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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. 42mm TB's off a 2004 R1 above a V-Boost-System and under a Vmax Air Box might be the best to start with :whistling::whistling:
  2. Dano, i don't know what to say .. sorry for you selling the 1Gen or Congrats ? Whatever, congrats on the Sale and many congrats to the new Owner for a upgraded ride :thumbsup2:
  3. I would bet some Money on the Fact that the Screws ribbing at the Rotor aren't the Culprit. I had this while figuring out the Starter Clutch Mod, never had a Problem except that it shouldn't be that way. The Stator Screws are not that hard, they'll deform and ribbing is History. The three Bolts which come from behind the Rotor keep the Starter Clutch in Place, those are 10.9 Bolts, much tougher than the 4.6 Grade Phillips of the Stator. The empty M8 Threads take the Bolts for the Rotor Puller.
  4. No, not without extra Brackets. Most R1-Rotors are 298 mm, the later are 320 mm. There are also different inner mounting Patterns and Diameters. For a Bolt-On to the MKII Forks, you'll need 282 mm Rotors, six Bolts, 132mm inner Diameter, 150mm Bore Diameter.
  5. You go very well around the technical Side of the Business. "The performance difference of two-piece vs one-piece is not going to be noticed on a street bike" Honestly, your Words sound like you have no Idea what you're talking about. More Weight creates more Heat during every Braking, these 2-Piece Calipers give away long before the Fluid starts to think about it's boiling Point. But anyway, needed on the Street is a wide open Field, fancy Brakes, may be, but also, what about Availabilty at reasonable Price ? Honestly, i don't care what Honda sees fitting their premium 3-Bedroom, Kitchen, AC and Grill Tourer, but if the System would fit to a 1Gen Bike AND could be had at a reasonable Price, i'd be all in, would even think about mounting the ABS which should be fitted with the whole System. Ooops, ain't gonny work ? Well, three to four Hundred Dollars will upgrade a 1Gen Brake, around two hundred Dollars for 2Gen to a seriously better performing System. I 'd venture to guess, those super Honda Brakes might be available for the same Money, but will they fit ? If you feel offended about using YZF-R1 Calipers, ok, no Problem, go with FJR 1300 Calipers instead, it's a Tourer, no Sports Bike, those Brakes should be OK for use with a big but older Tourer. Ok, they use these dangerously sporty 320 mm Rotors too at later Years, but one could just ignore THAT Fact. We can argue all these Points to death, it's like beating a dead Horse, we had these Discussion here in the Past. I could come up with some, maybe sixty PN's about the Issue with three Members here. Some Member here have done the Switch and i think for the most Part they're happy with what has been suggested. Some of them even may vouch for the Upgrades suggested. Believe it or not, newer Generation Brakes are just that, newer and better. Starts with Materials used, goes on with more performant Hydraulics and is not limited to the use of newer Friction Materials and free or semi-floating Rotors. I for one, would never suggest or recommend rebuilding stock Calipers used on our Bikes. Just too much Money and Time involved for still non-adequate Performance, but if you feel it's better for you, just ignore what has been said here and stay with your stock System. The OP said, he's thinking about upgrading the Brakes and that's what we talk about in this Thread.
  6. The major Difference between the MKII and the R1 Calipers is the MKII's are made of two Pieces and bolted togehter whereas the R1's are casted in one Piece and machined afterwards. Believe it or not, that makes a huge Difference, especially when things get hot. Which is, as you might know it, the Case in every Braking Manouver. If the MKII Calipers would be as great as you imply, they still would be used on every new Yamaha which is leaving the Factory. But, that's not the Case. They did away with them Calipers on every Model they built. They don't come up with more sophisticated Technology for no Reason. Standard nowadays is radial mounted, six Piston Calipers with 320 mm Rotors.
  7. A ruined Ball Bearing usualy is caused by tightening down the Axle without the Collar/inner Race on the left Side NEedle Bearing present.
  8. Thanks Dan, would be great if you'd have one, shipping them right now is not necessary. Let me know how much you get for them. The Package arrived safely, but accidently got on it's Way to Las Cruces, NM. :crackup: Oh well ... s..t happens :250: regarding the Garage Pic ... YES, looks quite familiar, i have on of those Garages too ... BUT !!! I'm missing that sweet Camaro !!! I'd love to have one next to the Bike Stable !!
