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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. F. Dick ... just because this exactly my home Turf ... :crackup:
  2. Thanks and I'll second that, those CE Ratings don't mean too much when it comes to real Life. I don't say Plastic is not OK, but a good fitting and padded Leather with Stretch Zones is much better than a Mesh or Cordura Fabric. Now, Kevlar is another Story, but be assured if Kevlar would be the Best Choice for the Racers, they would wear it instead fof Leather.
  3. Exactly :rotf:
  4. So what are you waiting for ? :bluesbrother:
  5. It would unnormal if you can't touch it all and burn the Hair of Hand before your Hand meets the Casing. In other Words like glowing hot .... Doesn't sound like there's something on your Bike to worry about.
  6. I really think you should get back to the Blue Beast and make it road worthy again ... :whistling: Or do something with the Motor :stickpoke:
  7. It sounds like SeaFoam will cure your Problems. Most likely the tiny Piolot Fuel Jets are clogged and you'll only clean them when you use suck a Lot of Fuel through the Carbs. Ride it like you stole it. Don't shift higher than 3rd Gear with the 2Gen, doing curvy Back Roads with lots of Accel and Decel (creating different Conditions in the Floater Bowls) helps also, with your History, you know what i mean ... With the Bike running on SeaFoam, expect the Possiblity of the Plugs to be gone. Again, running the Bike on the hot Side may avoid this.
  8. First off, it sounds like you possibly found the wrong TDC. There are two Marks on the Rotor, they are 70 (or 290) Degrees apart. I can't say 5 o'clock/7 o'clock is wrong (for me it sounds about right) but you can't just measure at any Point where the lobes are high in Relation to the Buckets. The Clearance Measurements are specific for this Point, you can't just use any other Point opposite to the Lobe. If you found the correct TDC Mark, plain and simple, the Valve Clearance is that much out of Whack. Best and easiest Way to find the TDC on the Cylinder you're checking is to use a TDC Finder, or, with all due Respect and carefully, use a small Screwdriver in the Plug Hole while turning the Crank over. I don't mess with the Marks anymore, just made me an TDC Finder out of an old Spark Plug and some Delrin on the Lathe.
  9. I recently mounted a new AGM Battery to my '99 Max. I used a 12V/18Ah Battery for UPS use since 7 Years and this one got a bit weak ... So i decide to go shopping. I found a Battery from Panasonic which is only 5 mm higher than the stock Battery(12V17Ah), but is 22Ah rated. I decided to bite the Bullet, because the Panasonic wasn't cheap, about the Price of good Brand standard Vehicle Battery. Well, it was not the best Shot because i had to fabricate 2 Copper Brackets to extend the Terminals more to the outside of the Battery, the get the Coils mounted. .... However, the Battery is great ... The Reason i mention it here is the Size of the Battery ... it is smaller than the 20 Ah Stock Battery of a 1Gen ! I haven't had the Option to measure the exact Differences, but getting more Power out of smaller Unit allways sounds sweet to me. When using a Vmax Battery Box, the availble Space may well be used for Relocating the TCI, or placing other Goodies there, i.e. mounting a Vmax Airbox instead of the very restricted 1Gen Airbox and on .... Here's a Battery i found on the Web, don't know anything about the Vendors or the Quality of this Products, but it shows the Stats and is not too expensive. If i had found that before purchasing the Panasonic, i'd have gave these a Shot. http://www.powerstarsla.com/ps12-22.html or ... http://www.atbatt.com/product/22505/sla/ritar/12v-22ah/battery
  10. I'm glad to hear Brad. Congrats on the new Job. :thumbsup2: on a Sidenote ... what took them so long to finally find you ??
  11. Well, good that you mention something like "Spring", where does Spring come from ? Is it rather small like the Ball Pen Spring or is more big like the flat Spring on the front End of of my Trucks ? On a serious Note, we got 10 Inches of fresh white slippery fluffy Stuff since 4 am and still counting ... (where is the : p uke: Smilie ?? )
  12. Jack i have such a 120$ off Lift since Years. I use it all the Time for all of my Bikes. I did the Wheel Clamp away right after i got the Lift, because the Lift is a bit short for our Bikes and i needed to reposition the Stopper(drilled two new Hole at the very front End to get the Bike more to the Front to make use of the rear Door. It's a good Lift and i recently added this Wheel Chock to my Shop ... http://www.powerplustools.de/_image.php/image/_images/large/image.php?image=_images%2Flarge%2FPPT0377_A.jpg I just place it at Front End before the Stopper and ride the Bike on the Lift and into the Chock. Works great without any Straps. I lift the VR as well as the '09 Max without anything to the top End. Currently using it to mount the Motor in my Buddies FZ750 ... without anything else to hold the Bike straight up. This Combo is just unbelievable.
