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Everything posted by Barry1951

  1. Patti and I are planning a trip from Diana Tx (home) to just outside Philadelphia, Pa and then onto Chicopee Mass. We are looking for places to see on the way. Mapquest has us going thru Memphis, Nashville and up that way. any other suggestions?? We will be on the 06 RSTD, pulling our little cargo trlr.
  2. Well, , as I said in an earlier post, , I ordered the bars from Powersport Junkies, , , got the email confirmation of the order, , , ,, then this afternoon, , got an email from them that teh bars were no longer available and no idea if or when they would be. I got on the net and checked everyone I coulf find that might have a set, , ,no luck, , , , I called Flanders and was told that they had none in stock but that there was a run scheduled in 3-4 weeks. I tried a few more places with no luck and no advise of where to look. I called Flanders back and bit the bullett and ordered a set from them to be shipped when the run was done, , 34-4 weeks at the best, , ,probably a bit longer. . . OK, , at least I have a set coming, , , , Late this afternoon, the Lady I spoke with CALLED me, , , she had sent one of the employees to check the warehouse to insure that there were none available, , , , Lo and Behold, , , there was ONE, , , 1 set available, , ,she put the in for shipping to me to go out today, , , , ! !! ! ! THANK YOU Flanders for going the extra to get me a set of bars.
  3. Well, I took everyones advise and ordered the Flander's bars today. The link for PowerSport Junkie saved me some money, , the Flanders bars were on sale for $126. with free shipping, , , , , , Now when they get here, I have to decide if I am brave enought o try putting them on myself, , , ,, have "mech'ed" on my other scooters but not much on this one, , , yet, , Probably will, , the instructions on the link look very straight forward and well written and photographed. Thanks all you Guys, , , Old Fat Guy appreciates it. I bought a cargo trailer last week and ordered the hitch from Carbon One and the harness from Steve Kowalcky. They both arrived Thursday and I will install today. I definitely recommend these guys for the service, , , Patti and I are headed up north in June, , will wind up in Pa, just outside of Philly for nephews graduation and then onto Mass to see my daughter and her family. They are Marines stationed at Chicopee Air Base. This will be Patti's first long motorcycle ride,, , I have been up and down the coast several time but always on a Goldwing. If anyone know of good things to stop and do, , , let me know. We are pretty much open on the route.
  4. I have read about a brand of aftermarket bars for the RSTD. Does anyone know the name and where I can get some? Short arms and fat body just not comfortable as Patti and I are planning a trip to Pa. an Mass in June. HELP an old fat boy.
  5. I would like to have one also for my '06RSTD. I am about to locate someone to help me rework the carbs, , , going to be getting ready for a trip to Pa and Ma in June.
  6. I am a firm believer in that little voice. My wife and I usually ride my RSTD to church on Wed nite. I had rode to school that day, about 75 mile round trip, beautiful day. When we went out to leave for church, , , just that little feeling/voice that said "not tonight". . . . . . Bout halfway thru service, , , ,began sweating uncontrollably, , , chest got tight, ,hard to breathe, , , , pain shooting up my neck, , , ,YEP,, , , , was having a heart attack. Luckily, we had some nurses there and a paramedic that took care of me until the ambulance got there, , , lots of prayers, , Cardiologist said it was a blood clot passed thru my heart and lungs but, and he had no idea how or why, it dod not cause a complete blockage and a severe heart attack. Dr. said with my heart history (bad one 9 years ago) It should have been a major event. I listen to those little voices and that little feeling, , , ,
  7. I have a '06 RSTD. I need the cards synced on it as they are not "carbing" right, , , LOL. Is there anyone in the East Texas area that knows how to and would sync them for me. I would be more than happy to pay or buy dinner or trade my first born male child, , , I am in Diana, 15 miles north of Longview, Tx.
  8. What would you take for the seat. I have an 06 RSTD with stock seat/pillion that has been reworked by Butler.
  9. I was working at Bradshaw State Prison, on the Trusty squad. One of the other officers got on the radio and told us of the 1st plane. We found a television and saw the 2nd plane hit. We got word from Commander to bring all prisoners in and went on lockdown for 7 days. The prisoners stayed glued to the televisions, all set on the coverage, not one sports channel on any tv. That was the quietest I have ever heard a prison, , ,no noise. Many of the prisoners requested addresses to send part of their commissary money to help the victims. The worst part of it for me was that, before 1st retirement, I used to work out of an office in Tower 2. I was an Investigator for fed agencies for many years and would work in New York several months a year. A couple of years earlier and I could have been there. I have, purposedly, not looked at names of the victims. I want to know in my mind, that all of the ones I knew got out alive. The part that bothers me more than ANYTHING, , , is that some in our government are now trying to make "nice" with the people that planned and financed all of this and more. When we proved who was in on this, the carpet bombing in VietNAm should have looked like a birthday party. No nation, people, or religious order that had a part in this massacre should be untouched. Just my opinion. Yours may vary, but that's ok too.
