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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. My MK2 uses 10 Liters per 100km(28US mpg) when i ride alone or with Buddies and getting on it on twisty Roads. When travelling, it's between 32 and 36, depending on Circumstances. But keep in Mind, i travel around 85 and upwards. One Time in my Life i had a Tour with my Friends on Sports Touring Bikes. I managed a Consumption of 55 mpg. Once i Lifetime.... The Float Level has significant Influence on the Consumption. I guess it's from 5 to 10 Percent of the Consumption, depending on how you empty the Tank. But the most significant Influence has the one and only .... the RIDER !! !! Two of Vmax Buddies ride a Lot together, Autobahn at full Throttle, Twisties and the Alps. We have tuned the Bike from one for Months, but he had always (0.5 Liter/100km) on more Consumption than the other. Both Bike are nearly identical. Since they empty the Tanks riding one behind the other, there was nearly no Difference. But you have to remember, every Time you open the Throttle more than the other, a little Bit more Fuel is sucked in. Even if our Carbs have no Accelerator Pump, there is some sort of Accelerator Pump build in by the CV-Carb System.
  2. Squeeze

    new Vmax

    The currently official Website is http://www.need-6.com A Website and Board is here www.starvmax.com another Site is http://www.v-max.us
  3. Nope, these are taper Roller Bearings
  4. The Spacer should be longer than the inside Lip to Lip Distance. That's because by this Design, they ensure that the inner Races make up one compact Piece. When you look from front to rear of the Bike at the Wheel, there is from left to right, outside Spacer, Bearing Race, Spacer between the Bearings, Bearing Race and Speedo Pickup. The Axle goes through all these Parts and once you tighten the Axle down, all this Stuff is like on Piece of Metal. This assures that only the Balls inside the Bearings and the outer Races of Bearings move when the Wheel is turning. So, what happened when you shortened out the Spacer is, that the Distance between the inner Races and the outer Races of the Bearings is not the same like it should be and the Balls and the inner Races were pressed out of Position by the Torque you applied through the Axle. Then the Wheel locked. This Pressure has left a Lot of Marks on the Balls and the Bearings and they will fail sooner or later. We talk here only about minimal Distances, 1/1000 of an Inch makes a huge Difference. To answer you Question, it doesn't matter if the inner Races move together while balancing the Wheel, because they do not move at when the Wheel is mounted. How do i know all this Stuff ? I'm modifying FJR 1300 Wheels to fit in Vmaxxes and have payed some Price for these Informations. On the rear Wheel, the Design is easier to handle, because there's one Ball Bearing and a Needle Bearing which Race can move to left and right without causing Damage. I know, my Explanation might be hard to understand. Easiest Way to explore the Setup is to sit down and make a Sketch of each Part. If you overdue the Dimensions on the Lips and the Spacer you see what i try to explain. It doesn't matter if the outer Races touch the Lips or not, Priority One is that the inner Races touch the inside Spacer and the Bearings can turn freely. Second Try .... imagine what would happen when you tighten the Axle without any Spacer between the Bearings. The inner Races would move towards another, because you force them into that Movement by through the Axle. Now, if you don't stop to tighten the Axle, the Balls will collapse and the inner Races will fall out into the Hub. That's was happened when you tightened the Wheel down. But dued to the, only, shorter Spacer, the Balls didn't collapse but only locked up the Wheel.
  5. As the Muffinman said, search for Vacuum Leak
  6. Squeeze

    new Vmax

    I think 2009 is a bit optimistic. When i heard about the Venture Focus Group, i was remembering a similiar Event here in Europe. It was about the new Max and it was in 2003. I think they will handle it similiar to the Vmax Update, which would mean no Venture in 2009 and the new Model in 2010. They can rule out some Flaws of the new Motor Design which may have getting in Production before transplanting the Engine into the Venture.
  7. Squeeze

