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About pa-thunder

  • Birthday 12/20/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    bob miller


  • Location
    garrett, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    05 RS Venture
  1. I'm going on this ride also. I live at the start of it.So if anyone want to see anything around Somerset let me know.Maybe we could also hook up and i will show u around!
  2. Had mine replaced monday.Today i went for pt.Knee feels better now than before surgery.Only problem i cant straigten out all the way and it gets stiff fast.Pt said motion will come back when swelling goes down.Walking around house with walker for balanice cane outside walked 1mile today before pt.
  3. I'm getting my rt knee replaced apr 25. Doc told me no riding for 8 weeks I hope he is right.
  4. I was there also yesterday RT51 and 9
  5. Welcome to my riding area.I live about 10 miles from there.If you need anything let me know.
  6. Paul i'll be there for light prade thursday.Friday night also
  7. Mine does the same thing in cold weather
  8. I'm glad we are sharing snow with you.We have 4ft. on the ground we don't need any more!
  9. Dragonrider is that Tellico plains Tn if so what eta . Might meet up there.
  10. Dragonrider I have a tom tom rider II works fine but hard to see at daytime.I am coming to vogel if you want to see it.
  11. My work just opened up.Count me in ifmore room.
  12. My work just opened up.If you dont mind count me in.
  13. pa-thunder

    my toys

  14. Can`t go on ride but i can show you around somerset.I live 10 miles from there.
  15. Paul seen you go by yesterday in jtown. Look for your bike tonight Bob
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