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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Well, as already described in the other Thread.... You won't believe that there would be a good Gain in all RpM Ranges and repeating this like a Prayer Wheel doesn't add any Thruth to it .... :rotf: Redneck, i sincerly understand that we talk here about Venture's. Which Year and which Displacement doesn't change anything basic. I discuss my Knowledge and Experience about mostly Vmax Motors, because this is the most powerfull Motor of those V4's. The most tuned and heavily tuned Engine i know in my Playgrounds. And i know what it takes to find some, or a Lot of Horses in these Motors. Of Course, we talk heavy Touring Bikes here and not Crotch Rockets, but that doesn't change anything. Most of the Vmax Guys also seek Low- and Midrange Power, because even here in Germany it is very expensive to gather a Speeding Ticket and you know what, it ain't no Fun crusing the Autobahn at Speeds around 150 mph on a naked!!! Bike. And stock Frame and Suspension is just not made for twisty Backroads at 110 mph or more ... Not to mention that most of the Riders do not have the Abilities for such Conditions nor the Guts to do so. Or enough self-Contempt. Me myself included. What is needed, is a LOT of Torque at Redlight and full Power up to 90 or 110 mph. Everthing beyond this mostly for ducked Meter-Lickers behind full Fairings. And this is exactly what i'm talking about ... V4 Power ... any Frame, any Year. I'm finished at this Point
  2. Hi Eddy, good to hear that ayour Bike is fixed. I hope this is the last Time in Shop with this Issue. As for Weight and/or Trailering ... There are so much People out there which do what is not recommended and their rear Ends are not going bad. Why should it happen on your Bike ?? And why that often ?? No, there is something other wrong with your Bike. I don't know what causes the Failures, but i sincerly don't think Weight is or trailering would be the Culprit. In Addition, this Pumpkin is used in many other Yamaha Bikes, even with a Lot more Power and mostly a taller Gear Ratio, but the Failure Rate overall is very minor. At Least as far as i hear from other Riders and Models in Europe and US.
  3. The Vacuum in the Manifold will not change much from 2.5 k RpM on to red Line, because the restricted Intake takes it already down. The Airbox and their Design restricts the Engine from a early Point on. What do you think on a 2Gen limits the Power vs 1Gens and Maxxes? It's all on the Intake, Airbox, too small Carbs and Cams. Why are there some People who report that additional Boring's in the Airbox lower the Consumption with virtually no Loss in Power or Throttle response. Well, i doubt that in Throttle Response and would not do that for other Reasons also, but its there and i believe the lower Consumption. btw, just to remember, Lynn has mounted Vmax Cams and they lift the Valves higher and at a more aggressive Cam Timing. On a Vmax, you can expect a Gain of 15-20 SAE hp if you only mount a Set of 39mm FCR Carbs(35mm stcok Carbs). It's all about getting more Mixture in. These Engines can handle it. All of them. See, a 1000cc Engine from a Thundercat has 38mm Carbs, the earlier YZF-R1 have also 38mm Carbs. Even the earlier 600cc R6 has the same Carbs. Thereby these Engines have a inherent Lack of Torque on lower End, therefore the Designers invented EXUP-System to gain more Torque on the low and mid Range. But they do not have any Restrictions on Top End. You remember the first RAM-Air Inducts?? Why is it that everbody wants more Air in the System ? These Bike gain 10 to 15 hp when RAM-Air is active.
  4. So, in other Words you say .... thinner Air (regarding less Oxygen) lifts the Sliders not as much as thicker Air ??
  5. Well, i'm not Pegscraper, but i can explain that also. V-Boost is a System, which Yamaha invented when they took the Venture Engine and developed the Vmax Engine out of it. It is a Set of two Butterfly-Valves which connect 1st and 2nd Cylinder and 3rd and 4th Cylinder. The Valves are controlled by a Electronic Box and a small electrical Motor. Starting at 5750 RpM the Valves open continuing until RpM reaches 8k and full open V-Boost. The Valves are same Size as the Throttle Plates, 35 mm. This Way, each Cylinder sucks Mixture from both Carbs the front and rear Carb. Which feeds each Cylinder with 35mm from his own and, my guess some 32 mm Amount of Mixture from the corresponding Carb. On my Max, i have a (non Stock) control Switch. When i had it on a Dyno, it pulled 80 kw on the rear Wheel without V-Boost and 88 kw with V-Boost on. Lynn has modified his Bike and mounted the Unit. He controls these V-Boost manually instead of the Electronics.
