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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. No need to drain the Oil while working on the Stator and Middle Drive Gear Cover. Put a 1x4 under the left Leg of the Center Stand and go ahead. There will be little Oil coming out behind both Covers, maybe a Cup full from each Cover. If the Bike's is sitting straight up or slightly tilted to the left you will have Lots of Fun when trying to get the Starter Gear in Place before putting the Cover on. Don't forget the Copper Washer underneath the lowest Bolt on the Middle Drive Gear Cover.
  2. The silver colored Bolts go on the outer Edges of the Manifold Set.
  3. Moderators are supposed to "moderate" .... In opposite, Mini's Contribution here could be called "Stiratress" .., :crackup:
  4. Well, I'm familar with the Brand, but i had to read some old News Info's before i could answer here. I had in something about Henninger stored in my long Term Memory, but i wasn't sure about it. Henninger Bier today still exists, but only as a Brand inside the Radeberger Group. The Brewery is torn down and the Henninger Beer is in Fact now coming from an other Brewery within the Radeberger Group. The only Thing which still seems to still exist is the Henninger Turm(Tower). But it is unsed. The whole Property is now owned by a private Equity Firm, which is said to develop new Bussines and Living Quarters there. They held a famous Bicycle Race each Year named "rund um den Henninger Turm", but since all the Doping Stuff came, i believe they dropped it two or three Years ago. I'm around 140 mls away and never in that Area, but you known how it is, Maxxers are, like Venture Riders, everywhere, i'll pull some Strings and see what i could come up with. Here's a Link to their Website http://www.myhenninger.de/cms/startordner/514.html and their Webshop http://shop.myhenninger.de/ ... all in german
  5. :crackup: :crackup:
  6. You don't need a Blonde, you already have the Warden ...
  7. Make sure you didn't loose Spark at one Cylinder.
  8. If the Head is somewhat stripped, put some Valve Lapping Paste on the Tip of the Screwdriver. Members reported there are other Pastes for exact this Purpose on sale at the big Stores which work fine also, i don't remember any Names, tough.
  9. In general, those Quick Release Systems are not bad, but everyone gotta keep in Mind that they are prone to loosen over Time. So, everyone using Helmets with those or even installing Aftermarket Solutions should make it Habit to adjust the Strap regularly. Once a Month doesn't cut it. If you ride daily and take the Helmet on/off multiple Times each Day, adjust the Strap every three Days or so. Ypur Helmet won't help you much in Case if you allow him to misplace or even launch from Head on first Impact.
  10. I've shortened around 20 Kick Stands off Vmaxxes in the last Years. Used a MIG Welder and i haven't had any Problem since. I agree, they look like cast Iron, but they're certainly not. Look at the Size, Iron, casted or forged wouldn't hold up to the Forces applied by our heavy Bikes leaning over, sometimes on a heavy lean Angle and/or Riders let their Passengers mount while the Bike is on the Kick Stand ....
  11. I'm sorry to see your Bike lying there. I'd love to meet the Person who knocked it over and have a intense Discussion about the Incident. The Fact that Wheel does turn even when the Clutch is pulled doesn't mean much in first Place. Did you try to stop the Wheel from Turning with the rear Brake ?
  12. If the Rotors are directional, there are Arows marking the turning Direction. Mostly they are found at the "Spokes".
  13. Mais oui, tu es un Pertubateur grande !! :stickpoke: :bluesbrother: Both !!! :crackup:
  14. See what you've done ??? AGAIN !!! :crackup: You know, Things happen, sometimes pretty quick and whalla you're involved in a Discussion which ends in recognizing both Sides meant the same Thing .... Usually, you're absolutely right. It always depends on two Factors. The Target Value you're going to measure and the Accuracy of the Device you're using. When measuring 42 psi, a 50 psi Gauge usually has a more accurate reading than a 100 psi Gauge, just because you're measuring near the Top End of the 50 psi Gauge, whereas the 100 psi Gauge is right in the Middle of it's Range and provides not the best Result because of the Situation described above. That is when both Gauge provide the same typical Error to begin with. Nobody(hopefully) is trying to tighten down a 10 ft.lbs Bolt with a 140 ft.lbs Torque Wrench, just because this would produce a real Torque on the Bolt anywhere between 4.4 and 15.6 ft.lbs. Whatever you're trying to measure, if you want a Result near the Capabilities of your Device, stay in the upper Half of the Range at least. Chances of wrong Results are much higher and the typical Error has a more drastic Influence on the Value measured. LilBeaver, thank you for your Clarification. I couldn't understand 100 Percent of what you were saying before i posted my Comment, but now it makes all Sense to me. I could have done better with my Words in first Place, more on the Point, it should have been more clear what I'm talking about ... That's like me .. babbling ... Lots of it ...:missingtooth:
