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Everything posted by casiper

  1. Now that I remember, It did back fired like a few times but not every time I had to pull over. The rmp needle did went down and back up several times before forced to pull over. I will check all that has been mentioned. Thank you!
  2. Gentl. This morning the bike had no problem cruising, after I got out of work and started to head home, the bike's rpm neddle started to go down and the bike stalled. After I came to a stop, I got it on nutral and pushed the kill swith, less than 10 seconds later I attempted to start it again and off we go with no problems. a few miles later the same thing. Like I'm loosing electrical power in my opinion. I know for a fact that the battery terminals are tight and I didn't notice anything weird with the battery meter. Any clues where to start troubleshooting? Thank you guys!
  3. casiper

    From the album: My New Beast

  4. I just sent an email to siriusconinc.com regarding a single replacement. Will SD-1 work for a 1983 venture? The website only mention the XVZ1300, instead of my 1200...
  5. Thank you for offering. So as a proactive way of readiness, where could I get just the diaphragm if there's a way to just change that part only?
  6. You are right Brian. I will start a petty cash. Thanks again.
  7. Well, besides the sticky stuff the diaphragm has pealed material near the rim, so I'll get a coat of flexible rubber spray tomorrow at see if I that can save me lots of money. I did also swapped that piston/diaphragm from another carb and it worked...
  8. Thank you guys for the input. I will go over tomorrow morning with the info you gave me. I just learned a great deal about this. Thanks again. I will post tomorrow.
  9. Looking at the carbs from the top, as I was rabing the throttle, one of the carbs with that round gray center thing(sorry I'm new at this) would not slide like the other ones. I uncover the side of that carb cover and all around there was this sticky gunk. I sprayer carb cleaner as much as I could and run the engine again, but nothing changed, so that makes me think that the gunk it's everywhere.
  10. First off, Thank you to the person that sent my a front brake house. Can't remember who did it, but I'm very grateful! If you look at the pic below I put an arrow at the carb that is sticky. I need some kind of guide to get it to run. Anyone has a how to take the carbs out to clean them or any other ideas. Thank you in advance
  11. I will in the future do an upgrade to the fork system, but in the mean time I will replace that hose. If one of you would like to give me a good price I would appreciate it. I can be reach at CASIPER@GMAIL.COM Thank you all.
  12. the front right brake line that links to the fork (see Photo). Does anyone know where to get one? It's for a Venture Royale 1983... Thank you for the help.
  13. Hello Everyone. I just got a Venture 1983 with 30k, but there's a problem. The rear break paddle does not return to it's normal position, it will not reset after presing it down. I took the peddal assambly out and there's nothing wrong there. As you can see in the pic that piston like it's hard to move. Can someone point me in the right direction to solve this issue. THank you in advance.
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