  6. I agree from my deepest Heart. Only bigger Displacement is less than the half Way. But, there is allways a but, isn't it ? Dark Knight's Mech is not wrong in his Opinion. With the bigger Bore alone, the Engine is going to have a fair Ammount of Gain in Low- and Midrange. The upper End will not suffer a Lot, me thinks. (BUT ...) It wouldn't surprise me, if there would be another Winter and some other Upgrades.
  7. Hey, they don't leak .... They just tag their stomping Grounds .... :rotf::rotf:
  8. Lynn, i was at EGLI, world famous Tuner from late '70 and '80 in Bettwil, Swiss. btw the only official Vmax Importer for Switzerland. Yammi itself doesn't bring it in Country ... :D I talked to the Tech which does the Work and he said, they do not touch the 35mm Carbs except for 2 Numbers(157,5) bigger Mainjets with 1500cc Engine. He acknowledges on the Limitations regarding the small Carbs, but he said, most People want only low End ond Midrange Profits, so they let it go this Way. There where only 39mm or 41mm FCR on the Market for Years, very expensive and not so troublefree Upgrade. Stage7 i not allowed in Swiss and can not pass Inspection. But overall, i agree with you. The 32mm Carbs are too small for proper feeding, regardless 1300cc or 1500cc. On the other Hand, you know ... Nothing beats cui, except ........ more cui .... :D
  9. http://www.pcwracing.net/
  10. Just copy the complete Links to a Word Document via Copy and Paste, Word will acknowledge the Links and you can save the File.
  11. Sorry, but there isn't a Way to compensate the lower Oxygen on higher Altitudes with CV-Carbs. The Amount of Air is controlled, yes, but since there is less Oxygen in the Air in higher Levels, the Power suffers, because the Air/Fuel Ratio goes into more rich Condition. The Bikes my run good in higher Altitude, but this just shows that there is a too lean Condition on lower Altitude.
  12. I think there was some Energy left, but only some, the Control Lights did not light up when he turned the Key. We pushed it for about 60 Meters and it a bit downwards on the Street Angle.
  13. Wrong ... a Friends Vmax was a 1500 with EFI, used for R&D Purpose, he has some Issues with his Alarm System, we had to push start it several Times until we got this damned chinese Alarm Thing straightend out. There was no Light coming on when he turned the Key. But when pushed the Bike, it started immediately.
