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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. I second that. The Voltages seem to be a little high for a fine System. The Regulator/Rectifier seems to be the Culprit. If one Diode is not OK, the Voltages you read go up, because you are getting some AC Current mixed into the DC Output of the R/R. This will definately fry the Battery very soon.
  2. I agree with you, but i would like to add, once you felt the same on a Max, you can't get your Mouth stop drippin ... The Maxxes VBoost-System fits bolt on on the 1Gen's and surely give you a second Stage With the slightly bigger Carbs and the Vmax Cams, it's getting more and more Powerful :D :D
  3. Hi, blown Head Gasket seems to be to closest Guess. Not very common, but it happens sometimes. I think, you can lift the Heads without dismounting the Motor. Not easy and not in a Minute, but it can be done. The rear Head is easier to access than the front. But if you plan to convert to Vmax Cams anyway, you better take the Engine out. Also, solid Motor Mounts would be a good Idea during this Process.
  4. No Toys for me, yet. It's a quarter to 5 right now, i have to wait at least another 3 Hours ... :080402gudl_prv: Thanks for your Wishes, i really appreciate them, as i know, we all gain Power of the Thoughts and Blessings other give us. P.S. I agree on the mint 1Gen, but i prefer the later Models for various Reasons :D :D
  5. Hey, i sincerly doubt, that what you will get with a 2008 Shock is different to a 2007 or 2006 Unit. Why should they change anything on the maufacturing of the Shock ? Like i said before, get yourself a aftermarket Shock and be happy for the Rest of Life, or possibly go through all this in 2 Years again. A Aftermarket Unit can be repaired, because it will be dismountable, a stock Unit won't be, 2008 or earlier.
  6. Hey Sailor, not that i want to spoil that ... but you'd better hurry up a Bit. We here over the Pond fest Christmas on the 24th December in first Place. Not as you in US on 25th. Even if it is a Workday and the Shops are open until 16,00. Traditionally, we have only a small Meal tonight, like Sausage with Potato Salad for instance, we sing some Songs under the Christmas Tree, open the Gifts, mainly because the Kids can't await that Part, and the we go out to the Christmas Mess at 22.00. 25th and 26h are Holidays which we spend normally within the Family with a Lot of wonderful and delicious Meals, 4 Courses for instance. Anyway, i'm sure youre Buyer will be happy. Have a wonderful and peacefull Christmas, y'all.
  7. Thanks for your Wishes Here are the Pics which contributed the Contest http://www.nord-maenner.de/calender08/bilderdiashow/index.html and here is a pdf-File from the 2007 Calender http://www.nord-maenner.de/download/vmaxkalender2008.pdf
  8. Thanks and happy Christmas to you and your Family
  9. Hey Folks, i want you to have a Look at a Calender three of my Friends made for Fun, Pleasure and a good Cause ... The main Pictures of the Calender holds the 12 Winners of the Voting. There where send in 48 Pics to contribute the Election, every Bike has its Share in the smaller Pics, which surround the monthly main Pic. I was Counselor in the voting and counting Process. The Rules have been - street legal and ridden Bikes, no Persons or Advertise on the Pics. Ok, one chosen Pic did not meet this Requirement, but who cares on this one ? The Calender is made by Professionals, printed on very fine and glossy Paper. Every Pic was processed and redone with new Backgrounds and some Gimmicks where photoshopped into it. Hermann has done a very impressive Job on this. The Over plus of the Earnings plus the Donations go completely in a Project, which is raising Funds on Dolphin-Therapies for disabled Kids. Here is the Link to the Website http://www.nord-maenner.de/calender08/graphik.html and here is the Link to the Ebay Auction my Friend Shakesbier has setted in America http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3ALCA%3ADE%3A11&viewitem=&item=330198578298 So, if you seek for a limited(500 Calenders where made) and unique Gift for a bike enthusiastic Friend, a Relative or yourselves, consider this Calender as an Option. Don, please if you think, this does not belong on this Site, please dump it without further Notice. Squeeze
  10. Well, i guess, those Firemen did make a Joke after their Exercise of extinguishing the Car on fire. Yes, those are german Firefighters but the URL cartoonland is a Site where you can find funny Things.
  11. I couldn't agree more on a Statements than on Jimbob's Quotes. Thanks for this Statements. I know the Brakes of the early Models are weak, a Friends FJ1100 and several Vmaxxes i rode have had them. WEAK is Understatement in these Matters. I mounted R1 Calipers the Time my 1Gen entered my Shop the first Time. I delinked the Brakes after 1 Month of riding. I mounted a R1 Caliper on the rear and now i find the Braking Power adequate to Weight of the Bike, my and my Wife's Weight and my Goals when riding the 1Gen. All Lines have been replaced with new steel braided Lines. Not more than adequate. On my Max i have 320 mm Steel casted Discs with 8-Pot Calipers on left and right. Just enough Braking Power to meet my Goals and Attitude on this Bike. The two or three Times i take my Honda out, i'm alerted of their weak Brakes and this Thing is dangerous compared to my other Bikes. One can never have more than enough Braking Power from a contemporary Point of View.
