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Everything posted by Barry1951
OK, Smart Venturers, , , , this old fat boy needs a little brain picking help, , , Yesterday on the way to school, , , my heel/toe shifter felt kinda wrong, , , ,get to school and found that the bold holding the heel/toe shift bar was gone, , ,was able to get home holding my foot against the mounting position, keeping the shifter on the shaft. . . OK, , ,what size bolt is it that holds the shift pedal to the mounting "hinge". :confused24:
My first was a cushman super eagle, , ,I was 10, , , ,no idea how many miles I put on that thing in the 3 towns around my house, , ,It was a 22 mile triangle around the 3. After that started on a Yamaha or Suzuki 90 I think, trail type, , , Rode all sorts, , even my older brother's Indians and harleys, , When I was LEO in Houston, , ,got assigned to motors, , , ,a "Throw me in the briar patch" moment, , I told my Sgt, , , You folks dont know what yuo are doing, , ,paying me to ride when I do it for free, , , Harleys, 1 Kawasaki (rode it about 3 weeks and got rid of it, , ,most uncomfortable I have ever tried to ride), , , , , bought a 1000 Goldwing, and dressed it out as police bike, , vetter fairings, radio, etc, , ,could outrun all except the Kawasaki s. Have had several Goldwings and love them for long distance riding, , , Couple years ago, I bought an 06 RSTD. I love riding it for a few hours but longer and the seat HURTS, Wife and I went to Branson on it, , ,on the way back, Patti leaned up and said "You have to get us a more comfortable bike", , , as I always do as she asks, , , , , I said well, , , ,OK, , , Bought an 05 Midnight Venture, , LOVE IT ! ! ! ! I do miss the old Super Eagle, , ,
We just bought an 05 Midnight Venture and love it. One thing we have found is that it sites bit taller than our 06 RSTD. I have read posts talking about lowering their scooters How would one go about lowering a RSV.
Patti and I were coming back from a morning ride this morning and noticed a bike with strange looking fairing and headlights following about 1/4 mile behind. As we came to a red light, the bike pulled up beside us. It was a new Victory, not sure of the model but it was loaded, fairing, bags, tour box. As the bike passed, the tail lights appeared to follow the rear fender, real close together. Im not real sure but I don't think I would be a fan of this Victory, , ,Just my opinion, , ,too space ship looking for me.
Char, would like to talk to you about the headsets, can you call Me or email me , 903-315-7756 or email barry.higginbotham@gmail.com What brand, etc. by the way, we ride with HJC 3/4 open face.
OK, , , ,, After our trip to Branson on the 06 RSTD, , , ,with a very uncomfortable saddle and pillion seat, , ,Patti told me we needed another motorcycle that was more comfortable, ,, , , , , WELL, , , far be it from me to mention a new custom seat, , , , , We just bought an 05 Midnight Venture, , , , , more comfortable, , , , , Now we find a need for some headsets, , , I have had J&M's and had no problem with them. What else is out there now, , , , We don't want to spend a fortune but want good sound and a good mike. Does anyone a couple of sets they want to get rid of, , , not necessarily J&M. Let me know, , , , and it was soooo hard to keep from smiling when Patti said we need a more comfortable motorcycle, , , , , , ,
Patti and I took a week and rode up to Branson. We had a good time except that there is no flat land in Branson, , , , , , it is all mountains and valleys, , , , , with stop signs at the top. . . Lol We went to several shows, with the Beatles show the best. On the way back, we stopped n Texarkana for a break and some Mexican food.. While we were sitting there, a man and his wife stopped by the table wanting to know if we were riding the white Yamaha and if so, we had left the lights on, , , , , In talking, he asked if I was on Ventureriders, , , and that he was Playboy and that we had talked from the site. Playboy told me about the M&E being planned for Mena. Sounds like a real good time. We will see if we can make it. Good putting a face to a name, Playboy.. Looking forward to the M&E.
I met Willie several years ago thru a friend who was a DJ when Willie was ctisscrossing the country. We spent My some time with him and his folks, pickin & grinning and drinking. One of the truly nice guys.
