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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. Jack, you started picking on me and expect me to let it go ?? I'm not like that at all. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  2. Thanks for your Comment Dan. Well, chances that will ever meet and have a Beer or three are better than 50 Percent. I still want to visit the U.S. together with my Wife and look at famous Scenery, meet as most of the Members here, at best at a Meeting as Vogel or Kitchener this Year. I want to ride the Dragon, visit J.F. Kennedy Space Center, visit Yosemite Park, see the Sequoias, see a Game of one of my favourite Football Teams, and after the Reunion of IRL and Champ Car Series visit Carburetor Days of Indy 500, Niagara Falls and several a Lot other Things on a huge List. But there are two things which stand in our Way .... Time and Money. Time is the utmost limiting Factor. At today's Exchange Rates the Money-Issue stands back a bit. But i can't leave my Boys and my Company alone for more than 3 Weeks at the State of their current Skills and Knowledge. So, i have to improve them in first Place. You might have noticed, the Places i listed are all over the US, so 3 Weeks would be more a Race than a Vacancy. Next, how to bring early May(Indy500 getup) and NFL together ?
  3. Better to use Makrolon than Plexiglass. It seems to be the same, but it's not. Makrolon is clearer and is more protective against Stones and all Sort of Things come flying. Shaping it is quite easy. Just warm up the Glass with a Heat Gun, lay the Makrolon over the Glass and heat Plastic and Glass. When the Plastic sits down on the Glass, stop the Heat and wait until it has cooled down. But no excessive Heat Attack or Spot heating, keep it slow and easy and your fine. When cooled down, cut the Excess off and glue in on the Glass with 4 small Spots of transparent Silikon.
  4. Squeeze

    Car Tire ??

    I think a wider than stock Tire would be better, because the Rim would force the Thread of the Tire in a bit rounder Position. 155 would be my Width. But you got to look out for Tire Diameter and the Ratio between Width and Height. The bigger the Ratio is, the more of leaning Force goes into the Sidewalls of the Tire. This helps cornering like the the rounder Shape of the Tire. The Tire Diameter is important because it changes the RpM you run at a given Speed. Don't go into larger, because this makes the long Ratio of the 2Gens even longer. Disclaimer... I wouldn't do it, no Matter what and why ... On a Trike or a Sidecar, ok, but not on a Motorcycle
  5. Dan, why do you call me elusive ? I thought i'm pretty much straight forward Kind of Guy, answer any Question to the best of my Knowledge, may they be challenging or as happened lately, i think he should know this by himself. Sometimes i'm on the wrong Path or i do not find the right Words, but that's normal. At least for me. I don't care, better to waste Hours of typing technical Info in foreign Language than let somebody down. On non-technical Issue, i may have a different Mind than most of you, but that's human. For Heaven's sake NO, i wasn't there and i don't intend to do so. Too warm for me. I prefer a bit colder Areas. Visit Iceland again is on the Plans for the next Years. I can't figure the Upside down Situation out on my own, that's why i asked you. You seem pretty much familiar with the Situation in the southern half the Planet, so ... i'm waiting .... :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  6. I AM driving the Truck .... sometimes :rotf::rotf: I happen to own twelve of them. :) :) :) OK, it's more the Bank who owns half of them, i'm just the Possesor. :whistling: :detective:
  7. Well, i'm not the one who brought up this Issue. So, i expect you to give me the Answers !! :rotf: But, you are right, if i would ask them, the Answer sure wouldn't be straight. as a Side note, how do you determine the 'wrong' Side of the Road, if the Road is only 2 Yards wide ?
  8. Now, that brings up new Qustions .... Which Way they did take to get there .... meaning cw or ccw ?? You know, this can get really ugly when this terrible Coriolis Force gets in Contact with the Force we all live under and we have to obey under any Circumstances .... Kamm's Circle
  9. Sorry nope, it could have been me, the Color fits my Bike. But i wasn't out today, just in my Office and in my Shop.
  10. But only in some Countries .... btw what do the Guys on the Bahamas do, along your Therory ???
  11. I'd taken a Look at the old Parts i have lying around. There's no Way modifying the Clutch Housing to fit standard M10 Allen Head Bolt. So PCW take M10 Bolts and turn them down to 13 mm Head Diameter and 8 mm Head Height, bores the M8 Threads in the Flywheel with 8.8 mm and tap them with M10.
  12. he does own the best one .... :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  13. I think you better place a Box somewhere and start filling it with Notes ... get started with Ulysses S. Grant's and Benjamin Franklin's only :) :) I believe, a new Venture will come, only Question is ... When ? If it will fit the Style you prefer, i don't know ...
