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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. There's just nothing more to say than Stoutman did
  2. That's exactly why Clipinc is free of Rights for personal use... You record the Streams of Internet Radio Stations, similiar to former known Tape Decks and get mp3 Tunes in Radio Quality. More is not necessary for Use in a Player or on the Bike. You can get thousands of Tracks and make your very own BEST OF Albums. Free of Charge and free to use.
  3. I've ridden them both, all i can say, the Misses and me do not like the Busa and the FJR. The Misses from Room and Comfort, for me because the Engines, the FJR is a bad Joke, the Busa is better in those Matters, but too much revving for me to get them both going.
  4. or .... download free Streams from the Internet .... using this free Software for Download and Management www.clipinc.com
  5. The biggest Difference to a real good Bike is the Missing of a real Motor ... This 4Cyl. Inline is a bad Joke. Every V4 Motor, even the 2Gen's have Way more Torque on 2000 RpM than a FJR1300 at the Best. Ok, this Thing is fast, no Question, but the Tank is getting real hot and the Motor is not pulling.
  6. I think this Syntec Blend is a non synthetic Oil, made for elder Motors, and it might work
  7. Loose Main Jet maybe, or TPS/Spark Advance Problem. Also worn Floater Valves could cause such Problems. Of Course also, what Eck said, slightly sticking Brakes, weak Wheel Bearings ... Friend of mine has had the LockScrew in the Slider getting loose, the Needle did fall out of Place and this Cylinder did get almost full Fuel all the Time. Only noticable Thing was a Drop in mpg.
  8. something like that ? http://my.ricardo.ch/accdb/viewItem.asp?IDI=517636458
  9. I disagree. The Vmax, if setted for personal Preferences, is capable of very good long Distance riding. I've done 3 or 4 times 600 Miles per Day Rides my self, i know a Lot of Guys and one Gal that have done the same or more when going to a Meeting or Holidays in the Alps. Ok, for me in Stock setup, no Chance for long Distance. The Pegs are too far upfront and the Handlebar is too high in the Air. I ride Rearsets, Flatbar and a custom made Fibre Backend, which gives me a one Inch higher Position above Ground. As or the original Question... I don't think it would be easy to venturize a Vmax. Front End is quite different, also the rear Swingarm of the Venture is more stable than the Vmax Swingarm. Frame is looking quite similiar, but i've never had two Frames side by Side to compare them. It just makes no Sense. Maxxing out a Venture is a Dream for me. 1300cc Venture Engine, Vmax Heads and Cams, Aftermarket Exhaust, EFI and naked Look would give a real unique and mean looking Bike with Lots of Power and a real Winner, on a Show and at the Redlight. btw, mechanically, a Vmax Engines fits bolt on in a Venture, only different Thing is Shiftshaft and Linkage, electrical is different Story, but nothing too bad.
  10. Well, i have to confess, my flemish is not any near my english 'Abilities', whatever this may be .... :rotf::rotf: At least, my english is way better than my french or italian or hispanic and also better than my flemish Language. So, i better rest ...
  11. Not bad, i think, but how about the Explanation in Flemish ?
  12. Didi you check the Power Supply to the Coils ? Should be a red/white Wire to the yellow Connectors of the Coils.
  13. as i have one for House Works ... i used this one ... with a Carbide, segment saw blade, circular, shown on the last Picture. http://www.fein.de/fein-multimaster/us/en/applications/boat_renovation.html That a really good Tools, may be a bit pricey but worth every Dime. Only Thing, the Tools are really overpriced. With such a Sawblade you can even touch the Blade, it won't hurt you a Bit. I did not remove the Shield, just Duct Tape to cover and and a Line to saw along. 5 Minutes cutting and 10 Minutes sanding afterwards to give the Edge a nice Shape, and i was done. My only Problem, the previous Owner laid the Bike down in the Past. So, there were two Cracks beneath the Shield Cover on the lower Edge. I didn't see them before, but after powerfull cleaning the Shield, this was also my first intense Cleaning on it, the Cracks came up and it broke on both left and right lower Edge. So, dont put too much Power on the Shield !! !!
  14. Hi again, hey, thanks for the DQ Offer, but be assured, my Brain saves such Offers in the loooooooooooooong Term Storage ... :D :D I will measure the 100mm on Monday, i have two of these in my Garage/Workshop. Even if this Clamp won't work, your can get some of these from another Bike. Only Problem is, most of them would have no 'set Back' like the Vmax Clamp has.
  15. here's a Pic of the 1Gen's. http://parts.yamaha-motor.com/partimage.gifx?d=116761,5,0 I think, Parts #11 could be exchanged versus one of a Max, and then you can mount whatever 7/8 Inch Handlebar you want.
  16. Hi, no the upper Yoke from a Vmax doesn't fit on a 1Gen. But, maybe, the Handlebar Clamp would fit. You can measure the Distance between the two Bolts on the lower Side of the upper Yoke. If my Memory serves my right, this Distance is 100mm on a Vmax, middle to middle. The Bolts are M10x1,25 Thread and some 40 mm long. I thought at first the Handlebar on 1Gen where mounted to the Forklegs, but they are not. They are in Fact mounted to Brace which fits in two Borings in the Yoke, similair to most of the naked Bikes all over all Manufactures. On the 1Gen's there are also some rubber Parts involved. But basically, those two Borings in the 1Gen Yoke might fit to the Vmax Handlebar Clamp Size.
