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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Sure, may have .... might have .... could be .... all too much of Guessing. It seems all what a Wrencher can do to find this Problem is done. As we all know, these Engines are pretty much bullet proof, so why not let it work as it should. This poor Motor has to work something after one and a half Year existing in Humiliation, have him pull form mid RpM's up to 6.5 k on a middle Grip Position, then continue to raise the Load and the Power all the Way up to red Line at WOT ... Then it's either the Culprit stops or shows what's wrong. Easy Task for a Venture Rider ... Pappa Bear, hold it ... two more Weeks or so, and you're hopefully good to go also. I'll get my 1Gen Max out tomorrow for the first Time this Year. Altough Rain is predicted, me and the Max can't stand it anymore.
  2. I don't doubt your Nose, it was Kind of a Joke. I just reread your Posts and i'd suggest to ride the Heck out of that Bike before you dig too deep into searching a Problem which might be gone after a good Days Ride. The Bike sat for a long Time. I'd suggest you take George upon his Word and go for a nice little Ride througout the Back Roads of your Neighborhood. If there's a real Problem, it will show it's Head, but it's possible all you see, hear and smell will be gone, or at least has changed to are more recent State, you can proceed from there. You can't get the Motor up in it's Operating Temperature without riding it. This may be the Key ... Ride it like you stole it ...
  3. Sure you won, Congrats .... your Price ?? A firm Hand shake, when we meet sometime !!
  4. :sign20: btw, do you remember Alzheimer's First Name ?? No ?? Be carefull, that's how the it starts .... :rotf:
  5. But make sure you have enough clear and Bogey-free Space ahead. Don't do this inside Town.
  6. Todd most likely won't remember, this Thread is basically 2 Years old.
  7. I'm sorry to say, your Nose might be compromised.... You did the Leak Test and found nothing. The Head Gaskets usually don't let go, much less the Heads are known for Cracks, but you already ruled them out anyway. If there's an O-Ring leaking in the Water Joints, you'll find the Coolant in the Oil, not outside. The only other water carrying Parts outside are the Hoses coming from the Heads returning the Coolant to the Collector and then back to the Radiator plus four Covers right next to the Cylinders and the "Twinkie". If all these Things all are dry, there's no Way which the Coolant could get into the Combustion Chambers on a Cylinder or hit the Downpipes or the Collector.... Well ... except the "Twinkie" is leaking Coolant into the Engine Breather Hose and this is sucked up into the Airbox and is burned with the Mixture ..... Just some Food for Thought ... Btw, you can download the Shop Manual here in the Tech Section. There's a good Chart about Coolant Flow as well as an Oil Chart inside the Manual.
  8. Bore size should be 5/8 "
  9. That's normal for all these V4 Engines. The Airbox/Intake is a very sophisticated and the System won't work when it's incomplete.
  10. I'd fabricate something like the chrome Parts my 1Gen max has ... Really helps, even if the upper End is only clamped to the Frame, the lower End is Bolted to the Frame Cross Members. And do the solid Motor Mounts too !!
  11. Can't speak for the 2Gen, but on the1Gen's and Vmax, you don't need to worry about the Beam Pattern. The Bi-Xenon HID works very well there.
  12. Not that i know of. But Yammi does not use fine Threads in M6 or M8, at least i haven't stumbled upon one so far. If so, be assured the Bolt is a special Shape and can't be replaced with a standard shape metric Bolt easily. On the other Hand they have a Faible for M10x1.25 Threads. Lots of M10 Bolts are this fine Pitch, but not all of them. The only other Bolt i know of, which is fine Thread is the long right Side rear M10 Engine Bolt on 1Gen Vmax. This is M10x1.0. Doesn't make any Sense to me, but you know these Enigineers are special sometimes...
  13. Without any Doubt, the Hammers are made in China or Taiwan nowadays, but do you want me to believe they're unable to fabricate an inched Hammer ?? I'm sure they can, how long this gonna hold up is another Question.... But i really don't think lonestarmedic has Hammers made in China. He's sure has high quality Tools, which we all know, come from America, Germany and partly Sweden. I don't know why he's into metric Duct Tape, though ... :whistling:
  14. Hey Guys, you all got that wrong !!! lonestarmedic has the metric Duct Tape !!! The Hammers are still in Inches ... :missingtooth:
  15. They're not bad, but when using a Saw Chain Motive, this would be a H..l of Advertising Bike for Stihl Chain Saws ...
  16. I'd never got this 1st Place, but a Buddy (also a 2Gen Max) whimped out due to the cold Weather and didn't show up. He's roughly a second faster than me. It was Fun showing these Guys on their Sportsbike, what this big fat Man and his "Cruiser" can shell out. :crackup::crackup:The Guy on the Fireblade ran right through to the Taxi Way and waited there for me. As i approached him, he shouted out loud "Man, what the H3ll is this ? How much Horses are hidden in there ?", i almost dropped the Bike from laughing... If Tom would have been there, they would have cried, deeply. Not that I made a Lot of new Friends there , but Tom would have made them cry for the Jury....
  17. Oh my, why didn't they replace the Tribals with the Look of Saw Chain ??
  18. Yepp, sounds very special to me ... :crackup: Whatever, Congrats to all !!! :thumbsup2:
  19. Ok, i forgot something ... As a follow-up after the Run shown above, i was given this ...
  20. Probably too much System Boxes ? ? :whistling:
  21. Just mount the whole Vmax Engine in your Ride ... You need to exchange the Shift Shaft and the Water Gallery on the Front, depending on the Year maybe the Rotor/Ign.-Pickup... While you at it, mount the solid Motor Mounts ... If you use the smaller Vmax Battery Pot and the Battery, you can use the Vmax Airbox. Fitting the VR Fake Tank Cover might need a Solution. Hooking uo the V-Boost Controller is only three Wires, Plus, Ground and the negative of one Coil. grey, white orange, whatever is in reach. Your Coolant Smell might be gone by then ... :bluesbrother:
  22. For Windows OS, i'd suggested Robocopy. It's free and it's a mighty Tool. Google for it.
  23. Yeah, right :D ... but you noticed the "for sure" Part ?? I think they will fit, because the Vmax Stator Cover even carries the Pivot Hole for the VR Linkage, but .... since i didn't check this and never read or heard about someone trying to, i say i don't know "for sure". What Clutch Pressure do you have ? If it's the stock six Spring Setup, a Vmax Cover won't fit. If not, a Vmax Cover and the Insert will most likely fit.
  24. I honestly don't know for sure if the Vmax Inserts will fit to VR Covers.
  25. Normally, if there's something wrong, there should Coolant seeping out of the Covers. Those are Water Jacket Drain Plugs, or Safety Plugs, if you like the Term better. If you have actual Oil coming out of there, I'd check for Coolant in the Engine Oil and for Oil in the Coolant first. Then go from there. Normally, it's changing the Plugs, top off Coolant and go for a ride.
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