  15. First off, thank you for your Kind Words in the other Posting. I certainly have no Problem with a Disagreement, and to be honest, i didn't get too deep into "new Measuring Methods" and i didn't keep too deep Track in change of Things the last 20 Years. But anyway, to my Knowledge, the Law of Physics haven't changed much in these Matter since. It doesn't matter much what the Seller or the Manufacturer claims and if they describe the Accuracy of their Device right or in a wrong Way or wrong Words. I figure the average Buyer won't care too much about these deep Specifics anyway. This is not a Hi-Tech Device, it's just what it is. What i said doesn't apply specific to this Pressure Gauge alone, it goes for all Measuring Devices for any Kind of Dimensional Unit. Voltage, Current, Temperature, Pressure, Lenght, you name it. There's not one Way or two or even more, there's only that, the Laws of Physics. All analog Devices have it's Class specific Error and the Digitals will have the same class specific Error plus the "last Digit Problem". Not to mention the added Problems of an active Device, such as a Battery powered Device which needs a Kind of Power to do the Job, i.e. Values probably vary with the Battery Voltage. In the End, it doesn't matter too much for the User, his Device may have an out of bound Error or not at the Value he trying to quantify, as long as he wants to compare his Values with other one's Values he needs to be sure he and the other Part measure the with the same Error Margin. Everybody can compare his uncalibrated Values with a calibrated Value and knows the Variance at the given Value. Doesn't matter if the given Value is at the End of the Scale Range or not. Measuring Things like Voltage on the Bike only for myself doesn't care for any Error at all, as long as i use allways the same Device. The Problem will start to occur if i use three different Gauges and get three different Values. Then, it's somewhat important to know how to rate the Error Margins. Or, even more, if i try to compare my Values with other Folks Values like "you should see 13.4 Volts DC or more there" ... That's why Mankind invented Standards and got very deep into this Measurement Stuff ....
  16. Hey, i just tried to ... :crackup: Seriously, Kevlar is another Thing than Plastic(Cordura).
  17. Pound a slightly larger Torx Bit (probably a TX 25 or 27) into the Head and turn the Bolt out. Apply Pressure against the Bolt while turning the T-Handle.
  18. No need to trash it right now, just find a calibrated Gauge, and cross check the Pressure your usually operating your Gauge. If it's one or two psi off, you'll see this and operate with the Result. Since LilBeaver brought the Accuracy Thing up, i thought, i put an half Hour of my Life into typing the above Post ... and you just type Trash and be done with it .... :stickpoke::stickpoke: :crackup::crackup:
  19. Carefully spray some Brake Cleaner around the lower Carbs and the Intake Manifolds while the Motor is running on Idle, if the RpM rise, you found the Culprit, it still sounds like a Vacuum Leak.
  20. Not to complicate the Accuracy Thing, but each and every Measuring Device has Tolerance and this Tolerance is measured in PERCENT to the End of Scale Value. That's important, because if you measure Values at the lower End of the Scale the Accuracy goes South pretty quick. So if this Gauge is rated +/- 0.5 psi it's really +/- 0.5 Percent in Relation to the Scale End Value of 99 psi. On a digital Device comes a second Value on Top of that which is one Digit. If the Gauge shows 99.9 psi at the End of the Scale, the last Digit is 0.1 psi. If it shows 99 psi, the last Digit is one psi ! So, depending what Value is shown on the Display, the real Accuracy is +/- 0.5 psi plus 0.1 psi = +/- 0.6 psi OR it's +/- 0.5 psi plus +/- 1.0 psi = +/- 1.5 psi. This means measuring in mid Scale Range at actual 42 psi will result in a displayed Value of 41.4 to 42.6 psi. Or, if there's not Digit behing the Decimal, the Display will show between 40.5 and 43.5 psi. As you see, if you measure at the lower End of the Scale i.E. at real 10 psi, the typical Variance is much less accurat than one would expect with only seeing the +/- 0.5 psi Rating.
  21. First off, welcome to the Board !! Second, yes those v4's are very capable and if the Ride is tuned well, it lifts the front Wheel once in a while. Third, Valve Clearance Check is due at every 26 000 mls. I really suggest to get the Check done, because the Valve Clearance will get tighter over the Miles and you won't hear any Noise from the Valve Train until a EX Valve is burned. I'd do it again at 52 000 mls and then again at 80 000 mls. Then again when the next major Tear Down is done.
  22. Just do a little home made test .... Put some Plastic in an old Pot and start to melt it, if it's somewhat liquid, stick one Finger in it and pull it out immediately. Let it cool and then try to get rid of it ... :080402gudl_prv: Honestly, Fabrics are Ok, i often wear only Jeans, Mesh Jacket or Fabric/Leather Gloves myself, but if it comes down too long and decellerating Slide, you could have to have to some Pieces of Plastic grow out of your Skin.
  23. Whatever Gauge you use, i'd recommend to cross check it with a calibrated Gauge. Here, all Gas Stations have to have the Pressure Gauge calibrated each Year. The Administration checks this while chekcing the Pumps and eventually put heavy Fines out, if you "forgot" to have the Pressure Gauge Calibration done.
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