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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Aubrey, TX, United States


  • City
    Aubrey, TX


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Midnight Venture
  1. Praise to Tiffany, and all whom she honors.
  2. Not sure about RSV, my other bike has a a small battery on circuit board that the clock uses when bike is off... wont keep time overnight when it goes bad.
  3. Ive ridden my brother-in-laws 05 a few times. A fine bike and lots of fun, probably the most torque Ive ever felt on a bike. Considored the hardball before buying my Venture, the 2 reasons I didnt was her seat and lack of water cooling. A great ride:)
  4. I think I have read all of this. The one thing I havent seen anyone say, and it seems obvious to me, "wires". They can go bad regardless what the ends and connections look like, and can look like they are fine untill everything heats up. Other components can look good untill hot too... Havent had any problems with mine, the golf cart on the other hand...
  5. Got mine yesterday. They will look great;) Thanks
  6. Wow, what a difference. I can pull both feet straight up on the boards, much more room for riding and turning the bike around without shin beating. Im happy I saw this thread or I would still be searching for a different shifter. People will tell you " Once you get used to the heel/toe you will love it". I disagree, if your in the same boat I was, cut it and enjoy the space:)
  7. Can this be modified to mount in place of cassette player? Now THAT would be very nice...
  8. 2007 RSV, been mine nearly 3 weeks. All the lights worked for a while, I assume the rain might have affected something, about 1.5hrs in the rain, noticed a couple days later no passing lights, so maybe or maybe not related. The lights are good, all the fuses that are shown in the owners manual are good. I have a push button switch just left of the 12v acc. plug in the dash that I think may be for these lights, there is no toggle on the light housing like some Ive read about. I can see 2 red wires that arent in the harness going that direction, but I stopped before taking anything loose on the fairing. What is involved to look at this closer? anyone else have a setup like this?
  9. I upgraded my hacksaw for 24 bucks;)
  10. Whats a toe/toe shifter look like? and where do ya get em?
  11. I had an 86 model 700 for a while just out of High school, a nice ride. Only bad point that I recall was a weight distribution/rake or something a bit goofy like that, while parking at certian steering angles the front wheel was likely to want to roll BACKWARD and that made for a tricky catch or an embarrising tipover
  12. We did eat at the Plantation, the grilled chops were so good I cant wait to try the steak;) Thats an idea for heel shifter, could try taking it off a bit at a time and see. Thanx
  13. The trip was great, see "whats in the bags" last thread. Clocked near 600 miles with the wife on back and plenty of extras. Lots of short runs and stops, great roads and scenes, and one place we gotta see for a full weekend, Medicine Park, OK- was only there long enough to eat and take a short walk but its worthy of a return trip. My wife was much more comfy than I through the entire trip, at points I could not control my own whining:( The bike performed flawlessly. My hipjoints are pinching hard, Im not liking the heel shifter at all, and even with pegs on the engine gaurd I have few choices to vary position- especially on the left side. I find my right foot far back on the board at times, usually in town. my left is rough because I cant just put my foot down, Im 6'3" and that heel shifter, if I get past it, other hard parts get into my calf- so Im kicking out coming to a stop and kicking up to roll out. Im gonna give some more time for the boards, but Im fairly sure the heel shifter is gonna go bye bye. Ive seen zero options for forward controls on 2nd gen RSVs, if anyone has info here please share. It seems there would have to be mods to intake? whatever all that stuff is below air filters... I love the Venture, but I want to make it MINE! Did I mention my wife loves it too:)
  14. I was an HVAC contractor 12 years, untill economy slumped, more mandates, etc... and it got much harder for a one man operation to operate. The price of r22 has near tripled in the last few months and will go higher, production of new r22 will stop completely in September ( except for countries that did not sign ) and only recycled r22 will be available untill eventually, we knuckle under and buy even more stuff from China. I tend to agree with the old patent theory, and I strongly disagree that the EPA mandates were right in any way. How can recent studies prove the detriment of a chemical that wouldnt even reach the upper atmosphere for at least 50 years? Thats kinda like saying oil is bad... Luckily, my RSV wont need a charge for a long time.
  15. All great info, some I wouldnt have thought of. That trunk lid organizer is on my short list now:) Nearing crunch time most of this stuff I have, just need to round it up and organize. No one mentioned their cassette collection...
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