  9. Congrats :thumbsup2: Having had 17th Anniversay last Sunday, i really know a good Marriage is the Foundation to everything else
  10. Gary, you don't happen to have a spare right MKII Passenger Footrest lying around ? I only need the Rubber Inserts, in Fact i only need the rear most. (I placed an Ad here Months ago, but no one seems to have one)
  11. Well, that's not nice, if the Sellers doesn't give you Choices. Of Course, Things are a bit different in US, there's a huge Crop Industry on the Continent and and therefore, a Lot of Produce on the Market. Europe simply has not enough Land for producing every single Liter Ethanol which shall be burnt with Fuel on it's own. Not even if we'd stop eating any Produce. The Companies have to buy it on the global Market, and the realistic Organisations brought that into the Open not long after E-10 was introduced. Even Greenpeace admitted, it not a good Idea to burn down Rain Forrest in Malaysia to make more Room for growing Plants for Europe's Demand on Palm Oil and such. On a Sidenote, i really enjoy this Discussion, no unhealty Comments, i hope it stays that way !!
  12. Unhook the Head Set, ignore screaming Noises and have Fun. What the best for you, depends on what you're after ... Cheapest Solution is the Kit like Skydoc, probably MiCarl and other sell, there's Barnett, and if you want the best of all, buy a Lock-Up Clutch Assembly.
  13. Our Government forced E-10 into the Market one and half Years ago. Today, the E-10 Market share is 13 Percent. Way less than expected by the Companies and the green and semi-green Politics, although it's four Euro-Cents a Liter cheaper than regular Fuel(which is E-5 or non-E, depending on Brand and Gas Station). That's not nothing at our Fuel Prices. A Liter regular is currently around 1.58 Euro. Anyway, i had a good Laugh about that E-10 market Share, seems, most of us Krauts tend to believe, Food doesn't belong into a Fuel Tank, doesn't need to ruin the Engine and other Fuel related Parts and vote about the Issure with their Wallet. We had a major Disasters along when they brought E-10 into the Market, the Companies have to pay huge Fines for not selling enough E-10, but nothing helps, E-10 stays in their Tanks like Crud, may it rest there forever. I don't think it will go away, but it once some more Damage on Vehicles is done, it will be a VERY tight Niche-Product. i see it coming down to 8 Percent Market-Share in the Future.
  14. Hi and welcome to the Board. Dan will get back to you and fix you up, no Doubt about that.
  15. We had some People try to leave the Middle Drive Gear Cover on the Motor over the Years. Not one of them ended up without harm. I'm talking 1Gen Vmax here, which is easier because the Shifter Axle goes through rear Cover, not through the Stator Cover. Pinched Stator Wires, Pick-UP Coil Wires cut off, endless Leaks on the Stator Wires. It's just not worth it.
  16. Hang in there Bob, i'll keep you in my Thoughts !!
  17. All Fun a side and besides the obvious, the Pic showing up, i find it very strange that the Buttons show up in a different Order. I don't know too much about the Forum-Software, but is it possible that the Software creates Templates "on the Fly" ?
  18. Wow, People will be "blown away" with that !!! I don't think it would be save to use with a M/C. People tend to react very stupid when caught with something like that, unaware of the whole Situation.
  19. as long as it's not Zumba Apocalypse, we're good :whistling:
  20. Swifty, the small Pic you see on your Screen is in here somewhere. I remember seeing it, maybe four to six Weeks ago in a Thread. On a Sidenote, don't get me wrong, i'm trying to help out Tom, who's obviously is doomed to stare at your Face more often than a single Man can take once in a while .... :missingtooth::missingtooth: :crackup:
  21. Thanks, Don, you're right, i obviously didn't pay Attention to Swifty's Details. Here's a screenshot from my Computer, Waterfox 64bit 12.0. Is there a Bug or something in the Template ?
  22. Jeff, just don't overdo it. Fitting eight Bad Boys Horns will probably stall the Engine when you hit the Button !! You'll need an extra Battery, i'd recommend a Shorai Battery for that Purpose, because it can deliver all it's stored Power instantly with next to no internal Resistance, weights not much, easy to hide and you can install it in any Position. And, you'll need a Relay for the Charging Line too. :whistling::whistling:
  23. Clearing the Browser Cache should do the Trick. There's a good chance, there's an uploaded Pic in the Database which has the same Name as the Icon "quote.gif". The Browser interprets this wrong and loads from Browser Cache instead of the Website. If clearing the Cache won't help, i'd download the gif from http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/buttons/quote.gif and store it manually on my Computer in the Cache-Folder. That should do it.
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