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The Reg

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About The Reg

  • Birthday 05/10/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    Paul Rayment


  • Location
    Traralgon, Australia


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  • Interests
    Reading - Riding Motorcycles - Movies
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Tour Deluxe

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  1. Haven't a clue, but it should look good...like to see pics when done!! Cheers, Paul.
  2. Ah yes...the things we used to 'happily' tour on!!! Cheers, Paul.
  3. G'day Annie; Paul Rayment here...now living in Gippsland Vic; The Old 'Doctor' getting angry eh? Been here two years now and enjoying things immensely. Have seen/heard of you here and there and glad your still 'Out There' Good on Ya and regards to ALAN. Cheers, Paul & Lee
  4. But, you see...we have our own private roads over here...there's so much room!!!
  5. I agree.....you ride how you enjoy it! Nothing wrong with cruising and taking in the scenery. I like to do the same - but every now and then I have to carve up a few corners...but I do so within my riding ability, and have always thought that the main pleasure derived from a motorcycle is leaning it in to a corner and powering out on just the right line! Also like to cruise in an open top car...not that I own one, but have enjoyed doing that too!...at least a helmet is not required, so you can 'sense' even more.... Cheers, Paul. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=68382&stc=1&d=1339247267
  6. Good Work..... Cheers, Paul
  7. Those Hyperchargers look real good. I took off the Leg Shields recently and see the problem....I guess if enough time and effort was spent, the 'electrics' etc. on each side could possibly be relocated, but it would take someone with far greater 'ability' then me and therefore no doubt be 'cost prohibitive'! I guess the leg shields help keep the Engine and my Boots clean though eh? hehehe.... just don't like th 'Bulky' look of them, but can live with it! Cheers, Paul.
  8. Thanks Mate; I guess you could run them without the Leg Shields? This is really what I am trying to achieve. A hyper-charger each side and the shields gone! Cheers, Paul.
  9. Thanks Mate; I guess that's sort of what I want to do, but also take off the whole Leg Shield assembly. Of course it would mean dry running only but I guess that's what I mostly do these days and have another bike for when it's wet! Thanks for your help. Cheers, Paul.
  10. It just means thet you want to have all the enjoyment of being on two wheels, but with some genuine 'practicality' thrown in....nothing 'Granpa' about that!....just good old common sense, which is not usually so common in one so young! Enjoy... Cheers, Paul.
  11. It will be difficult not to be Comfy on the back of that one.... Cheers, Paul.
  12. Yeah - I guess there has to be something better than that?? Anyway, I think I'll need to think outside the square a little on this one. Cheers and Thanks, Paul.
  13. G'day All; I notice that there was a thread on this subject where PGunn decided to try fitting Hypercharger Air Filter Units to his bike. This was back in 2008. Has anyone actually 'eliminated' the existing system and found a new, less 'Bulky' alternative as yet? Cheers, Paul.
  14. Great Stuff; Pics? Cheers, Paul.
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