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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Hey, Congrats on finding your Father after so many Years !! On a Sideote, this is a perfect Example what this Site is about, extended Family, even better than that, true Friends ... "Strangers" that go out of their Way and bend over backwards to help you out are a rare Breed nowadays, but the best aggregation of this Kind is right here!!
  2. I too am still here :whistling::whistling: :big-grin-emoticon:
  3. I agree with the others, get the Bike out of that Dealer immediately. :255: IF the Shift Shaft Seal is leaking, you can replace it from outside of the Casing. If you want to do it right, you have to undo the Clutch Hub and pull the Shift Shaft first. This takes some Time and you'll need a Clutch Hub Holder Tool. You most likely can expect some hassle because you probably need to undo the Clutch Slave Cylinder. But other than this, no big Deal and cheap too. But it's very rare that Seal is leaking, even after YEARS in Service. I'd suspect other Area first.
  4. Depending on how long your Mufflers gonny be, it could be bad or even worse ... What you're creating is a high Power, less Torque Setup. You need at least a Pipe which connects both rear Outlets togehter. All of this needs to be tuned in Pipe Diameter, Length and not to forget Material Matters. With the Basics you mentioned, expect around 8 to 10 Percent Power Loss in Midrange and around 12 to 15 Percent less Torque in low and Mid RpM. If it's a good System you'll probably gain 4 to 6 Percent Power on the upper End. But this is with screaming loud Mufflers. When you plan on using stock Mufflers, you'll gain not much on the upper End at all.
  5. Yes, that's the right Amount of Rstriction. If you got to the Point where they don't move much, the Stick-Slip of the Needle Bearings will start to interfere with the Readings. The bouncing actually helps keeping them move and even out the Reading.
  6. Well, looks like i'll refrain from any further commenting on KBOP Errors ... :crackup:
  7. Well KBOP-Error, that might be the Case sometimes ... :rotf::bluesbrother: but not in this Case. Honestly, stop wasting Time with IE8, they just put up IE9 for download, but it doesn't even work with XP ....
  8. Maybe so, honestly, i don't know what KBOP is ... I tried it for 10 Minutes, with lowered Security Settings for the IoMega IP(local) and anything else i could think of by the Time, after that, i refused to invest another Minute of my Life and to live with the "Error". Since this happened on the 2008R2 Server, which is a Server and not used for Internet browsing, i just use my Desktop WIN7-64bit with FF for configuring and checking the Drive ....
  9. OHHHHHHHH .............. Me thinks, there is TOO MUCH INFORMATION already !!!!! I really don't want to know what kinda help you would have looked for .... :doh: :crackup:
  10. Ah Rick, come on, IE8 ?? Really ?? Ouch ...... :bluesbrother: You REALLY should know better than that !! !! I immediately put this posBrowser on the Backseat when it wouldn't allow me to enter the Settings/Diagnostics Page on my IoMega NasDrive in my LAN, because of a missing or wrong Certificate. I couldn't get past the Security Measures .... But they already bring on the next Level, IE9 seems to be on the Door Step ...
  11. Well, then, it's probably a wet Coast Thing .... :think: I'm sorry fer ya Rick :crying: You really miss something :bluesbrother:
  12. Firefox over here ... works like Charm you can either use the Slider or use the small up Arrow on the right side of the "Rolodex" ... Or, maybe it's a WI Thing ??? :crackup:
  13. I'm glad and happy to hear such great News. :thumbsup2::thumbsup2::fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  14. http://www.cheeseandburger.com/
  15. works over here
  16. A Friend of mine is workingas a higher-up in Supply Chain Management for the Kion Group (Fork Lifts and such) here in Germany. He told me yesterday, the World Economics will take a huge hit sooner or later. That's because, for instance, the World Market is already really short in mid and big sized Capacitors and when you deeper into that, it comes out that the Foil which is needed for those is in Shortage. Guess what, this Foil is also made in Japan. There are only so much Plants in the World and they couldn't fill the Needs of the World before the Disaster, neither they will after that. Same goes for such banal Things as Plastic Wire Connectors, Atmel Controllers and a number of other Things one wouldn't think of until the Ware House is empty. And they ARE empty already ...
