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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. 8.05 USD for a USgal here in Germany :doh::doh:
  2. Errr NO, no, no, wait, let me think about that ..... NO !!! I don't think so !! It's amazing what these Riders can do, but can't ... The Vid says "Junior european Championships" and apparently was in the Netherlands, but these fine young Ladies are from my greater County as the Annoucer says in the Beginning. We have a Lot of Talents in this Sports, but it goes pretty unnoticed from public.
  3. Maybe, that the Clutch works from 0% (Standstill) up to 100% Lock Rate (just before Tire breaking free).
  4. Squeeze


    Ahhhhh Ok, THAT explains A LOT :crackup::crackup:
  5. I'd chosen two of the Options, both Analyses are dead spot on .... They list all my Downsides ....
  6. Squeeze


    They've a rather small Sun over there in Tennessee ...
  7. Thank you for your meaningful Contribution to the Subject of this Thread :bowdown::bowdown:
  8. Put some Sea-Foam in the Fuel and ride it for 200 mls like you stole it. Rev it up and hit teh Limiter every now and then after the Motor has fully warmed up Check again after you get back. I'm quite sure, most of the Problem will be gone when you're back.
  9. Well, the Grinding Method on the Steering Head is a bad Idea in my Opinion. I'd never do such a Thing to a Part my Life depends on .... For me, there are three different Option in removing the outer Races. One - Undo the Battery Cables, connect both Positive and negative Wires, break out your Welder and lay a nice Weld Seam on the available inside Part of the outer Race, wait a Minute and the the Race will fall out - for Guys who have a Welder available second - mount a thin but reinforced cutting Tool to your Dremel and cut the Race apart. Use a flat Angle in regard to the Race, so that you'll have to cut about one half of the Circumference to splitt the Race. watch the beginning of the Cut and the End, try to not hurt or cut the outer Parts of the Steering Part of the Frame. It not that hard to do, but needs some Time and several Cutting Discs. After your have ground the spiral-shaped Groove, take a small Chisel and splitt the Race off, it will fall out either in one or several Pieces. - for Guys who have no Welder, but a Dremel and the Nerves to put half an Hour into a brief Job without shedding too much Sweat third, unfortunately only for me and some others here in Europe break out a special Tool i got from a german Chassis and Suspension Specialist which is a Puller Tool made exactly for these 32006 Bearings. It works like a inside out Collet Chuck, clamps to the Bearing under Pressure of a Conus pushing the Tongues into the Gap between Frame and Bearing Race. Then you pull the Race out with a Puller Spindle leading the Race into a Tube which is set on the Frame.
  10. Of Course, if you put 100 ft.lbs Torque on a Bolt it will take 100ft.lbs plus some extra to loosen the Bolt. It's the "extra" i'm worried about. I've worked a Lot on these, so i can say i know something anout the Job and i'll tell you, the extra can easily be the same Amount as the original Torque was, plus you still might need some extra Punds ... But if you have had your Wrench checked, everything is fine. I'll stick to my Policy which is NOT using a Torque Wrench as Breaker Bar or Wrench. That's why they bring in a nearly "useless" T-Handle in nearly any Wrench-Set. I got Lots of these and if i ever will bend one, i'll say sorry and put another one in my Tool Chest.
  11. Over Torqueing will ruin your Torque Wrench. I'm not smart enough to explain this, never thought about it, but i got first Hand Experience in replacing a nice Mid Size Torque Wrench one of my Workers used as a standard Ratchet. If you read the FM, it will show up somewhere in the Caution Area of the Text ...
  12. The '09 VMAX shuts down after 20 Minutes of running on Idle and produces an Error Code on the next Startup, after you charged the Battery, that is.
  13. Congrats on getting the new Ride !! :LIME::LIME: Regarding the new Vmax ... don't do it !!!! You'll be spoiled by the Power forever !!! :crackup:
  14. And throws a nice Spark while uncontacting, which will eat up the Contact in no Time.
  15. I guess this was an old torque Wrench, because no true Gear Head would use a good Torque Wrench to loosen a Bolt, especially with such an Amount of torque needed.
  16. I feel fer ya !!! :crying:
  17. No, but i remembered some Postings of yours two Years ago. And since i've seen Sons of Anarchy, i know exactly what you've been talking about .... If i'd been in your Part of the Woods, i'd visited some VR Members in the Area, that sure would include you !! :bluesbrother:
  18. Wouldn't count where i live, a Garage to work on my Toys gotta be there .... If i'd couldn't built it myself(due to medical Conditions or whatelse) i'd host a small Venturerider Meeting over the Weekend and i'd be good to get started ... :crackup: WV seems to be good enough to host some Meth Labs out in the Woods, so it would be good enough for me to have serious Garage put up. But that's only me ... :bluesbrother:
  19. Well, to be honest, IF i'd were retired, had nothing much more to do on my Plate than beating up a Lawyer one or the other Day, my Wife wouldn't look for me in House in first Place .... She'd go directly to the Garage, or better yer, take the Phone and call my cordless ... :whistling::whistling:
  20. Wow, Congrats, you two. I'd sure love to be there also. If you're in Reykjavik, visit the Hard Rock Cafe and the Big Church, the Geysir, the blue Lagoon and make sure you'll get a Look at Thingvellir, it's great out there, you can almost smell the ancient History, first Parliament was founded there in 930. Also the small Valley right there, where the tectonic Plates meet is impressive. I'd visit a Beach in South, the black Sand there looks very wierd. I'd also visit Akureyri, it's a nice Town. I'd visit Gullfoss, Godafoss, Glymur and Dettifoss. The Apollo 9 Crew trained in this Area to prepare for the Stone Area on teh Moon. Jokullsarlon is an interresting Area where a Glacier goes into the Sea. But i'm quite Sure, Jonas will have a lot of better Tips for you.
  21. Squeeze

