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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. There's one standing in my Shed. A Buddy of mine had it for two Years, then he lost it one Time and is now too scared to ride. He sold it cheap to one of my Drivers. They are Fun to ride and supply decent Power, but are very hard to work on. Mini-Battery(10Ah) is burried under the Tank, you need to loose the Radiator to change the Park Plugs, Air Box and Carbs are a Misery to get to. The 2nd Gen(900cc, 4TX Model) is worse in Maintainance Ara, but provide and even more Bike Fun and more Power.
  2. Well S wifty, did you mention your Culprit to anyone here ? Plus, you met Dano last Year at MD, he sure would have told you about this, If you've said a Word. I know he told some People about this. Not that i'm interested in an Award, but that's just not right
  3. Congrats again Bob !! :thumbsup2:
  4. The Distances inbetween the three Bolts are 65 mm(2.559") each. This computes to a Mounting Circle Diameter at 75.06 mm(2.955").
  5. Erich, you need M8 Bolts, about 80 or 100 mm long, Pitch is 1.25, Grade should be 10.9. Here's a Shop ... http://www.nutsandbolts.com/m8-x-125-x-100-metric-hex-bolt-cap-screw-109-qty-1-p-1814.html Don't know if that's a good Source or Price.
  6. Probably because you can't mark something anywhere which you don't see ?
  7. Get ready for a smart-a$$ed Comment ... 1984 when they showed the first Vmax in Vegas at the MGM Grand.... :p:p:crackup::crackup:
  8. This Weather already ruined the Ski Schedule and the Downhill Race ... Other Ski Events will suffer from this too. This Track was dangerous, Lindsay Vonn was lucky to come down halfway safe and sound. Cypress Hill Border Cross Track was sitting right in the Middle of the Green on Monday. Was a cool Race, though. For me, it looks like you Folks did a really good Job. One Thousand Canadian$ per Load ? Well, where can i registrate my Trucks too ?
  9. Now, that's a Scandal on it's own !! You Guys are supposed to host the Olympic Winter Games. There should be lots of Snow there !! Sorry, it's not that i wish you Snow, but as i see on TV, you could need Lots of Snow, we would give ours away .... for free .... Lots of Snow !!!
  10. Oh Ruffy, that's just the Way 2nd Gen Style is .... all Show, no go .... :whistling: flimsy 1Gen ?? C ya on the Autobahn ? ? Or a short Trip through the Alps ?? :happy34: Sorry, couldn't resist
  11. I figure this means i can let my crossed Fingers loose ?? Seriously, congrats to the new Job.
  12. As much as i dislike correcting you Earl, but the Fork Legs are standard Style. They just look like inverted Forks because there are Covers on the 2nd Gens.
  13. To reiterate my above Comment :bowdown::bowdown: Cash is still at Hand ....
  14. Officially - NO But "they" are watching what goes on. At least the Vmax Branch Crew is doing so.
  15. works for me, thanks
  16. :crackup::crackup:very sophisticated System. Do you mind if i'd copy the Essentials ? I remember the Garage Pic, that's why i recommended you to overlook the whole Process ...:bluesbrother:
  17. There are Venture Meetings in Europe. The Swiss Club is still active, so is the Spainish Club and the French also. I've never been there, but i know there's Action.
  18. Mike, have Condor come over and locate the Part himself, you could give him precise Instructions how to organize your Stuff and overlook the whole Proces .... :whistling: Yeah i know, it's a 50/50 Chance, but the best Bet so far ... :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  19. Saw it on the Replay while Breakfast great Show. :bowdown: And just of now, first Silver Medal for Germany ... :happy34:
  20. It's 16 or 18mm, depending on the Manufacturer.
  21. Is it "Reality" whan Camera show up the whole Day and filming everything you do and say ? Well, the first two Days or so, maybe ... After that, no Way this could be called "Reality" anymore. I'm glad it's over. I really admire Juniors Creativity, but other than this ... It's just a bad Joke since Vinnie left. He and Rick have been the Back Bone of the Bike Building and that's whats counts for me. Senior was all talk and fight, Mickey wasn't funny, only miserable.
  22. The longer you have the SeaFoam inside the Carbs, the better it will work. Get some into the Fuel, mix it up and get the Scoot started and running for ten Minutes to get the SeaFoam/Fuel Mixture into the Carb Bowls.
  23. EXACTLY that says it all !! Kudos to you, Monty
  24. Well Mike, of Course you can post Pics if you like to. I've posted one or the other in previous Threads Months ago. There's not so much to see. The "Technology" is hidden inside the Clutch Assembly and you can't get in there. You should not dismount the Clutch from the Rotor, because this would need to recenter on re-assembly and this won't happen without the right Tools and the Caliber. I'm looking forward to hear you being a happy Camper again. Regarding the heritage of the new Parts. Honestly, it's not important where they come from. A long Time ago, i started fixing the dreaded stock Starter Clutch and every Time while i was doing that, i learned new Vocabulary and thought about finding a better Solution for this Disease. I've seen them all, literally, and the ugliest View i ever saw was an annealing blue Hub on the 72th Wheel. Well, to make a long Story shorter, after Months of ongoing investigating and research, i found the Solution. I modded my '99 Max first and Months later my '93 VR. I told a Buddy about it. He's hot rodding Maxxes and was all interested in the Mod and sent me a Flywheel off a 1500 cc Engine immediately. He was very pleased with the Outcome and Things took off from there. That was more than two Years ago and more than three Years after I've done my Max. Today, I've done a Lot of Rotors from all over Europe and from all Kind of V4's with zero negative Feedback, and as arrogant as i can be at Times, i don't expect any. Because those heavily modified Engines are not only mean Tire shredding Machines but also murderous on the Starter Clutch. The Mod on the 1600cc High-Compression Motor shut the Battery down upon starting. It took a fresh 25 Ah Battery to got that Motor turned. If the new Setup will take those "Abuses", it's a bullet proof Solution for everybody. But while doing the Mods, i realized, this is not a Job for an average Wrencher, working in his Garage or small Shop at Home. At first, it took me Hours just to get one Rotor done. After developing a new Strategy and other Tools and Caliber, i had it down to a reasonable Amount of Time without using my NC Mill. But the Tools, Caliber and such cost some Money and are for no use other than doing this Job. The "average" Wrenchers also shouldn't worry about doing Things right but expect a real Solution, not a Jigsaw Puzzle of Parts and special Tools with no other use, tinkering with four or five Pages of downloaded Instructions and Proceedings. In the End, this is what we figured out and what's the Offer here. A complete, ready to mount Solution. Be assured, no one is screwed when ordering the Mod, neither Dano or i myself make a Fortune out of it. The Price is reasonable and fair and that's just it. Nothing more, nothing less.
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