  10. Barry1951


    I have had several Taurus guns and have liked all of them. I just bought 357 wheel gun a few months back, 3 in. bbl. Shoots real good and just where you point it. I normally carry an old colt, steel framed Commander in 45. I have been carrying this gun for over 25 years. You always hear everyone shouting about getting one with hi-capacity mags, , ,thats well and good if you are fighting an army or are a really bad shot. I am of the belief that if you know how and where your gun hits, you are better off with 7 than missing with 13. Just my 2 cents, , , , , ,
  11. I need a headlights bezel for an 06 RSTD. If anyone has one , , ,let me know, , or a salvage used that might have one, , , don't want to pay the price for a new one, , if I don't have to. Thanks, Barry
  12. Got to looming at the headlight bezel only read and noticed it was lopsided, apparently previous owner ( real big dog ran him thru a picket fence) Does anyone have or know where I can get one, , , preferably used, ,
  13. Thanks Gentleman, it turned out to be the battery ground just a very little corrosion. scraped, cleaned and running.
  14. OK, Rode into town this morning, TD started and ran like a top, stopped to meet wife for coffee. When I went out to leave, TD started fine, but then died, when I attempted to re-start, nothing, , ,no light, no fire, nothing, , , , Am new to RSTDs, , , , , ,littel help for what I am looking for. I am headed back into town in a little bit and will take tools/meter to check battery for power. Is there a master fuse and if so, where? Any other suggestions of what to look for???? Have never had a monutes problem with this bike so far. Kinda perplexing, , ,
  15. Sister-in-law is not 39, , , , , but she's best in the world, , , Thanks for experienced answers, ,, , , that is what I was leaning to, ,, just don't think the kits would be good idea. If anyone knows of a good trike in the $10k range, let me know. It would break my heart to fly in and ride it back for them, ,
  16. OK, need a little experience picking, , , , ,My older brother, 72 and his wife, , 39 if she reads this, , , are wanting to get back into riding. They are looking at an '88 Goldwing with a Mike Harris trike kit. It is not a true trike, it is like a Voyager kit. I have never rode one or known of anyone who has experience with one. Can someone shed a little light on these things. Good, , , ,Bad, , , , any, , , , Thanks, Barry barry.higginbotham@gmail.com
  17. When I was a motor cop in Houston, had a partner who was rather short, , , ,well ok, , he was real short, and had a BIG ego, , , , He kept everything he had perfect, , ,always polished more than anyone else, more chrome, , ,and thought he was God's gift to women, , ,, He and I were riding on Spencer Highway on afternoon, (I was Lead, riding right motor). A couple of sweet looking young ladies in a convertible Camaro rode up next to us in the inside lane. He was riding, flirting with them, blipping the throttle and just being himself. We came up to a stop light, , , , everyong knows that vehicles drip oil in the road, , , ,I guess he forgot, , LOL, , , as we pulled up to stop, , flirting with the young ladies, , , , He put his left foot down in order to hold the bike up, , , , right in the oil slick ! ! ! ! ! Of course, , ,foot slips, , ,bike leans over on the bars, , he is spread eagle out,, ,motor hitting the red line, , , ,two girls laughing their butt off, , , , He is cussing a red streak, , I am laughing, , , ,I hit the siren and rode thru the light, ,leaving him cussing, , , and the girls laughing, , , ,, , Needless to say, , ,the boy talked real bad to me a few miles down the road, , ,,
  18. Am going to put a set of RK mufflers on my 06 RSTD. I realize it would definitely, probably, maybe, be easier to pull the bags off to replace them. Question is, , ,it is that much easier, , , , , , worth all the trouble pulling and replacing the bags. . . . . ..
  19. All those things that have been posted are right, , , ,before you go anywhere, , , BUY A SPARE TIRE AND WHEEL, , , , ,and you CAN ask me how I know, , ,, get a small jack and a socket wrench that will fit the lugs. I have pulled cargo and camper trailers all over the south and up the east coast several times and have needed the spare 2 times. It is cheap insurance to keep you from having to leave it on the side of the road.
  20. I am new to the RSTD, couple of months on an '06. Love the bike, except the seat and that is going to repaired soon, and the pipes. It has the 4-2-4 Big Nasty's on it and is just too loud for MY taste. I picked up a set of RK mufflers, had 500 miles on them, for $20.00 yesterday. I know I will need a bracket. I have all of hte clamps, just need a bracket. I have a pretty well equipped shop and can build one if I had the dimensions. Can someone give me the length and bolt spacing needed? I know it has a couple of bends that I can work out. Would sure appreciate the help. Barry
  21. Glad he will be OK,, , , sending prayers from Texas for all of you,, , , Barry
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