  14. Lynn..... Respectfully, i have to disagree with you. You're still a good guy, but I disagree. I grew up in the early 70's and have owned a dozen (literally) of carbureted vehicles of every size, model, make, and type imaginable. I also have turned wrenches ever since I was old enough to hold one. Basically done everything. Engine overhauls to electrical troubleshooting to carb overhaul/repair. And it is my opinion that EFI is the 2nd best thing to happen to vehicle design in my lifetime....the best being electronic ignition. Since I started buying cars/trucks equipped with EFI, I have never experience one single glitch. Those who say it is more expensive to fix EFI than to maintain a carbed engine say that only because they don't know how to fix an EFI system. Over the lifespan of a vehicle, I maintain that EFI is cheaper......it gives better fuel mileage than a comparable carbureted engine, it requires less maintenance, etc. You say that injectors plug easily....not so in my own experience. All it takes is a simple routine maintenance program of changing filters as specified and using decent fuel. Cleaning an Injector is much easier IMO than pulling apart a carb to clean out a plugged passageway. Just my opinions....yours are valued also. (It's just that yours are WRONG!) :rotf::rotf: FreezyRider, sorry to steal most of your Quote, but i just don't see why i should type the same Statement in other Words. As i'm currently in the Process of building my own EFI these Days, i can sincerly assure you, that a EFI is way easier to maintain and if a Problem occures, it's also easier to fix. Thats with today Computers and today Technology. Not to forget, that i expect a 10 hp Gain and 8 Percent less Consuption on my Max dued to this Upgrade. And this is, proven more than a dozen Times, no Dream, but the Plain Truth. Biggest Difference versus Carbs is, you need other Tools ... a DMM and a Fuel Pressure measuring Device is all you need to check any basic Functions of the Sensors and the Computer. And, sincerly, the Price the Manufacturers quote for a EFI Bike is pure Capitalsm. If you only look only the mechanic Parts of the EFI System, they can be made for less than a Tenth of the Price of only one Carb. And for not so cheap Parts ... remember the Price of a Diaphragmn ??? Or what Time of Labour you need to correct the Floater Level on a 1Gen Carb Set ?? The 2Gen Carbs are easier to clean and maintain and mostly won't need to be splitted.
  15. I think it has a bigger Piston Diameter. In Line of Yammi's Products, they should be 5/8 Inch which makes it 15,87mm. The 1Gen's have 14mm Piston there. I'm not sure about the Fluid Sensor. Definatly won't fit you 1Gen because the the Handlebar Diameter is 1 Inch on 2Gen's, 1Gen's have 7/8 Inch or 22mm there.
  16. Hi and welcome to the Fun Board. As for the Carbs, i'd say if the Stage1 Kit is properly mounted and adjusted, you have to expect Problems when going back to stock Mufflers. Depending on how much Difference in Flow the Mufflers create, the Stage1 Kit can be readjusted to the stock Mufflers. But, mounting them is no big Deal, i sincerly would recommend testing like Yammer Dan said. If you like the Result ... fine ... if not, depending on the temporary Outcome, go back to the BUB's and silence them or tinker with the Carbs Settings. There are probably Noise Eaters available from them or some Aftermarket Silencers can be utilized. You have to accept, that the Stage1 Kit is designed to make use of Aftermarket Exhaust and better Airflow on the Intake. That's what may bring up Problems when going back to not so open Mufflers. But anyways, give the stock Ones a try !! !!
  17. All Bikes - upright on Centerstand or Lifter on a '83 1Gen, you have to use a Dipstick for correct Fillment all others, fill it until some Oil runs out the Filler Boring and be done
  18. I would have been there from Time to Time, but 9pm EST is 2am here ... This Time is usualy where i am sleeping or doing other non-Internet related Things ....
  19. I totally agree with you. Having a Weapon is one Thing, knowing to use it wisely and along the Law the next Thing, and be able to use it wisely in a dangerous Situation another.