Patti and I will be headed out around June 14, headed to Philadelphia for a week or so and then on to Chicopee Mass. It looks like we are going to try to stay around Nashville first night, then head on up thru Virginia somewhere the 2nd night and then on into Philly, , , Anyone near that might want to eat or get a glass of tea, , ,
Couple of years ago, I had been to mother-in-laws for Mother's Day, , ,coming home about 9:30 p, , ,stopped at a major intersection, , ,no cars behind me at all, no lights coming up, , ,Sitting waiting for the light when I got nailed from behind, , knocked me out in the middle of the intersection, I'm laying there, half on the Wing and the pavement, , ,I saw a red truck where I USED to be, , , young boy got out of the truck, runs up to me, ,hollers, "Are you alright?", , , , , Hell no, Im not alright, , , , , Kids says, , OK, gets back in the truck and LEAVES ! ! ! ! Luckily, some of the witnesses got numbers and descriptions, , , He was 15, no license, had Daddy's truck without Daddy's knowledge, riding around with 2 of his buddies, , , Totaled my Wing, , ,messed my shoulder up, , , But all's well that ends well, , , , NOT
When I was in high school, a buddy's Dad bought him a Sears ski boat and motor. Jimmy drove an old Opel Cadet, , if you can remember back that far, , , with no trailer hitch, , , Well, , , Jimmy and several of us wanted to go skiing after school one day but noone had a vehicle with a hitch, , , , , Put the tongue of the trailer inside the trunk with one of the other guys in the trunk holding it down in the trunk, , , , ,worked real good until we had to make a stop, , , , nearly pushed Gary thru the back seat, , LOL, , , Well we finally got to the lake and backed the boat in the water, , , , which was a trick, , , After skiing, we decided to leave, , ,Opel Cadet would not pull the boat and trailer out of the water, , gary could not hold it in the trunk, , , ,After blocking the ramp for a while, , ,someone called city police, , , ,they were NOT amused when they fould out how we got the boat to the lake, , , They called Jimmy's Dad to get off work and come to the lake and pull the boat, , , For some reason or other, , , Jimmy's Dad decided we did not want to all go skiing for A WHILE ! ! ! ! He was NOT happy, , , I sometimes wonder how we all ever managed to live long enough to get semi-grown up.
Had been riding east coast, up to visit with daughter and her family at Quantico. Stopped on the way back to camp out side Darlington SC. I woke up the next morning, packed up the QuikKamp and pulled out of the campground at 6:15 or so, , , I decided I wanted to spend that night in my bed, , , little over 1010 or so miles later, I got to my house in Longview at 7:30 that night, , , tank to tank with only a candy bar and a drink at gas stops, , ,kept bottle of water on the handle bar. I was riding a 99 Goldwing pulling a Kwik Kamp. The cruise control on Wings would top out at 82 then, , ,unless you changed a couple of wire and then it was your choice, , , , Me and my XM made a good trip.
First time I ever tried chewing tobacco was when I rode police motors in Houston, , , ,my partner and I were riding a funeral escort, , , riding front motor, , ,he pulled out his bag of Red Man and put a chew in his mouth, , handed me the bag and said try it, , ,pulled out a piece about as big as the end of my little finger and put in in my mouth, , ,it did not take long before it was as big as a softball and had about 1/2 gallon of juice, , , , , Big Dummy swallowed a bit of it trying to talk to Gary, , , , GAGGGGAGGGAGGG, , , ,Gary asked me if i was OK, , ,shook my head no, , he told me to lean over and spit it out, , , , ,I did without noticing that we had slowed considerably and the funeral directors car was right on my tail, , , ,tobacco spit, , slobber, , ,and tobacco, , ,all up the front hood and windshield ,, , not a pretty sight, , , Well we got to the cemetery and rather than stand and salute, , ,I was behind my motor, puking my toenails up, , , , Kinda funny, , , we never got to run an escort for that funeral home any more, , ,hmmmmm:bobby:
Note to self, , , , , When riding with the face shield down, DO NOT GET SO COMFORTABLE YOU FORGET TO RAISE THE SHIELD when you hark up a big one, , , , , , Make a bad mess, , , ,
No problem converting, , , , how
Ok, dummy me and wiring a trailer pigtail are not working. I bought the adapter with the pigtail but cannot get my trailer wiring working. It is my small cargo trailer.. The pigtail adapter I got from one of our members has five (5) wires, my trailer has a 4 prong flat 4 with one prong having 2 wires to the same prong......... I have tried every combination I can think of, , , , , , , , , , , , The trailer is a custom build from a guy in Shreveport that builds them from the rear end of gold wings that have been tricked. I need help!!!!!!!! After wiring this one I have to wire a new plug on my Kwik Kamp. It has a 6 hole round plug on it but only uses 5. My thoughts are to change it to a flat plug like the cargo but am now wondering which would be easier. My onlyroblem with the 6 round I'd where to mount the receptacle on the bike, as big as the plug receiver is. At suggestions?? By the way, I ride an 06 RSTD. HELP!!!!! Barry Higginbotham barry.higginbotham@gmail.com (903) 315-7756:confused24:
I just put a set of Flanders on my 06 RSTD and LOVE THEM!!! The pull back and in are so much better than teh stock bars. Every time I rode for several hours, my right shoulder and back hurt something terrible, like a bad burn inside the shoulder. These new bars have stopped all of that. I love them. I dont know if I would have not sold my scoot if I had to keep the stock bars on there, , it was no fun to ride with them. Now I love 'em.