  17. The main problem with Crankcase's building up Pressure is the Design of the lower Portion of the Piston Sleeves. There is almost no Room for creating a Window in which the Pump Action of the Pistons could equaled out. That leads to the very small Window which is there from Factory and this gets sealed when the Pistons are running on high RpM, this builts up Pressure in the Casing. IF ..... The Oil Level is high !!! !!! If you keep your Oil Level at the middle of the Sight Glass or even a tad lower than that, there's only minimum Pressure Builtup and the stock Engine Breather is up to the Job, even at extended full Throttle Runs. That's why a Lot of Vmax Folks mount a Oil Pan Extension, it allows to keep the Oil Level lower with actually more Oil in the System and having no Piston Pump Effect Loss gives you some 3 to 5 hp extra too ..
  18. I'd like to say it again .... Why spent Money on a bypass or Backup System if the Solution is so easy ... Take two Relays and fire them Coils with the Leads of the Ingnition Switch. Wire their Main Circuits into the Ignintion Switch Harness and be done with a failing Switch forever .... That's about 30 Bucks Investment and no extra "special" Wiring and hiding a Switch required ...
  19. Well, i'm not an Expert on 2Gens, but if it comes to used Parts some Guys here use http://www.pinwallcycle.com/. There have been Reports about not so great Buying Expirience, but that seems to be related to them moving the Business to another Place. If you're looking at new Parts, i found http://www.partshark.com the best Place to shop. But maybe a Member has the Parts lying in the Cabinett....
  20. Condor, that might be the Case. I don't know the exact Rules of How the Sales Tax is handled in US, who has to pay and in what Cases is has to be applied a second or even a third Time on the net Sales Price .... I.e. here, a natural Person buys a Car for 16,806.72 plus VAT at 3193.28 to a grand total with 20,000.00. If you sell the Car back to a Business, they pay you, say 10,000.00, they don't pay VAT because you're a natural Person, not a Business. But if the Business is selling the Car without any Margin, they have to add VAT on their selling Price, marking the Price up to 10,000.00 plus 19% = 1,900.00 = 11,900.00. This can happen a Number of Times and even along a Manufacturing Process until a Product gets to the End User. Business's declare their VAT each 10th of the Month and they can deduct what they paid in VAT for Goods bought from the Amount of VAT they got from their Customers. If they did spend more VAT Money than they received from their Customers, they get the Difference back from the IRS. It's quiete complicated over here, a printed Version of the national VAT Law is much more Paper than our Income Tax Law. btw .. did you know, when each and every printed Paper about Tax Laws in the World is added up to one hundred Percent, the Percentage of german Language used in all this is more than eighty Percent ? Ok, at least german Language is also used in Swiss and in Austria ....
  21. There are 65.4 Euro Cent Fuel Tax on each Liter, equates to 3,36 USD in Fuel Tax per USgal. Here are 19 Percent VAT on the net Price (Fuel Tax plus actual net Cost at the Pump), which makes it 4.645 USD in total Taxes. :think: Yes, you read right, they VAT the Fuel Tax also ...
  22. I don't think it's a good Idea to put any Amount of such Stress to the angled Gear and the Tranny. At 20 Bucks, i'd rather buy the Tool(or built my own as i did) than thinking about a major Repair.
  23. I'm sorry to say, but i can't do much else than keeping my Fingers crossed for y'all
  24. Would it be worth givin' up riding just because you can't operate the Clutch for any Reason ?? My Answer sure would be H3ll NO !!! But i'm different, i sink almost two grand a Year into my Bikes, each Year, and that just for Gimmicks and Safety Chrome, not counted any Expense for Insurance, Maintainance, Tires or Fuel. Look up an OTEC Lock-Clutch for a 1Gen Vmax. Would fit in any V4, but THAT's kind of expensive ....
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