better (40 mpg ish). peace, Chuk
  2. Hey guys, I'm going to replace the fuse mess on my 85 venture on my next free weekend. Can anyone tell me where I can buy the kit? Thanks Chuk
  3. Ok, I think we finally have this thing licked. After much searching by touch, I found the idle adjust screw. I don't know if it's my bike or what, but there are a number of hoses that completely hide this screw. By reaching both hands under and up, I was able to turn the screw a partial turn and the idle went up smoothly. Went for a ride and the bike has more pep and sounds a lot better. Idling at 1100 at the moment and the bike starts each time without any need for the choke. A big thanks to everyone who helped me through this. At some point I'll get my hands on a carb synch tool and tackle that job, but for right now I'm a happy venture rider. peace, Chuk
  4. Hey guys, It's been suggested to me that I replace the fuel filter before I start fiddling with the carbs. I read the postings on how to do this, pulled the fuel filter, ran to the auto store for a match, installed the new filter and it looks good so far. To recap, in the past 2 days I've; installed new sealed battery changed spark plugs installed new fuel filter Up to this point the choke has had a negative effect on starting the bike. Today with the choke on full, bike fired up and was running at a high RPM. I quickly pulled the choke back a bit so bike was idling around 1k on the tach. However, after letting it run for a few minutes, I pulled the choke to off and the bike was idling around 400 on the tach. If the tach is accurate, I'm idling too low, right? If I understand the advice, what I need to do now is adjust the idle on each carb (4 of them) to get the idle up to 1k??? I've never adjusted the idle on a 4 carb bike, what's the procedure for doing this? Attached is a photo of one of my carbs. Is the idle adjustment screw the red arrow (and the idle screw is in the deep slot) or is it the green arrow (and I have to remove that silver plate thingie)? I'm working the program guys :}
  5. Mbrood, I've read through the posting in the 1st gen library on how to synchronize the carbs. Looks like I'll have to order up a carbtune or find one at the auto parts store. I've also been pouring over the PDF manual and am having a heck of a time finding the idle mixture screw. Can someone point me at a good picture of it or snap a shot and post it? I've pulled over the side panels and put a light in there but can't figure it out. Either I'm getting old or it's well hidden :} thanks Chuk
  6. Thanks for the Fuse information Dingy. Putting 1 tip of the multimeter on top of the metal end of fuse 3 and another tip touching the metal cap inside the spark plug cable, I get a reading of about 16 for each one (I tested all 4). Is this good? I started and ran the bike for 2 minutes. Attached is a closeup of one of the plugs. Chuk
  7. Mbrood, Found my fuse box (top of battery) popped it open and see 5 fuse holders, but 4 fuses. The 1st fuse holder is empty and if you notice, the wiring has been cut to it. I've looked in my 2 manuals but can't find a fuse diagram. Can you tell me which is the ignition fuse and what the empty 1st fuse is for? thanks Chuk
  8. Find attached a photo of the old 4 spark plugs I changed out yesterday. Do they tell you anything? I'm new to multimeters. I watched a video on how to check for resistance. Is the procedure; 1. Put negative multimeter tip to negative terminal of battery 2. Put positive multimeter tip to spark plug wire cap 3. Read resistance (should be under 23) Thanks Chuk
  9. Sorry, 85 Venture Royale. Chuk
  10. Hi, Find attached an mp3 audio file of me starting my bike. It's hard to describe but the bike will start, then die. I've put in a new sealed battery, changed the spark plugs and rode 40 miles yesterday with 1/4 can of seafoam in the tank. What do I need to look at next? Thanks chuk
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