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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. `[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX48zzAtI4A]YouTube - Motorcycle dirt drag FINALS![/ame] Or maybe the Muffin Man was the true King of the Dirt Drags ??
  2. Gary's right. The Spring pushes Filter to the Casing, the Washer save the Rubber Seal from being ripped apart from the Spring.
  3. Or just put a Vmax Engine in there ....
  4. Well, i think we think different .... lighting up the rear ?? that's my Take on the Issue ... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dE4qQuKmK4]YouTube - Yamaha Vmax Burnout beim Teufelsmoor Treff 2009 V MAX 1200 300er Reifen[/ame]
  5. I saw it somewhat coming, but got a good Laugh out of it anyway. Thanks, that was a good One !!! :crackup::crackup:
  6. There's an Arrow on the Spring Plate, it should be visible when mounted and the Arrow should point towards the front of the Bike
  7. :rotf:
  8. That's great, you didn't forget how to use Google, or was ist Bing? :crackup::crackup: Whatever, if you're not remembering, I'm afraid to say, but that would have been an Indication of Stage 1 ....
  9. Do you remember what Alzheimer's first Name was ??
  10. Congrats Carl !!!! Dano will need the Rotor and the green Washer sitting under the stock Starter Clutch Assembly.
  11. You could try a Thing and push the Wires into the Pump. Worked for me, and ever since 4 Years on my Max.
  12. I'm sorry hear about your Problem, Carl. Yes, those B......s can be a real pita. Smart A.. Comment ... are you sure the Pipe Fitting you used as a Spacer between Crank Shaft and Puller Spindle is smaller than the Bore on the Flywheel(22 mm) ? I see, you use a Sort of Pipe Pliers as a Holder Tool on the Puller, this may cause some Distortion on the three Bolts which connect to the Rotor and disturb the Force applied to the Rotor. I allways use a flat Box End Wrench with 32mm on the Flywhell itself. Works every Time with only half of the Lenght of the Cheater Bar .... Other than this, i wish you Tons of Luck :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo and may the Force be with you ... :whistling:
  13. For practical use, it's easier and more usefull if you enter the Tire Size and calculate Diameter and Circumference, instead of calculate or measure these Values ... Us Vmaxxers use the GearData Proggy a Lot, because we change the Rim Sizes plus Tire Sizes on the Maxxes fairly often and you can see the Outcome of a Change within Minutes. Here's the Formula for calculating http://www.kfz-tech.de/Engl/Formelsammlung/Reifenberechnung.htm If you inherit this in your Sheet and just calculate the Circumference as an Result in i.e., B6, and allow the User to change the Circumference in B7 for further Calculation, it would cover anything you need to have. Of Course, a Cell for Slippage Value should be added, related to B7.
  14. That's not bad, but you need to add a Tire Slip Factor to the Calculations. You can expect 3 Percent Slippage as a Minimum Value. Also, it would be easy to add a Tire Circumference Calculation instead of entering Diameter or Circumference Value.
  15. You could download a small Freeware Program called Gear Data. I'm sorry to say, but it's only in metric Dimensions and in german, but it's the only program i know off. http://www.svs-tools.de/5.html I already translated the most of the Fields in this Thread .... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12800 in Post #15
  16. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=552006&postcount=26
  17. Thanks Gary, great Job as always !! I added the RS-Data you aquired to the Comparison Sheet, hope this helps a Bit.
  18. You could use a 17Ah Battery for the 1Gen Vmax with the Vmax Battery Box. Basically same Size as stock, but thinner, makes Room for the Vmax Air Box... If 17Ah ain't enough Juice, buy a 20 Ah Battery with the samne Size as a Vmax Battery.
  19. Here i am, cleaned up my Post Box and i'm ready to receive. :bluesbrother: Please don't dish out too hard, i caught a Flue last Week and i'm still recuperating .... :255:
  20. Well, it might sound a bit wierd, but i had the same Problem while working on an older Honda. I finally put everything back togehter so i could get the Motor started and brought it outside and fired it up. I left alle the Exhaust Bolts and Clamps loose, heated the Engine up and let it cool down, did this this three Times and by then all the rusted Connections were loose enough to bring in Chemics and use mechanic Force (a Piece of Wood and a Hammer). I guess the Combination of Heat and Vibrations did the Trick. Also, Ice Spray could help a Lot to crack the Pipe Connections loose. But only on the Pipes, the Heads could really get in shock using Ice Spray. It's Matter of Patience and Persistance.
  21. 57.2 F
  22. Why not insert them both ? :happy34:
  23. I sat on both of them today, the K1600 GT and the GTL. Both are nice Bikes, but the Handle Bars are too close to the Body for my liking. I'd need to find a Solution for that. They sure will hold their Grounds against the GW, no doubt about that. Power and Torque should be about adequate for taking out the ol' Lady over the Weekend. No Word on Pricing or Maintainance Intervals ....
  24. Yamaha uses M10x1.25 Threads on the Mirror Mounts, but a left handed Thread on the right Side, all other Manufacturers don't do this, that's why Kurakin lists the Yamaha Adapters different than the others.
  25. We had Winter from End of November until 6, Jan. I was out, riding a 200 km Trip on Jan, 8 with the MAX ...:whistling: If i'd not been on a M/C Fair with a Buddy today i'd been out riding today too.... Sunny and 10 C is good enough for me and i figure we'll have Winter back sooner or later, it had been uncommonly long Winter here for the last two Seasons, so i don't expect this Drama beeing over.
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