  13. Thanks, got a good Laugh out of that :crackup::crackup:
  14. '99 Vmax = Max '93 VR = Schrankwand, in english it's = Living Room Wall Unit '09 VMAX = Taxpayer's Revenge '82 CX 500turbo = obrut (because Honda wrote this in mirror Font on the front of the Cowling)
  15. Check the Wires at the Connector for ingoing and outgoing Voltage. If there's Voltage going in and not coming out, the Contacts are dirty there too. If there seems everything ok, check the Ground Wire on the Blinker Relay. It's seperate Ground, not common(Vehicle) Ground.
  16. Yes, that Gear is Plastic and it's the Gear for the Oil Pump
  17. Nope ... Confederate Hellcat and/or a Ducati Desmosedici
  18. If there are two Gaskets, one for the Stator on the second for the Middle Drive Gear Cover, you got everything you need in this Terms. I personally buy three new Bolts for the Stator itself, better said replace them with some out of my Cabinett. Those are not funny, most likely you'll ruin one or two anyway. Warm the Threads good before starting to loosen them, because those have Loctite on them.
  19. Nope, you can't use VR Seals on the Vmax or vice versa. 1Gen has 6mm Valve Stems, Vmax is 5.5 mm, they just won't fit. I'm not sure about using Seals from different Model - never felt the urge to try. As i said, i use Aftermarket Seals from a Wholeseller. They are made by Athena(Italy). (Sorry, no english Language there, but you could use Google Translation) http://www.motomike.eu/mike/category/10408000000/vehicle/21449/article/93173 Or .. in a whole Gasket/Seal Kit at around 200 USD ... http://www.motomike.eu/mike/category/10407000000/vehicle/21449/article/93158 You could look around where "Parts Unlimited" has US Dealers. They most likely will have them, at least in the Catalog. I also could order them for you, they'll fit in a padded Envelope which allows pretty quick and rather cheap shipping at 8 USD and mostly, no Hassle with Customs. The Seal Kit might cost a bit more ?? I'd probably have other Options too, but these will cost much more Time.
  20. Forgot that in my previous Post .. thank you Jack for biting
  21. Nope I meant "When does he expect he'll get reminded for putting up the Sidestand in the next left Hand Corner" Seriously, from all that Safety Chrome and Stuff what's on our Bikes, the Side Stand Switch is the one i'd never hot wire ... This is dangerous and will lead to fatal grinding Action sooener or later. It's not like "if you gonna forget to put the Stand up", it's "when will it happen and how much Damage will be be on the Bike and the Passenger. The Rider, most likely the Cause for this, doesn't deserve any mentioning in this Case. You can do it in Case of an Emergency for limited Time, even prepare the Bike for a quick Resolve, but why not maintain the Switch like it should be or buy a new Switch after 20 Years of outstanding Service and be safe, reliable and have the Peace of Mind ?
  22. I'm sorry, i can see where this might be hold some Truth to it in real Life, but honestly, it's a bad Joke. They're hiring somebody to sweep the Floor and do not want to pay them like the CEO. That's Ok and works for me. Finding a Guy which fits this Bill and has good Credit in these Times of Economy is another Thing in Question. But securing Company Secrets is Necessity, good or bad Credit on any given Employee. I could easily say, a white Collar Guy which has taken a deep Cut in his Pay Check is much more prone for stealing or selling out Company Knowledge than any House Keeper. Because he usually has (to have) much more Knowledge than this poor Floor sweeping Soul AND he knows potential Customers AND he knows how much the stolen Thing is worth ... You can look at this in any Way you want, but there's always "a Reason" to turn somebody down. It's just wrong doing it with such a weak Reason.
  23. Sounds like a great Adventure. You have a bad Credit for whatever Reason (in your Case abviously not your Fault to begin with, but it shouldn't Matter at all) and can't get a Job because of that bad Credit. I can't see any proper Solution how you should be able to turn your Credit Score around ? Where's that American Dream getting Millionaire from a Dish Washer ? Well, I'm not in US, but i sure would have used nice and polite Words asking the Manager how he would proceed to get a "Life" back if he'd be in my Shoes ? ic23b is absolutely right. I can't stand this BS.
  24. I get them Aftermarket from a Wholeseller at around 4 US each
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