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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. M10x1.0 is not very common on the Yamaha Bikes. I known only two Bolts which definetely have this Thread, it's the rear Motor Mount Bolts on the 1Gen Vmax. Might be the same on the 1Gen Ventures, but i don't know for sure. You'll find M10x1.25 A LOT more on the japanese Bikes, because that's their "standard" for fine Threads.
  2. good Choice !!! :happy34:
  3. I'd not convert to synthetic Oil at 500 or 600 mls. That's way to early. Even after using the Mototune Method, i'd not go to synt. Oil before 1500 mls.
  4. That's exactly how i'd approach that Job.
  5. For those who want to built a Tool, i'd suggest to give the the End of the "Cam" a bigger Radius, or more Meat, so to speak, because we had trouble getting Shims out of the Bucket on Bikes which desperately needed Setting the Valve Clearances. We nearly had to undo the Cam to get the Shims out because the "Cam" was on the very End of it's forcing Range.
  6. http://www.partshark.com/fiche_section_detail.asp?section=39081&category=Motorcycles&make=YAMAHA&year=2001&fveh=1032
  7. While i have no personal Expirence with Hagon Shocks, i know their Heritage. Hagon is nowadays a 2nd Brand out of the Wilbers Shocks Factory here in northwest Germany. I have a Pair of those Wilbers on my 1Gen Max and these are without any Doubt top Notch Quality Products. They know what they do and these are serviceable Shocks. The Price for the Hagon Shock seems very fair to me. We pay that Amount in Euro.
  8. Gary, i really like the free Sarcasm Part :crackup::crackup:
  9. Well, i'm glad you got the Motor running and now we're also looking for your Wisdom. :happy34: (Not to be too blunt, just hit the Button and make it happen ...) :whistling: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/payments.php
  10. Where did you find the Play ? There's possible Play in the Steering Head Bearings, which means the whole Fork Assembly moves versus the Frame and there also the Possobility of Play between the the upper and lower Fork Legs which would show up as a Movement between those two Parts.
  11. You might be right, but i think you used a wrong Word. It's not "when", but "if"...
  12. Well, that can be a loooooooong Time .... :whistling::whistling: Seriuosly, if you have the Space and the Funds, what's holding you back ?
  13. Looks like you're overcomplicating Things AND put in a wrong Motor to begin with ....
  14. Squeeze

    Decent driver

    Ken Block is a great Driver. Period ... But .... when i was out Drag Racing in October, i met the Event Host which is a vivid Drifter and Racer too. I asked him about the Vid and what he thinks about it. He said, Ken Block is really doing a great Job in promoting the Drift Sport and Gymkhana, but, if he's honest, if he has gotten the same Amount of Track Time there and also free Tire and Car Repairs, he could have done a better Job. As i know him, i'd willing to believe him. I've seen some of his Race Footage and if one has the Guts to willingly lock the rear Wheels at 180 mph in a steep banked Turn, he's my Hero anyday. If you look at the Ken Block Gymkahna Vid on Youtube you'll see that the Vid is cut togehter from several Runs he made. In one Scene, you'll see and hear the Car hitting the the Gate hard with the left Side of the Car, but is completely undamaged in the Scene afterwards... Don't get me wrong, Ken Block is a good Driver and i respect him, but his Apperance in the WRC left a Lot to desire. It's one Thing to race around and throw the Car controlled from one to another Direction, but it's sure another Thing to race at a World Championship Rallye Track. There's not much Room for Error left.
  15. Around here, almost all the white Stuff is gone at the Moment. The Airports look much better now. Even London-Heathrow seems getting better. But, there's bad Wheater predicted from tomorrow afternoon on, getting worse over the next three Days. Black Ice, Snow, you get the Picture .... Let's just hope everybody arrive safe and sound at their Destination, in Time or a bit late doesn't matter in the End. We're heading out to north-west tomorrow morning, visiting Relatives over the Holy Days and some nice recreational Days on the northern Shore over New Years Eve.
  16. Hold on ..... I AM GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN with Envy .... On the bright Side, please, please enjoy your Trip, and as the Date comes closer, i certainly try to meet you in Frankfurt during the Stop Over. It's not that far from me. We'll see !! !! :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  17. I've been under serious Work load here over the last three Months. I needed Time to recover from that, my Brain really was going dumb over the last Weeks. No Schnitzels, no Bikes, no anything else but work and recovering from work. But i'm feeling better now, i even could get a laugh or two in over the last Days.
  18. or .... go here and follow the Christmas Card Link http://www.bmw-motorrad.com/com/en/index.html sorry, my bad ... didn't look for the english Website in first Place :255::255:
  19. lower right Corner "eigene E-Card erstellen" then "E-Card erstellen" If you want to uplaod a Pic which is showing inside the Helmet of the Guy who raises the Banner at the end of the Clip, you hit "Foto hinzufügen", choose the Pic Filel, uplaod it and correct the Orientation of the Face, then hit "Weiter" -or- hit "weiter" without uploading type your Message in the white Box on the lower left corner and hit Weiter when your done. You need to put a Name in the upper left Field, your E-Mail Adress in the lower left Field, your Friends Name in the upper center Field and his E-Mail Adress in the lower centerField if you want to sent it directly from them by E-Mail. Then you need to Tag the Field "Ich bestätige ...." to confirm you own the right to the Pic you used and finally type in the Letters and Numbers shown into the right Field and hit "E-Card abschicken" You need to use a valid E-Mail Adress for the left lower Field because you'll receive a Mail in which you have to hit the embedded Link to confirm the Crad and then you're set and done. If you want to post it somewhere, copy the Link in the "share" Field which shows up then and post or sent it by E-Mail.
  20. Sure, that's why we have to wear DARK Sun Glasses. The Snow is reflecting too much UV Rays .... :crying::crying: I'm soooo sorry for you Condor :255::255:
  21. http://www.bmw-motorrad.com/christmaskonzert?h=fcbc4508abb0abc0bb7e12273ea12529
  22. last through the Winter ..... in CALIFORNIA .... Ok, that's really a Task ..... :crackup:
  23. A Cell Phone can't cause a Fire while normal operation. But dropping it while your talking and the Battery loosing Contact will give a you a rather big Spark ...
  24. Make that four Glock's, plenty of Spare Clips and pay him a visit .... Seriously, i can't understand what takes the Law so long to get going ? Everything's there, they just have to go by and pick the Seller up, and not believe the Lie's he starting to shell out...
  25. Well, Charlie, i can't say you're wrong .... :rotf::rotf: Won't stop me from doing it, that's what fast Bikes are built for. They have to serve ...:thumbsup2:
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