  20. Please look at the Time line of this Thread. He mentioned his seek for Midrange Power after my first Postings. Sorry, it seems you never did ride a beefed up V4-Engine. I did ride several and different Vmaxxes, which led me to my Opinion stated above. These Engines, be it Vmax or Venture, have a LOT of Potential left unused even in stock Setup. My first Ride on a 1500cc/160 hp carburated Max was Kind of Scary, ok i did get used to it and was able to open up the Throttle even on Backroads. That did not help me, when i was in need of test riding a 1500cc/175 hp EFI Max. This Thing was scaring, very scaring. I could not go on full Throttle on normal Roads, although this Bike has a bigger 200/50 R18 rear Tire and a Venture rear End. At 4 k the Rear Tire just looses Grip if you ride through a wet Spot on the Road, not even a Puddle. Later the Day, i could go on full Throttle when i have 800 Meters free and open Road. This Bike painted black Stripes to the Asphalt in third Gear at 6k RpM, shifted into 4th Gear at 8 k and painted another 15 Meter Stripe.... This is at Speeds well above 100 mph ... Your Assumption that the Low end and Midrange will suffer on the listed Modification is just not true. It's a wrong Assumption and i can assure you if you gonna make up your Engine the Way the initial Postings and my Addition suggest, you will wet your Pants when hitting the Throttle, at any RpM and at any State you may. Only Thing i can not guarantee is the Kind of Fluid what will surface... :D
  21. .....Changing the cams to higher lift and longer durations will absolutely not improve performance over the whole rpm range it will improve the top end and decrease the low end performance. You can change the characteristics of any cam profile by changing the cam timing but not a substantial amount. I am not an expert with the venture engine but I have been a mechanic all my life. I have done extensive experimentation with small block chevrolet engines in street rods and my circle track race car. If 1 camshaft would increase performance in all ranges there would not be 1000 different cam profiles for the small block chevrolet. Component matching is the key to getting the best performance in the desired rpm range on any engine. Bigger is not always better. As for vmax cams in a venture engine I do not know for a fact weather they will fit or not I was told they would not fit I would like to know for sure. I have heard of people putting them in the 1200 first gens but not in the 1300 second gens. I wrote, that if you make up an Engine, this seriously does not take only changing the Cams. If there is bigger Displacement and more Airflow, then the Cams need to changed to improve and adjust the Motor for best Function and Goals to achieve. Well, last Time i looked, this 350cui small Block Engines have had just one Cam ... so there's the need to have thousands of different Cams... As you may know, the Venture has four of them, two Intake, two Exhaust. If you vary the Overlap, which means the Point where the EX Cam is opening the Valves and the IN-Cam is also opening their Valves, just can use the pumping Effect for setting the Motor on best Low- and Mid range Performance or best Top End Power. Of course, since there is no variable Valve Timing System, this means, aiding one Side means suffering the other End. Therefore, stock Cams are always a Compromise for best overall Performance and just bored to a somehow fixed Point in the Range of the cheap and easy setting while mounting on Production. If you mill these Holes up to slotted Holes, you can turn them to some other Point and another Overlap. You're right on 'bigger is not always better', but these Engines have a Lot hidden Power inside. A Friend of mine is building Motors and EFI's. He's a V4 Specialist. I know what he has done in the Past, and he has done a Lot of crazy Things nobody normal would do. He did saw a Vmax Crankshaft where the Con Rods connect and welded the Pieces back together, 1.5 mm wider than stock. This elevated the Stroke of the Engine 3 Millimeters. After balancing the Crankshaft, the Motor gained 35 hp and ran fine for some 3000 Miles, it did break on the Dyno while putting out 240 hp. But he know this would happen some Time, he just wanted to know how long this would last. As he had already a Steel Crankshaft on the Way, it wasn't a big Loss. He used this Motor on a Vmax Street Bike with a Lot of Road testing the EFI and occasionally some Drag Racing.
  22. Respectfully, this is BS ... The Cams fit, Pegscraper rides them. They have a higher Lobe and therefore more Mixture will be delivered in the Combustion Chamber. If you make up a Engine it will gain over the complete RpM Range. With the setting of the Overlap between Intake and Ex- Cams, you can design what you prefer, either Torque or top End Power. Of Course, in a specific Range and the Cams have to be milled on the Borings, so they can be turned it the Position you want them to be. A Guy who wants his Engines bored, will know that by himself or the Guy whose doing the Job will know that.
  23. Well, the List in your first Posting doesn't imply that you're just seeking SOME Horses .... :rotf: your List said me .... somehow 140 to 150 hp ... With a good tuned Motor and my Suggestions 170 hp. Of Course, these Horse are on the Clutch.
  24. This Gun reminded more on the 'Lawgiver' from Judge Dredd ... :rotf::rotf: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawgiver
  25. I do not understand why you do not understand ... The 2Gen is not so nice in my Eyes, but i sincerly understand when somebody wants his 'Big Ass Touring Bike' beefed up to a Point where the Sportsbikes shrink in the left Mirror ...
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