I just bought my 2nd Kwik Kamp Bel-Aire.. I had my first for 8 years and sold it for 1 1/2 times what I paid for it. I pulled it all over the east coast the my daughter and family were stationed in Quantico..I loved it, I was riding a 1500. Wing then.. I just bought my 2nd Kwik Kamp a few weeks ago. Patti and I will be heading to Pa and Mass in mid July for 3-4 weeks of visiting and fun.. Only thing to remember, as others have said, make sure you load it correctly with right amount of tongue weight and brake sooner.. YOU WILL LOVE MOTORCYCLE CAMPING.
Just got back from having the Flanders bars put on the RATE. I xannot believe the difference in riding comfort the bars made. If anyone wants to make a big difference in their RATE, get a set of FLANDERS BARS, WELL WORTH THE COST. Now to finish up the trailer wiring. Have to change the cargo trailer hookup to 6 pin like the Mail-Lamp we picked up a couple of weeks ago. We got a steal on the camper, like New Kwik-Kamp BelIeve model with 12" wheels, 2 travel covers.. Got it for $700. We are going to enjoy it when we head up to Pa and Mass.
12000 !!!!!!! I think I want to be one of your potential customers and get a trip !! ! !LOL Have fun,
I would like to have a couple of them, I also like the 3rd emblem.
OK, , , The Fat Boy is coming to the well of knowledge to ask for information, , , I bought a set of bag guards for my 06 RSTD, , , ,bought them frpm Calvacade on Ebay. They are supposed to be for an 06 RSTD, , , I tried to put them on today, , , not successful, , , , , I did not get any instruction but the look straightforward. I took the left saddle bag off and put the rail bolt and holder in the crash bars,, took the allen bolt (one above the trailer hitch mount). When I bolted the rear mount in, the front rail would not come close to fitting into the mounting bracket on the crash bar. I pushed and pulled and finally got it to reach but then it rubbed the side of the bag. No way that was correct. Any suggestions? ? ? ? ? ?
Patti and I were making our first kinda long trip after getting the 06 RSTD. We were headed from Longview to Vicksburg to eat some crawfish with about 60 of our closest friends on a run, , , , , We were riding east on I-20, , , fat and grinning like we knew what we were doing, , ,when the TD started losing power, , , , I twisted the throttle couple times, thinking it might have been the cruise, , , , ,losing more power, , ,about to stop, , ,when I looked at the instrument panel and saw I running on fumes from an empty tank. Sure was glad that the TD had a reserve setting on the tank, , , , I make sure that I keep it with a good reserve now, , , ,Patti had already told me she was NOT pushing, , , ,
In MY house, , , I ALWAYS have the last word, , , , , , only problem is it is usually YES DEAR:rotf:
we are planning on 3 weeks or so, , ,all according to how long it takes for family to get tired of us being around, , , , LOL. Naa, , we are going to Patti's nephews graduation just outside of Philadelphia, , spend a few days there and then ride and look as we head to Chicopee. My daughter and family are Marines stationed there. we will spend some time spoiling granddaughters and then ride some more before heading, lazily, back to Texas. This will be a test for Patti, , ,longest she has ever ridden is from home to Vicksburg and back, , , , I have made the east coast trip several times pulling my kwikkamp that dumbass me sold, , , , , One of the things I need my butt kicked for. It will be the longest trip on the RSTD as all the others were on Wings. We are both looking forward to the trip and adventure.