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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. throw it right back on their Table and let them give you a better one
  2. One can't put such a Motor in a Bike. Because these Watersport-Engines are designed for intaking fresh and cool Water for Enginecooling and spit the Water out when used for cooling. If you put a Cooling System on the Engine, you might need about 100 Liters of Water for the System and a Cooler which is as big as the Bike is. Besides, the Design of the Engine is Upwards and it can't be uses in a 90 Degrees turned Position. :no-no-no: If you want to have a real Beast in the Venture, wait some Months, i've heard that there's someone building a Vmax V4-Engine with about 1800 ccm, 90 mm Pistons, expected HP should be around 260 SAE-HP. :D :D
  3. Sorry for that 4 Words Answer. I think, if Air Temperature is between 10 and 20 Celsius, you can go max 30 Miles. IF Outside Temperature is doubled, the Miles you can go drop to one third of that. 10 Miles. After doing that, at least, prepare for new Clutch, new Oil, probably new Crankshaft Bearings. Generator might also be shortened.
  4. depends, i would say
  5. Last Year, i've had a FJR1300 over a Weekeend. Friday/Saturday was taken as Testride for Selling. Sunday i paid the Rent for the Bike. When i brought it back to Dealer, i was lucky to get back on my Max. He asked me for pricing the Deal. He was quite confident that i'm have to be willing the Bike because of the Bike's strenght and Quality. I was not. I' was just before outlaughing him for this Kind of Crap. The Gastank gets very hot on riding at higher Temperatures. Fairing and so on was not bad at all. My Wife had a better Place on the rear Seat .... BUT ... Even if this Engine is pumping around 145 HP and proper Torque, the Feeling of Power is bad. from 2k to 6.5 k it revs up quick, not far behind my Vmax, from there on to redline, there's only some Power, not as the Max or the Venture's pulling and zooming towards Horizon. It's the same as a Fireblade or GSX-R does Lots of Power, but nothing to the Heart.... R4 Engines, if you know what i'm trying to say. I've driven many Bikes in that Time, BMW GS1200, K1200LT, Honda XX. None was like a V4, not even close to it. After that, i bought my '93 Venture and was pleased form the 1st Moment i'd driven it. Not to mention the Difference in Cost and Service you have to expect when buying a new Bike. May the technical Side say otherwise, i'll stick to V4 Engines.Take a long Ride an the FJR and test it to the Things you expect from your Bike.
  6. Dein Deutsch ist auch nicht so schlecht ! You german is that bad at all. Nice, i'd say. Thanks for all Appreciation of what i've tried to explain. But .... my Goal is explaining several Physics to all those Guys, which can't see those Coherences. So if you don't understand what i'm trying to explain, i did a bad Job. To all the Guys that voted me for the Awards. Thanks to all of you, i really do appreciate your Kindness and Thrust, since i'm not here on the Board that long Time. I'll hope you won't regret your Action, as i'm not planning to leave alone you for a long Time. It's a wonderfull Board with really great People. That's what i'm looking for, some Fun, some technical Challenges, something to learn from ... Last Sentence might been taken from a TV-Advertise but for me, it is this Way.
  7. sorry, my English is not that bad ? isn't it ?
  8. In cold Conditions, and if you use a Standard Lead/Acid Battery, i recommend, before Starting the Engine, leave the Lights on for 30 Seconds. Seems to be stupid without Explanation. It is not ... The starting Power the Battery is able to give ist in direct Context to the inner Resistance of the Battery. If the Acid is cold, the Resistance will be high, e.G. 10 Ohm. If you start the Bike right away, the Resistance in the Battery is much higher than that of the Startermotor. The Startermotor ist in short Circuit in the first Moment of putting Current on it. As the Startermotor starts to turn, the Resistance rises to the normal Level of about 2 to 4 Ohm. The Resistance of the Battery with 10 Ohm and the Motor with Zero or maybe 2 Ohm, is much more a Batteryheater than a enginestarting Subsystem. The Power of the Battery gets lost while heating and cranking the Engine. If the Engine doesn't start right away, the Batterypower gets weaker and weaker, even if it is now heated with own its Power. There is no more Power left to deliver to the Starter. If you put on your Lights first, the Battery will have the same starting Resistance, 10 Ohm as i said. The Bulbs have a much higher Resistance, so, the Bulbs will shine and the Battery gets also heatet but not that quick and not that energyconsumpting as a failed starting Sequence will have used. The inner Resistance of the Battery drops down on warmer Condition inside the Battery. 30 Seconds later ... Voila... press the Button and the Starter cranks more powerfull, because this Circuit isn't a Batteryheater anymore. By "preheating" the Acid, it is more Capacity awakened as the Loss by the Lights is. The 10 Ohm as the inner Resistance is not the correct Value, it is just for explanation and better Understanding of the System. In Fact the Resistance is more 1 Ohm than 10, anyways, this tiny Trick works on all Lead/Acid-Batteries for sure. Cars, Bikes, Trucks ... Might also be helpful on Batterytypes, but not that impressive, because other Types have a way smaller inner Resistance by System. This is not my idea, i did learn this Years ago, when i was 3 Days send to a Batterymanufacterer for a 3 Days Seminar.