  14. Start/ System Control/ System/ Properties / Extended / System Performance / Extended / virtual Memory / user defined Size/ set both Values to the same Size (minimum half Value of your installed RAM or same Size if your Hard drive has enough free Space on it). I translated this from my German System, the Extended may vary on a English Language Version. I would suggest to change to no Swap file (Size 0) in first Place, then defrag the Drive without Swap File, restart Computer and set the Values as described above. This lead to an unfragmented Swap file somewhere in the middle of the Drive, but better to have the File in the middle than to have it in Portions all over the Drive.
  15. front Alignment is done by the two Spacers on left and right Side of the Wheel. Steering Head Bearings are beneath the top Yoke. Other than this ... no Adjustment Possiblities given. You can adjust and align the rear Wheel to the front Wheel by moving the rear Swingarm to left or right. But you will need another Bolt for the left Side, because the stock Bolt is a fixed one. Replace this with another Bolt and a Locknut will give you some Room. But i think the Suspension Levers will give almost no Room to move the Swingarm.
  16. On what System ??
  17. Hey thanks for the Link, this is the 'swap File' Size i've meant. On Windows Systems, the File itself is named Pagefile.sys and sits in the Root of the primary active Partition. Since Windows NT 4.0 the Size of the File is managed by System default, which means that the Size changes with the Jobs at Hand, but you can set it to a big fixed size which helps not getting too much Fragmentation on the Hard Drive. First thing i do when installing a new System is to fix this File Size, because Defrag Tool won't move this File Fragments. The earlier you fix this, the more upfront and in Line is this File located on the HD. Now this helps in faster File Transfer. Which leads to a better overall Performance.
  18. Are you refering to the Swap-File Size ? This Notebook has 2GB of RAM and another 1 GB Swapfile. If that's not enough, i don't what might help. Browser is Firefox. IE7 quit on me with an Error, MS does nothing about it ... UH ... MS ... Maybe they are on Viesta ?? I keep my Mouth shut.
  19. You may be right. errrrrrrrrr, wait a Minute .... as far as i know, those Guys who live in the southern Hemisphere don't ride backwards. But they should, if your Theory is right ...
  20. I've heard Rumors about the Sound is a characteristic V4 Sound. Testriders from a german M/C Magazine have seen them passing by in the italian Alps.
  21. This seems to be reversed than the newer Pumpkins i've seen. If my Memory serves me right, the Tip on which the Spring sits, is 3 or 4 mm in Diameter and some 5 mm long. The Spring has an inner Diameter which is smaller than the Tip. I have had to wiggle it on the Tip. I never gave this a Thought, just put the Spring back on when it came of. I think if the Spring in not on the Tip, this is no big Deal. The Spring shall keep a little forward Pressure on the Shaft,to prevent the Shaft moving back and forth while riding and keep the Splines inside the U-Joint.
  22. I doubt the Virus Theory. Had similiar happening on my brand new and unspoiled VISTA Notebook when opening a Site or a Board with a Lot embedded Videos ... It didn't freeze or lock up, but needed more than 3 Minutes to regain Control. These Videos want to download their starting Point plus some Secinds ahead. So if there are a Lot of Videos, the Bandwith and Speed limits the usage. And maybe the Video Provider limits the outgoing Connections. Guess this is the downside of something quite handy.
  23. If the Mounting Points on the Forks is 100mm Distance they fit Bolt on. Some Folks here have that on their 1Gen. Nice Calipers and work great. I recommend EBC HH Brake Pads One Thing on the Downside, these Calipers normally work with a 14mm Piston in the Mastecylinder. To my Knowledge the 2Gen M/C are 5/8 Inch and have a different Leverage. So in most Cases the Owner finds the Brakes very sensitive with this M/C. I don't know the Piston Size on these floating Calipers M/C, but if they are same Size you may back up the Adjuster Bolt inside the Lever for about 3 to 5 mm and find it either good working or not fine enough. I have had these Calipers on my Max, first with the stock 5/8 M/C and did find it not satisfying(digital braking Excitement even with Adjuster Bolt backed up). I mounted a M/C from a earlier FJR1300 which is designed to fit these Calipers. But the FJR 1300 has 7/8 Inch Handlebars which do not fit ón the 2Gen 1 Inchers.
  24. What James said. Main Switch or Kickstand Switch
  25. Just pull it out and all your Questions will be answered. There is only a smaller Spring coming to light. The Spring sits on the Tip of the Pinion Gear. Normally it won't come loose, but if so, just make sure it's sits there and goes into the Boring in the Shaft when you mount the Pumpkin.
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