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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. You could bet 5 Bucks on this ...:whistling:
  2. On the Vmax, the shiny Bolts go on the outside of each Manifold, which can be seen from outside, the green ones go onto the inside. The shiny ones are longer than the green ones. It's great if you have shiny stainless Bolts, but they need to have the right Lenght also. Dingy already stated what's the standard Procedure.
  3. Well, Yama Mama, you know how it is ... Some of these proverbs proved to be true, some don't ....:crackup:
  4. Put a shiny Bolt in it instead of a green Bolt, this should solve the Issue
  5. Well, the nice, cheap Properties and Houses in your Area come with Price ... :whistling:
  6. It's either you got your own Set of 50 Rules or you probably watch way too much NCIS .... :stickpoke::missingtooth: Like me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistling:
  7. Ok, I'm sorry that i caused some Disturbance here.....:crying: I just checked the Listing on my Aftermarket Parts WHoleseller. He lists both, MKI and MKII with 40mm Oil Seals (40 x 52 x 8/10,5 mm). Here's the Link http://www.motomike.eu/mike/category/10200000000/vehicle/31934/article/94038 and hit "Fahrzeuge" for the complete List of Bike this Part is used on.
  8. There's a Saying over here in Germany. which tells us that there are Peoplke out there, if they ever die, you'll have to beat up their Mouth extra.
  9. It's Ebay which screws up the URL's for whatever unknown Reason. It has been like this for more than a Year. I really don't bother to much more trying to get a working Ebay Link in a Post, but just put in the Item# instead. It's screwing up THEIR Business in the End.
  10. Well, I'm not sure and I'm not near my Bikes, but if i remember correct, the Fork Legs on the VR are 41mm in Diameter. The Vmax uses 40mm Fork Legs from '85 to '92 and 43mm from 93 to 2007. One should check this with a Caliper before ordering a Kit for a 1GenVmax. to fit it on a Venture.
  11. Squeeze


    :bluesbrother: I'm glad i don't understand english by far not good enough to read between those thin Lines ... :crackup::crackup: Selling out a Friendship for 5 Bucks, this is wrong in so may Ways, i wouldn't want to think deeper about that. Not that i could think deeper, I'm not Deep Thought anyway ...
  12. Squeeze


    Sounds like you're into Desinformation .... 5 Dollars are too cheap to buy any valid Information or you're cheap to buy ...
  13. Squeeze


    Bmw k1600 gt?
  14. There's a Multi Allen Head Tool out there, where 17mm is the smallest Size. The others are 19, 22 and 24mm. Works great and helps also with the big Wheel Axles on recent Bikes. Might be the better Option at the same Price. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31rzdz3SLVL._SL500_AA300_.jpg or on Ebay # 150546023742
  15. I too, read first, than looked at the Pics... I wouldn't want to say that looks like previous Crack, but that's what i thought also. Seeing now those additional Pics, i don't think it's the Case. But the Area between the two Bearings looks bent and twisted. These Pics are quite interesting. I've seen quite a few damaged Engines, but never saw such a twisted Con Rod.
  16. I wonder if it's the Pic, but there's a dark grey and light grey Area on the upper half Con Rod visible ?
  17. I'm sure you meant to say "now i can work Days and Nights" :thumbsup2::thumbsup2::bluesbrother:
  18. Break out your Digital Multi Meter, set it to 20V DC, place one Lead on the +Cable of the Starter and the other Lead to Ground, start the Bike and look if you still have Voltage if the Motor runs and the Starter Button is released. If no, it's electrically fine. If you still hear some wierd Sound, the Starter Clutch could be stuck, not releasing it's grabbing Force and the Flywheel now runs the Reductions Gears and the Starter Motor. If yes, place one Lead on the small Contact of the Starter Relay and the other to the positive Post of the Battery. If there's Voltage, there's something wrong with the Wiring between Handle Bar Switch and Starter Relay or the Switch in the right Handle is bad/stuck. Please report back about your Findings and we'll get you through this.
  19. Is Paul Teutul jr now in the racing Business ? :crackup::crackup:
  20. Checking should be obvious if you knwo what it's suppsoed to do. From which Side and in which Position did you held the Valve while blueing your Face ?
  21. I'm sorry, but the System only thanked Dan once, even if hit the Button four Times ....
  22. The Roll Over Valve sits in the Tank Vent Line. In case of spill Fuel wpild come out of the Vent Line, because the uppermost Part of the Tank might now be the lowest Part of the Tank. To prevent this, this Roll Over Valve closes the Vent Line. Those Unit should be checked for Function and cleaned while doing Maintainance of the Fuel Filter.
  23. That's the Way to go. The "unused" Hole in the Middle Drive Gear Cover is USED. On a 1Gen Vmax .... The Shift Shaft is longer on the Vmax and it comes out right there.
  24. I'm sorry to hear, sound pretty much like it's time for a new Starter Motor ... P.S. The Starter doesn't engage to the Rotor. There are a Bunch of reducer Gears sitting behind the Stator Cover.
  25. Say Condor, do you park your Bike in Neutral ? Mine are allways in 1st Gear, never will be different, because i keep the Trans in1st Gear and just kill the Engine with the Side Stand Switch.
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