    Is there a

    No, it was here over the Day but i left, it's heading towards your Place .... But i fully expect it being back in 6 Hours or so !! !! !!
  22. Put the Boot in a warm Place, near the Oven or so and rub it thick with dubbin where you want it streched. Let it warm up for an Hour or two and then place a Rag or old Socks strategically into the Boot to strech the Areas you want. Let it sit in the Warm Place until next Day, put your Foor into a Plastic Bag will help you getting in and out of the Boot while testing. If it didn't stretch quite enough, repeat Procedure. Leather is Skin and you need to Handle it like your Skin, a little bit of Fat goes a long Way. Another Option is the old Military Saying, pee into the Boots and take a long Walk ...
  23. Gary, i didn't bet, i just mentioned BradT could bet 5 Bucks against Swifty .... (remember Swifty's selling out Friendship at 5 US) I'm sorry to see that cost you a Crank Shaft. :crying::crying: The only fortunate Thing in this is that you a have spare one ... I always hold the Rotor with a long, "flat" 32mm Box End Wrench, which i rest on the Motor Guard Rail or the Table Lift (or the Floor). http://www.industryarea.com/Spanners-and-wrenches-Y2473-S10-catalogue.html I have that Wrench lying around anyway, but to me it's important because i don't want to put any extended Amount of Force or Stress to the Crank Shaft or the Bearings. I allways use a 3 Foot Cheater Bar on 1/2 T-Handle to loosen the Center Bolt and turning the Puller Spindle. Works like Charm without shedding too much Sweat. Regarding the Battery .... I think those light weight high Performance Batteries like Shorai will make their Way, but seeing their Price, it's a Bit too early for those for my Taste. Let somebody else be the Guinea Pig .... There are several other (and proven) Battery Options available. For instance, some locals here run their Maxxes with Hawker SBS-8, works. You could buy Hawker 2 Volt Elements and built your own Battery even with distributed Cells all over the Bike. Here are some Streetfighter Bikes which use this Option, because Space is a rare on those chopped Bikes. Go into a Battery Store and psysically choose a small Battery. I think everything above 10 Ah should be suffice for Day to Day use. Of Course, and you already know that, you can't listen to your Tunes or Radio for a prolonged Time without the Motor running, but that's not your Goal anyway. I run a Panasonic 20 AH AGM Battery in my 1Gen Max. It's the same Size as the a 17 AH Lead Acid Battery and has very good Performance. The 2Gen VMAX Battery is only a 10 AH AGM, and it seems to be quite up to the Job starting this big Engine. I'd have expected more hassle with a Battery that small in this Application.
  24. So you already found the Gear with the Past missing ?
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