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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Hey thanks Tigress, but i have to admit, though i watch US TV a Lot, i can not understand 100 Percent of the second Half of this Clip. I understand the Quote 'oh the Humanity', but i can't image whats the Meaning of this. Of Course, this was a Disaster and as a Commentator who wants to comment the Arrival of that big Zeppelin at the Landing Site, he's overwhelmed by the the Flames and the quick Burnup and seeing the People fall out of Sky and watch the Men on the Ground running away for their Life must have been a really huge Load to carry. And also, the spoken Word in english has changed since, a Lot more than the german. I just have to face my Limitations here.
  2. I did a close look on this, because my wife has no M/C License and we can modify this Scoot a Bit and she would be able to ride it with her Car License. A Bit pricy here in Europe. Not the Way to go she said ... :rotf:
  3. Hi Stan, since Chicago isn't the warmest Place to ride, you'd better go with SAE 75-90 or 80-90.
  4. I'm afraid to say, but i believe, changing the O-Ring would not solve your Problem. Since you have the Oil leaking after you went riding, i'd suspect the Oil-Seal to be the Culprit. And this Part cannot be at 7.78 USD ... If the O-Ring would be the Problem, the Diff would leak any Time, ridden or not.
  5. MotoGP Racer has real Stopping Power ... 250 km/h or 155 mph to Zero in 36 Meters or 39.5 Yards ... Of Course this is a very lightweighted Bike with a expierenced Race-Rider, but anyways... Did i mention that i fully second Wpredock's Statement ??
  6. Hi, i try to explain this by overdue the Facts. Let's say, the Distance between upper and lower Forkbrace is 10 Inches before you open the Top Nut on the Tripple Tree. Now, you open the Topnut and tighten the Locknuts down to a Distance of 9 Inches. Now, you thighten the Top Nut down to Lock the Assembly. Now the Distance between the Stem is nine Inches, the Distance between the Forklegs is, locked and fixed by the Pinchbolts on both Forkbraces, 10 Inches. What happens to that one Inch ?? This Inch would add up in a massive Disformation of both Forkbraces. That's not what we want to have. We want NO Disformation or Tension on anything in the Suspension. Not to Mention that such a Distance would cause anything to break before the first test Ride is on Schedule. In Fact there is a M25x1.25 Thread on the Stem. So, if you can turn the Locknut down by one Turn, the Distance between upper and lower Forkbrace is only reduced by 1.25 mm. Which is 1/20 of an Inch. Also a big Distance when we want to have NO Tension. One Turn is not uncommon, when this Area isn't maintained and repacked regularly. Why to open the Pinchbolts on the lower Forkbrace? Beneath the upper Forkbrace the the Air Connector which cannot be raised or lifted, this Assembly has to stay in his exact Place. The Forklegs slip through the lower Forkbrace and can be tightend after adjusting the Locknut and tighten the Topnut. Also, the complete Frontend needs to be off the Ground during the Process. This is for proper Adjustment and tensionfree Working on the front. I hope you get my humble Explantion, if not ask again
  7. Dont forget to loosen the Pinch Bolts of teh Forklegs on the lower Forkbrace before tightening the Locknuts. And, of Course, tighten them back to the Specs afterwards.
  8. Thanks, i've never heard the english Commentary. They always talk over it in german ... :confused24:
  9. Excuse me ?? I do not understand the meaning ?
  10. not to mention the tremendous Svings out of not worn Pads .... :whistling::whistling:
  11. here's the Link ... http://imageevent.com/jkvmax/regulatorrectifier look at the Voltages at #8 ...
  12. Stock Stator makes 30 Amps. You're 100 Percent right with your Statement. The stock Wires work barely. Either AC or DC Side. The stock R/R can not Stand 55 Amps for a longer Time, nor do the Connectors hold up with that Ammount of Current. Only R/R which could stand this would be the newer R/R from Yamaha, made by Shindegen, they come with the MT-01 or the '06 YZF-R1. I mentioned this in the Thread which Squidley opened for Information ...
  13. Hindenburg at Lakehurst 1939, if someone remembers the Pictures ...
  14. Hi George, thanks for the Link. As for the Float Level in the 1Gen Carbs. I've done the Carbs of my Max last Week. On similiar measuring Process like the 2Gen. Procedure, i tested and stipulated the Float Levels at 37 mm. Of course, the Max has different Carbs, but the Casings and everything else is the same on the 1Gen BDST34 Mikuni's. I tested the Valves in a clear Bowl with a Hose on the Fuel intake and blowed Air into the Hose until the Valve did close. Then measured the Distance, adjusted the next Carb and checked the closing of the Float Valve. Worked fine. So, all you need is to download the 2Gen Manual from the Archive here, adjust the Tab of the Floater to 37 mm instead of the 2Gens 28 mm and be done with it.
  15. I'read a Review of this in german Online Magazine. They said you will have all of two Worlds. Wind, Rain, uncomfy Temperatures from the Bike Side and need for a big Parking Lot and not to be able to go between the Lanes from The Car Side ... :rotf::rotf: Maybe it would be Fun tough, but as long as i can stick to my Bikes, i don't consider such an Option.