    new Vmax

    No, i'm a bit hesitating about placing an Order. I want a Test Ride first. If it's not like i want to have it, i'm just updating mine. 200 hp on the Wheel would cost me half on the Price of a new Max. I'm already working on the upper Half of the Pile of Cash tough, but you know ...
  8. Squeeze

    new Vmax

    Just heard the Words. Two new Vmaxxes will arrive here at a Dealer in mid of November this Year.
  9. Ah, forget to tell you, if you plan on keeping the Bike for a longer Time, consider both new Bearings as shot ... I know, sad News.
  10. You might need another Set of Bearings or an another Spacer. If you Pinch the inner Races of the Bearings with the Axle they get pinched out of Place and thereby stuck. One Side of the Bearings is set to tight fit into the Rim, the other Side is made to have a somehow looser fit. You might need Force to move both Bearings but it very important that the Spacer is LONGER than the Distance on the inside of both Races. Maybe while mouting the new Bearings you pressed the outside Races too much and thereby the Bearing were stuck. What you can do now is to remove one Bearing, replace the Spacer and remount a new Bearing, carefully watching the Contact between Spacer and inner Race of the Bearing, Don't press it in too deep.
  11. Could please explain where that Screw would be ? I never would have gone through the Odd of multiple dismounting the Carbs while setting the Float Level through the old fashioned Method of bending the Tongue of the Floater. jJbell, please don't tinker around with guessing the Float level. Take the Carbs off, dismount them and give them a intense Cleaning, check the Float Level while sitting the Carb in a old Fish Bowl with some Fuel in until it fits the Specs on all four Carbs. If you set the Float Level too low, you might burn a Hole in a Piston when you go on full Throttle.
  12. How about a liitle bit more Oil. It doesn't affect damping or Rebound, but less Air Chamber means better Damping on the End of the Travel before the Forks bottom out.
  13. Me thinks, one could call this Title and the Content of the Thread a Double Header :stirthepot::stirthepot:
  14. Our local electrical Guru GeorgeS recommends CRC 2-26
  15. If you didn't notice this before, maybe a previous Owner hard wired both Switches to bypass them. These Switches tend to disengage the Cruise Control caused only by a Bump in the Road. This can be annoying. If it worked like it should before, both Switches are stuck.
  16. Brad, just don't do this ST Thing ....
  17. Just move the Switch from left to right a few Times before starting to tear everything apart. Might be a corroded Contact in the Switch, if your on it the next Weeks, clean the Contacts inside the Handlebar Switch. My Bikes does this on the Beginning of riding Season.
  18. Good Job Dan !! I think, the Thickness of the Washer depends on the Material used. If they have the Steel hardened, the smaller Size isn't a Problem.
  19. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20464
  20. Or someone just replaced the Clutch Cover Left front is a YICS Cover ...
  21. Sorry Don, i didn't want start picking on you. But sincerly, the Question really came to Mind instantly. Other than this, i soooooooo envy. :( If i would be on the same Continent, i'd bug y'all with my Presence without any Doubt and Hesitation.
  22. Hey Peggy, i'm really sorry, but this brings up a Question ? How come, that you can't bring a Pie, because of limited Space Reasons and on the other Hand you want to bring your Scuba Gear for checking the Oil Level on Don's Lawn Mower ? :D
  23. I'm suspect on this Bike. They say it a 1300cc, but the Year says 1984(1200cc). The VIN appears as a 1984 Number with upcoming 2nd Gear Issue in Question. Other than this, it looks!!! fine. Oh and Motor running but no Advance, is definitely not a Clutch Master or Slave Problem. Maybe they didn't try to shift into a Gear ? Cheapest Malfunction might be the Star Washer is done or the Clutch Plates are completely gone. Might be ...
  24. Squeeze

    Jumps ...

    Hey, there's no stealing. It's all about Fun and i always loved Gravedigger also. What a shame, he messed that up on the End of the Video.
  25. Squeeze

    What if ?

    oh no Brad, this Bike has a real bad built-in Head Shaker riding two up and with the Bags filled with Stuff when going over 70 mph.
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