  9. Hey Dan, i know those leaking Hardley can't Repair Engines ... if they run well with a Diesel-designed Oil, ok... i probably can imagine that ... but the V4 Engine is a different Type, lots of RPM, fast travelling Pistons and so on, the Oilfilm in the Cylinders will get lost. If so, the Damage will be enough to throw it away. I can't imagine that someone will test some cheaper Oil on a pretty expensive Engine. For what shall this be good ? Saving 10 Bucks in 3 Months ?
  10. are your kidding ? Diesel Oil in a Bike ?? ?? I think this Questions belongs at Jokes and Humor :rotf:
  11. Seems to be godd News, Drebbin, hope your Bike will get fine with the Charger. What the Tech said ..... umppppphhhf .... is bu....it. The higher the RPM on the Engine, the higher the Current the Stator will produce. That's because the Rotor, with the Magnets in it which cause the Stator to do his generating Job, sits on the Crankshaft of the Engine, not on your rear Wheel ... FYI
  12. Turbo isn't a good idea on a V4 Bike. Doesn't look good. Go for a Rootscompressor, a Eaton from the Mini Cooper-Car fits .... 1200 cc Vmax Stock-Engine with Injection and Compressor pulls around 170 HP at 0.3 bar Pressure... http://members.home.nl/rolfbulles/html/kompressor.html
  13. quite Interesting, that Set. I think it, without Chemistry, it will hold the the full Airpressure for about 100 Miles. After that the Pressure will drop fast and faster. Same Procedure is used to repair other than Bike-Tyres with using some Chemistry, it will last for Lifetime of the Tyre. What i don't understand is why you have to use the Pincer ? The "Gun" should press the Rubber in at first, then pull it out to sit tight to the inside of the Tyre. No need to use the Pincer ?
  14. Hi, is there a Rubber-Gasket sitting around the Wheel in which the Final-Drive engages ? Check this out, there should be one. Every Time you change the Tyre, clean up the old Grease and put some new in.
  15. Hi Pegscraper, nice Chart you made, really ... If you're gonna take yourself more on the engineering Side of this Questions, google for Geardata. It's a free Programm, in which you can see any changes of any Gearratio takes it's Consequences. very small, very simple, easy to use.
  16. Hi Folks, as i have read, there are some Guys, which might be interested in passing the damned Carb-Stuff out and go for a Fuel Injection System. As the Carbs and Strakes are not that big different on a Venture, it will mechanically fit and work properly on all the Ventures you use. Just the Mapping should be different, because of the different Valve-Sizes and other Camshafts. I know this Guy, which has an Injection-System developed and fitted to several Vmaxxes, from 1200 cc Stock-Engine up to his 1670 cc Monstermax. Works also on a 1200cc Engine with a Blower... As i heard these Days, they now have also a done Deal with a Distributor in the States .... Here's the Link to the EFI in the States http://wildbros.com/EFI.html If have worked on that System at a Friends Max, was a quite impressive Moment. I will upgrade my Max next Winter. As i'm not only seeking for the Gain of Power, i will not use the advertised Fuel Computer, instead i will go for the Full Motor Management, which comes which Lambda-Control and Regulation of the Igniton-System. This System runs already on a Development-Bike with really great Performance. If you are a "Save the Planet" Type, you also can mount some Catalytic Converters and run the Bike in perfect EPA-Conditions. It's just for your Information, i'm not related in any Ways to the People who are doing that Business.
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