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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Ah come on Charlie, you need a full Fairing Bike to ride 240 k ? I do that on my Max any Day without any Shield or Screen to whimp out behind ... :whistling:
  2. First of all, i'd take a Look into the "hosts" File on your Computer. It should be found in SystemRoot\System32\drivers\etc. I.E C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Open the File with an Editor, there should be no Ip-Adresses translated to Host Names. Only Exception might be which is localhost or the own Computer. If there are other IP's listed, you most likely need to allocate the Malware and get rid of it manually.
  3. OF Course, i'm a born swabian and live over here. Somebody has to pay our ridiculous Taxes ...
  4. There are two Bolts holding the Seat in Place. These are 12 mm standard Head and are behind the small Covers just above the Side Bags. You most likely need to undo the Side Bag Lids to get the Wrench with an Extension on the Bolts.
  5. Here it is ... Post #13 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32016
  6. The Motor itself will fit, but there will be several Problems with the TB's and Airbox, Exhaust Ports and the Swing Arm, Drive Shaft and final Drive. P.S. Don, i made a similar Pic for you with the Seashell Color, maybe 18 Months ago. P.P.S. The Engine has WAY too much Power for you 2Gen Slow Pokes !!!!
  7. Wow, is this the famous New York red Oak ??
  8. Ride it like you stole it and VR.org Members are right behind you and catching up .... (OK, of Course 1Genners are much closer than the others ... :D )
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ldBgZ34u-w]YouTube - Woodpecker Beer[/ame]
  10. I'd go for 298mm Rotor in the front and put R1 Calipers on instead of rebuilding the old Calipers.May come out at the same Price but better Brakes after the Mod ... Linked or de-linked is a Question you need to answer on your own. I prefer delinked, because it has many Advantages for me and saves a Lot of Hassle during Maintainance.
  11. He: Hey Honey, what would happen if i'd win at the Lottery .... She: I'd take the half and get the H3ll outta here ... He: Ok, i won 12 Bucks, here are your 6 and now get outta here !!! :whistling:
  12. Just because you almost soiled your Pants doesn't mean the other People in Video did so ... Talk about being used to some "strange" Happenings ... I didn't defend the Guy's Actions and i won't, but you probably don't know hows Traffic working in other Part of the World. I could show you literally thousands of Videos on the Net, a Lot of those much more dangerous than what was shown in this Vid. This Guy is crazy, yes, but endangered himself much more than anyone else. I saw a Vid from a Guys hooliganing a GSX-R 1000 through little Towns in the Austrian Alps at more than 240 km/h, sometimes pulling a Wheelie in the middle of the Town. THAT is dangerous, because Traffic is not expecting or anticipating such a Cruise Missile, whereas the Traffic in this Vid was often standing still or very slowly moving. Of Course, riding in the opposite Lane with upcoming Traffic IS DUMB and ENDANGERS all People inside these Cars, but honestly, did you see even one Driver flick the High/Low Beam or use the Horn ? Seems they all deal with that Situation more often than you can believe. Or, what would you have done in your Car in such a Situation ? P.S. i don't know what SOB means, some Abbreviations didn't make their Way in my Head, doesn't matter much ... P.P.S. we would have posted these Stunts on the Internet if Cameras and Internet would have been available by the Time ....
  13. Have Fun and watch your Back and your Leg :happy34::happy34:
  14. What a great Comment Carl, where can i sign ? All the Guys that call that Rider an Idiot, please ask yourself what stupid Things you did in your younger Years ... I'm not saying he's my Hero, and sure wouldn't ride like that to this extend, but riding in a big Town is different than taking a pleasurely ride on country Back Roads. I sure don't think he's a Poster Guy for defensive riding, but you should keep in Mind the Fish Eye Perspective makes the Camera View a Lot faster than it really is. Plus i think he recorded at 20 Frames per Second and playing this at 24 or 25 fps makes it look so much faster than it really is. Open up your Speakers and hear the RPMs move ...
  15. I'm sorry they're not putting the whole test online over here. You have to buy the Magazine or be subscripted Customer to get a pdf of the Article. It's a two Part Test and i have only teh second Part at Hand. If i can get the Magazine back today in Time (it's lying in my Truck) to put it in the Scanner. If not, it will be Monday evening by the Time i'm able to catch the Truck again .... @BradT... i'd think aharbi wouldn't ask if he isn't able to put it up with german Language There's always online Translation, as poor as that is, often it's about getting a Sense of what they're talking about. Kinda like my french Language Skills...
  16. We had currently a long Distance Tourer Comparison in the biggest german M/C Magazine running the Bikes from Germany all the Way to the Carpates and back... The FJR 1300 was 2nd Place behind a Beamer(who woulda thought that) but the Concours1400 was only 5th. Mostly because of poor Brakes, a weird Riding Position which puts a lot of your Weight on your Wrists and some other Shortcomings. (And a Microswitch of the Immobilizer crapped out on them in Sibiu, Romania) Even though i don't like the FJR much, i was surprised to see these 7 Riders placing Concours1400 so much down there. The Braking Results were horrible. Where the Beamer was stopped, the FJR had 18 km/h remaining Speed but the Concours had 48 km/h remaining Speed(that's about 30mph)... All in all, it's good to see Yammi progress !!!
  17. Well, what about "sans Alcohol" in US and Canada ?? I won't drink and ride (or drive) but one Beer with out Alcohol at a Meet&Eat is Ok for me.
  18. I have such Bar End Mirrors on both of my Maxxes and that's what i prefer over any other Mirror mounting Method. You have a clear and unobstructed rear View, no Vibrations(even at Autobahn Speeds) and it they're holding up well. I use Rizomy Mirrors, but there are plenty of other Manufacturers out there. Oberon, CRG just to name 2 others coming to my Mind. If you stay a away from cheap chinese Plastic Mirrors, you can't go wrong. There are differnt mounting Methods available, some clamp to the Bar, some clamp to the Bar End Weight, some mount inside the Handle Bar and bring their own Bar End with the Mount.
  19. No, thats the Feeding Hole, the Relief Boring is right next to it.
  20. Well, even I'm glad there's just one .... But, just say a Word and i'll be History in a Minute ... I can't even look at your Forehead, much less look inside ... :bowdown:
  21. Let me tell you, there is only ONE Squeeze !!! :whistling::whistling::crackup:
  22. I have the IE 8 on the Server2008 Installation i'm running in my Office. It's bear and they even consider their own Websites (i.e. MS Technet) as dangerous in stanadard Settings ... Guess what, yes, it is dangerous !!! (to have SUCH dumb Rules restricting any User .... ) I'm quite sure i won't upgrade to IE9 unless i'm forced to, which will happen without any Doubt, some Time in the Future. Thanks again for creating Firefox !!!!!
  23. the lowest of the six Bolts on the left rear Cover is a Bolt where Oil will come out slowly if you undo it. That why this Bolt has copper Washer. There's not much Oil in the Oil Pump, maybe 50 cc, most likely less than that.
  24. Sounds pretty much like there's Air in the Line.
  25. Squeeze

    Oh deer!

    I'm glad you're OK, Gary :crackup::crackup:
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