  12. Scotty ... i was soooooooo happy for, just then i realized that your talking about a Cat ... you know what i thought you got as a new Cat ?? http://cmms.cat.com/cmms/servlet/cat.dcs.cmms.servlet.DynamicImageServlet?imageid=C200448&imageType=2 This is a new Cat !!!! The others .... hmmm my Wife is allergic ... no four legged Cats in our House :no-no-no:
  13. measured at the specific Measuring Point on lower right front of the Motor. Redneck's list shows the Problem. The Gauge you need has a fairly wide Range, and will show next to nothing on it when the Motor is running. If you try to use a Gauge with smaller Range, it will be blown after the first cold Start. The Engine is not designed as an low Pressure/high Volume Oil system but the Problem is, those higher pressurized Lines are all inside the Motor with no Way to reach one of the higher pressurized Spots.
  14. Well, this is next to nothing. Did you try to start the Beast after the Tests ? What where the Voltage Readings ? Did it fire up ?
  15. Hi, dismount the Carb-Set, split the Set in two halves, undo the Fuel Hoses and open the four Bolts on each Carb-Bowl. Take the Floater out and carefully pull out the Floater Valve. As you have the whole Set apart, i recommend a complete cleaning Job on each Carb. For a complete tear down, you open the slotted Screw also and take the Jet Block and the Emulsion Tube out to the other Side. Undo the rubber Plugs on the Bottom of the Jet Block and clean them also. To finish the Dismount, you need to undo the Diaphragm Bowl, the Idle Mixture Screw, the Pilot Air Jet #2 behind the Diaphragm and the Pilot Air Jet #1 in the Throat of the Carb. Best Way would be to place all Parts in a ultrasonic Cleaner. Second best is soak all in Carb Cleaner and blow all Funnels and Air Ducts out with compressed Air.
  16. Nice Piece Don, how long does the Battery hold up ?
  17. Sorry Kit, this is a german Wholesale ... no english available No, this Lift is not Bike specific. The Platform carries 500kg, the lifter Arms 350 kg. You can move the Bike while completly lifted in the Air from one End of the Platform to the other End. Remote Electrical Hydraulics and so on ... The Price ... well, ten Times more than a standard Platform Lift .... :confused24::sick:
  18. talking about such a Lift ??? http://www.motomike.eu/mike/category/20217080000/article/149425
  19. ahh .. i forgot to mention ... i turned the Stopper around and drilled new Holes to gahter two Inches more Lenght on the Lift. This Way, the Main Stand doesn't rest on the removable Sheet for the rear Tire
  20. I have the same Lift as Beer 30 has. Similiar to the Harbour Freight, but only manual Lifting. I've got a '97 GMC Sierra 4x4 Pickup with standard Wheel and Tires. There is enough Room to park the Truck over the Lift. I think the Tahoe isn't much different. You should check the Clearance of the front Stopper on the Lift while carefully driving over the Lift.
  21. Hi, that's outrageous. Anyone who laughs at disabled People should be send to Jail for at least 3 Months. Just to make them think about it. And the Fact that those Disabled were Soldiers who have lost their Limbs in Line of Duty doesn't make it easier. If i would be in Charge, i'd say " Over the Plank with them "
  22. Hi, you can just purchase a Unit and mount it with out the Speedo Pickup. If you like it, you can have the Holes machined out later. If not, you just can resell it. If you look at a used Part, you can use also one from a FJR 1300. These have no Hole for the Shock Bolt, so no Hole to cover if you keep it.
  23. Hi, this Beast is a supercharged Vmax. As the Way the Pulleys are dimensioned, i think it runs on something between 0.6 bar/8.7 psi and 0.9 bar/13 psi. This makes it in a Range from 180 to 220 hp on the Crank. This Bikes seems to have Rear sets, most common on such Beasts, because with standard Pegs, it would simply blow you off the Seat. When using Rear sets, there is no Danger to get in Contact with the running Belt. Anyways, i would not ride it this Way, a open Belt is always a Danger. I nice Carbon fibre Part would secure it for me.
  24. Just make sure with Spybot that resident in "Browser is active" and Teatimer is set on active. And add JavaBlaster to your System.
  25. Me thinks that the '83 Cover would fit on a '86. I'm not 100 Percent sure, but more than 98 Percent.
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