  16. It isn't ?? Are you sure about that ?? :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  17. Hey, i know about the Population/Size Relation in Australia. No need to remind me about this Situation. Your Dealer is right in his Statement, once a Leak starts, it can go south any Minute. The Seal is defective and so nobody knows... In other Words, that's what i've said before, get yourself a Oehlins, White Power, Progressive or any other good Aftermarket Product and be done with it forever. You can go riding and love to new and of Course better Suspension of your Bike. Only negative miight be, you wil bang your Head while asking yourself, ahy yu haven't done it Years before. Months after your Complaint to Yamaha you will hopefully get something back and if this Return would be a new Shock, you could sell this one. This Behaviour of the Manufacturers is similiar around the World. A Repair of your defective Unit will not solve this Issue forever. Just my 2Cents ...
  18. Rebuild is a Way to extend the Lifetime of this mssing Unit. It will come back to you later down the Road. Why are you afraid of Yamaha, regardless of the expired Warranty? The Shock should not fail at this Mileage on a Touring Bike. I'd go for a new from Yamaha, after i would have replaced mine with a Aftermarket Replacement. Once they gave me the new Unit back, i'd sell it. That would cut the Cost for the Aftermarket Part and give you a Lot of fearless Miles ahead.
  19. I'm really looking forward to this. Eck, i'm in hurry right now, but as i understand the Function-Page, you have to buy one of those 4 listed Colours and this Presets the 'damping Value'. Maybe i overlooked something. I will have a closer Look tonight when i'm back from the Meeting i have to go to .... my Time would better spent if i fall to Sleep. I Thing, do not even think about buying a Condo in Germany. It's the first Step to loose your Money and be the kicked One by almost anybody surrounding you in these Matters .... and, as the icing on the Cake, you have to bring in more Money others can spend on their Behalf ...
  20. Hi, this Item is not bad Idea, but if you look in to how it works, i see in the Chart which relates applied Brake Pressure and Output Pressure that this Product actually reduces the absolute Power which can be applied on the Output. Well, regarding having a fair overdose of breaking Power like the 2Gens have when riding alone, this does good and helps prevent locking. But, in Case of 2-up riding, maybe also with a Trailer, this Part reduces the maximum Power which can be applied. That could NOT be the Goal.
  21. Well, this just doesn't make it look prettier ... :rotf: just kidding ... This an other Rocket .... Palatina Rocket RS, around 15 Percent lighter, Carbon Fibre, Titanium Exhaust and so .... http://www.r3owners.net/showthread.php?t=2376
  22. Well, the new Engine will surface, i'm in no more Doubts anymore. But in which Bike ? I don't want to speculate about it. But the Fairing in one of these leaked Drawings says something. 1800cc in a Vmax/Venture Engine is very hard to make it happen .... but not impossible ... see the Attachment ....
  23. But on the next Tought, what do you believe would happen if you put a slightly bigger, maybe 1420 cc Vmax-Motor, togehter with EFI and some for middle Rpm Range and Torque setted Cams togehter ?? In a Venture be it either a 1st or 2nd Gen, what you prefer .... That would, no Doubt, dust the Rocket and leave their Rider crying behind ....
  24. Don, i love that Article .. "Where does that put our beloved, if aging, V-Max? Way back in '85, our test bike ran a 10.67 at 128.1 mph, and we've seen similar times over the intervening 20 years. Changes have been limited to a bigger fork, a slightly quieter muffler, better brakes and a succession of paint schemes. In the interests of scientific honesty, we admit that our last V-Max strip session actually put the V-Max a gnat's eyelash slower than the Rocket, with a 11.30 at 119.84 corrected run. The two monsters were essentially equal from zero to 60—the V-Max was a couple tenths faster to 100 mph, and the Rocket fired from 60 to 80 mph about half a second quicker. We know that many standard Maxes have gone quicker and faster. And of course, there's a 20-year stockpile of go-faster parts available for V-Max addicts—which they can afford, since the basic Max sells for almost five grand less than a Rocket." I know about a street Race, were a fairly sophisticated Rocket, with 20 Percent less Weight, unlimited ECU and other Improvements won for 5 or 6 Yards on a 1/8 Miles Run. Against a nearly stock VMax with only a Stage1 Jetset mounted ... If the Vmax Guy would have managed to keep the Wheel on the Ground, the Rocket would have been ashamed. And, reading about the US Price with some 17000.00 USD, i know it would come up that way ....
  25. We were invited to a Friend who lives near Landstuhl with his Family for Work and a original BBQ some Weeks ago. Not that i do not like our Food, in Fact i'm way too fat because of it, but the Taste of an orginal texan Steak is outstanding. So, we got it all, his Vmax and her Garden fixed, big Fun, great Friendship, american Steaks and Chicken Wings, german Bread and Beer and mexican Salsa ..... what a great Combination :D That's what makes Live worth it !! !!
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