  17. Hey, i don't want to open a Can of Worms, nor do i second the Statement. It's just the Way they handle this. I really do not know how much a US Citizen has to spend, nor a canadian Citizen. All i did want to say, is the Market makes the Price. If Yammi is able to earn 3000 USD on a Bike in US or 5000 CND in Canada, that just plain what they do. They can sell their Bikes at the best Prices they are able to get from the Customers. They all want our Best .... our CASH !!!! They raise the Price because the Folks paying the Price they ask. Period. Why shouldn't they do so ?? This is how the System works. You can complain about that and just not buy anything what appears overpriced in your Opinion, but what else can you do ?
  18. Hi, from my Point of View these different Prices for imported Goods are just pure Capitalism. If you ship from Japan or from Europe, what the Hell is the Difference of Shipping Cost of Containers between US and Canada ? 3 Percent, 5 or maybe 8 .... Ok, there might be different Taxes and Customs Rates, but this does not explain the huge Spread. Also the Excange Rates are a Factor, but the most global Players have these inherent Risk insured. In other Words, the Canadian have more Money, so they can pay more ... Speaking about Prices, i can tell you, i can have a 15 Percent Discount from a Yammi Parts Dealer in the U.S. Pay by Credit Card and pay the not so cheap Shipping to Germany, pay 10 Percent Customs and 19 Percent VAT on both, Price and Customs and still be about 15 Percent cheaper than the same Part would cost me here at a local Yammi-Dealer ... e.g. The Part's Price is 115.00 USD, -15 USD Discount, makes it plain 100 USD. Shipping is 48 USD. When the Parcel arrives here, Customs call for... 10 Percent Customs on 148, thats 14.80 USD, 19 Percent VAT on 148.00+14.80 is 30.92 USD makes the Total 193.73 USD. Exchanged in Euro this is around 122.00 Euro. Local Price for the same Part is around 145.00 Euros. I asked my Dealers twice about that, they can't explain that, only Thing, i got a 10 Percent Discount from that on ... now, that's 5 Percent for aiding my local Stealer ...
  19. Do you have Spark on the other Cylinders ?
  20. If my Memory serves me right, it was somebody from the States who first said. .... Second Place is the first Looser .... :rotf::rotf: Disclaimer: Just to make this clear ... i'm just joking and nagging ... no real Offense here ! I will get older and someday cannot think about engaging my 1Gen or the Max anymore, i will seriously go for a 2Gen, they are closer to the Ground and it should be easier to mount and dismount for both of us, my Wife and me. But be assured, it would be a real Beast, 1500 cc, full EFI and around 180 HP. Or Maybe the Engine of the new Max would fit anyhow ... Not that would have said, that those 2Gens are for elder People only, it's just how it appears and again, no Offense.
  21. I'm not that familiar with the BMW's, but i think they activate 2 of 4 Pistons in the rear when braking on the Handlebar. The othe 2 other bigger in Size and activated by the Foot. Honda took a similiar Path, but only with 6Pot Caliper.
  22. Pleeeeeeeeeeease, don't do that. The ABS Systems from Yamaha are not know for a really good Performance, not worth any Effort in this Matters. The System is Way toooooo slow to have a real good Brake Distance. A expierenced Rider will ever outbrake the FJ1200 and the FJR1300 Systems. This Issure was tested and discussed in a major M/C Magazine here. I'm not sure about the ABS of the newer FJR ('06/'07) but the '05 Model was better than the FJ1200, but sure not even close to BMW ABS. Imho, I really do not see any Asset in a ABS System in M/C, at least for me. But as long as there are Believers and Payers, there will be an Offer .... If you you're looking for more Safety, learn and practice Countersteering, if so a locking Front Wheel will not scare you anymore. Rear Wheel locking is another Story, but with delinked Brakes, you use the rear only as an Emergency Brake, and this will prevent the rear from Locking on the frist hard Hit. I don't think so. You will only need the Lower Forkboots and rewireing the Antidive. This is not hard to do. Just a Relay, this is operated by the Brakelights and two Wires to the Coils on the left and right Forkboots. Hopefully, someone else will chime in and confirm this. I think the Antidive is really an Asset, because it prevents the whole Bike Geometry from shifting out of an controlable Window under hard braking. If you allow the Fork to Dive more than it should, you will have more Weight on the Front during braking, the rear has less Weight and could get more unstable easier. The Trail on the front would change to a Point where nobody want's it. This could cause the Front starting wobble or maybe a Tankslapper. Stiffer Springs would of course help in that Matters, but they would also make the Ride a bit more harsh than it could be.
  23. as we all learned in 6 Episodes ..... the dark Side looses in the End .... :rotf::rotf::cool10:
  24. Thats a fine Desciption, i've done the same. The Mastercylinder is pefect for feeding both R1 Calipers on front. I can't say anything about the rear, because my rear M/C is weak and i didn't get into it yet. I've replaced the rear Caliper laos with a R1 Type. I don't like a linked System, because it's just not my riding Style. I ride different Bikes, all are not linked, and just want to have same Procedures on all Bikes. Even if the rear Brake on the Venture is powerful, it isn't on the others.
  25. I hope you did check both of your Pads, front left and rear, for wear before topping off the Fluid ?
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